Dark Deception Wiki
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"Doesn't look like Bierce has your back... huh buddy?"
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Victor is a character mentioned in Bierce's Diaries in Dark Deception. He taught Bierce about practices of black magic and taught her about the ritual that summoned Malak.


Victor's appearance is currently unseen, but Bierce remarked him as "a dark handsome man with a strange accent".


Victor grew up in a place that believed in the practices of black magic. Particularly, he believed in faustian bargains, which involve the permanent exchange of one's soul for fame, riches, or other gifts through ritualistic means. 

Victor eventually joined a party held by Bierce's husband, Edgar, where he met Bierce. After learning his name, Bierce conversed with him over black magic, to which he taught her about exchanging one's soul for what they desire. Despite her disbelief, Bierce began studying his practices over the course of a few months.

Victor eventually taught Bierce a ritual that would summon Malak, as well as the required incantation. Desperate for recognition and power, Bierce went along with the ritual, kidnapping and murdering a young girl as a sacrifice. 

The day after the ritual, Victor disappeared, having emptied out his apartment and left without a trace.


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