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"Youtooz Figures" are limited time products announced by Dark Deception Twitter account on February 27, 2022. Sale will start on July 15, 2022 firstly with Murder Monkey and Dread Ducky.


Youtooz icon

Youtooz is a Canadian company founded in 2019 that produces figurines, plushies, and other merchandise of all kinds of genres, mostly based around YouTubers and other social media influencers. They also sell figures of other aspects of Internet culture, such as memes, and a few crossovers with established IPs. They currently have over 500 different products made, and over 250,000 products sold.


Name Description Product
Dread Ducky Dread Ducky makes his way out of the sewers and into your home! Don't be fooled by the cute exterior look of this duck, Dread Duckies are masters of blending in and attacking unsuspecting mortals. On top of his head is an orange and white traffic cone. When you look closer, you can see areas of his head are cracked and there are dark green liquids covering him. His beak is a little open, revealing his teeth. The exterior of his double-walled packaging shows a dark and dreary sewer that definitely smells really bad. The interior is a scratching of a red and black background with Dread Ducky's face fading inwards from the darkness.
  • Size: 4.5 inches
  • End: December 15, 2022
Murder Monkey Murder Monkey makes his way out of the hotel and onto your desk! He is dressed in an old-fashioned bell-boy jacket with a red base and yellow detailing which also matches his red and yellow hat. His arms are held out in front of him, but what is coming out of the jacket sleeves are not his hands, but instead are two extremely sharp knives. His facial expression bares a huge smile, showing off his incredibly sharp teeth, with noticeable red stains around his teeth and mouth. The exterior of his double-walled packaging shows a narrow hotel hallway, with little to no light illuminating the path. The interior is a scratching of a red and black background with Murder Monkey's face fading inwards from the darkness.
  • Size: 4.8 inches
  • End: December 15, 2022




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