Dark Deception Wiki
Lucky Spoiler
"Doesn't look like Bierce has your back... huh buddy?"
This page contains information and spoilers about upcoming features from Dark Deception!
Bierce Stub
"Complete the ring, and you can use Malak's power to fulfill your darkest desires...or so the legend goes."
This page is a stub!(?) You can help the Dark Deception wiki by adding more information to it!
Malak UnofficialTitle
"I've told you not to call me that. You know I hate it!"
This page contains an unofficial/undisclosed title, which will be changed in future.
Every journey has an end.

– Post Quote

This monster is one of the many enemies in Dark Deception. He will make his first appearance in Chapter 5. The level he will appear in is currently unknown.


While most of his appearance is unknown as all but his head is obscured in darkness, but he does seem to be relatively humanoid in terms of appearance. With that in mind, he seems to be wearing a wooden mask with several wavey wrinkles carvings or cracks. He also has two dark lifeless eyes and a wide open mouth with human like teeth. If his teaser image is brightened up, then he also appears to have a hood surrounding his head.






  • In the 21st Q&A, Vince revealed he is not from Holiday Horror though he is in Chapter 5.
    • Vince also referred to the monster as a "he" and "him", meaning that this monster is also male.
  • He has Less Details or Information than the other monsters
  • He may be an enemy in Fear Fortress, or an enemy in Wicked Ways.


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