Ultimate Abilities are a player feature in Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals, serving as perks unique to each monster and mortal. These abilities charge passively throughout the match (about two minutes to fully charge without boosts), and can be accelerated by 30 seconds by the U-Fuel item. Other players can also drain the ability charge meter with the Ultimate Drain item.
For mortals, their abilities focus primarily on support, utility and defense. For monsters, their abilities focus strictly on offense.
Mortal Abilities[]
Helping Hand[]
Helping Hand serves as Bierce's ability. When activated, Bierce will heal up 100% over 10 seconds restoring all of her health as well as healing 25% of the other players' missing health except, other support mortals.
Escape Plan[]
Escape Plan serves as Doug Houser's ability. When activated, Doug Houser will open a portal that will teleport him to a random location on the map. It can also be used to instantly escape if the portal is opened in Maze Escape. As the name suggests, this ability should only be used while being pursued by enemies and cannot fight back or flee.
Freeze Flash[]
Freeze Flash serves as Detective Evans's ability. When activated, Detective Evans will shine his flashlight in front of him for a brief second, stunning enemies hit by the beam for 5 seconds. Freeze Flash stuns enemies the longest out of all items and abilities.
You'll See![]
You'll See! serves as Glowstick Vince's ability. When activated, Glowstick Vince will start to glow green which will make him receive half damage and sends it back to monsters. It is also very useful against bosses, traps, clones, and even Phantom Malak as he will take 0 damage from them and if applicable will send their damage back to the player that summoned them. This ability is effective when it comes to power class monsters, ultimate abilities that deal damage, traps, and bosses.
Shard Hack[]
Shard Hack serves as Nikson's ability. When activated, Nikson will hack the game so he can collect soul shards within a 20 meter radius of himself that is found on the map. He will collect more shards depending on how many shards are close to him at the moment it is used. Being able to get a max of 30 soul shards.
Shooting Star[]
Shooting Star serves as PenPen's ability. When activated, PenPen will power up electric energy and can move faster for 15 seconds. This ability can also be used to pursue and stun monsters or be used as an escape tool.
Cool Down[]
Cool Down serves as Prisoner Borisov's ability. When activated, Prisoner Borisov will bring out an extinguisher and spray at anyone in front of him, causing them to freeze and move very slow for 10 seconds. Resulting in an easy kill or a means of escape.
Seal of Metatron[]
Seal of Metatron serves as Heather Mason's ability. The Seal of Metatron talisman boosts everyone’s defense. Enemy attacks do 50% less damage for 10 seconds. Everyone’s movement speed is also buffed by 15%.
Incapacitate serves as Cybil Bennett's ability. Cybil fires a special shot that instantly does 10% HP damage and zeros out the enemy’s ultimate ability meter. It also prevents the meter from recharging for 15 seconds as well.
8-Bit Beatdown[]
8-Bit Beatdown serves as 8-Bit Ryan's ability. Ryan unleashes a barrage of physical attacks that deals a specific amount of damage on the target. It also stuns the enemy for a short time, giving Ryan a chance to finish the foe if their health is low, or run away from it. This ability works similar to Dread Ducky’s ultimate ability.
A Thousand Cuts[]
A Thousand Cut serves as SuperHorrorBro's ability. SuperHorrorBro uses his scissors to send an energy wave forward, and all targets that are hit by the beam immediately suffer from 20% damage based on their max HP, and suffer from bleeding for 7 seconds, dealing 5 damage per second. Just like how the Brute deals additional damage with his burn ability, SuperHorrorBro deals additional damage from bleeding.
Darkest Desire[]
Darkest Desire serves as Dawko's ability. Dawko’s ability glitches all players (regardless of gamemode) and makes them invulnerable to light and heavy attacks from players for 15 seconds. However, ultimate abilities, traps, bosses, and Phantom Malak can still affect the players. For example, when Dawko's invulnerability is activated, and if the monster is a dread ducky, then if ducky uses its ultimate ability on a invulnerable player, the player will still take damage and ultimately die.
Simp for Senpai![]
Simp for Senpai! serves as Senpai's ability. When activated Senpai will leave a heart trail behind him for 15 seconds marking where he is and radiates charm around him. If anyone walks near him (his attack range), regardless of the current game mode during these 15 seconds the Charmed effect will activate on them for 10 seconds, making them leave a heart trail behind them like Senpai and unable to attack with their light and heavy attacks. The only EXCEPTION for this is Ultimate Abilities.
Fangirling serves as Hanako's ability. When activated she will fire out 4 Fiery Heart bullets in a Plus (+) pattern that do 40 damage each (Incorrectly stated in game as 50 damage each). With 1 projectile going where she is looking, 1 behind her, and 1 at both of her sides. She will also heal 30% of her total Hp over 5 seconds. She will heal 12 Hp per second, a total of 60.
Intel Review[]
Intel Review serves as Info Chan's ability. When activated she will buff herself (and her teammates in Maze Escape). All of them gaining 50 Hp over 5 seconds (10 Hp per sec.) and will boost movement speed and attack dmg as well for 10 seconds by 20%.
Game Over[]
Game Over serves as Jason's ability. When activated he will fire a grenade (with a smoke trail) that after 1 second will explode. It deals 100 damage and can hurt ALL players, even teammates in Maze Escape and himself. Possibly causing casualties for his team or himself if not used properly.
Emergency Flare[]
Emergency Flare serves as Salim's ability. When activated, after 1 second of lighting the Flare he will drop it, causing any foe looking at it to be blinded with a bright, red light for 10 seconds. During those 10 seconds he will also gain a small speed boost as well. The minimap can still be used, killfeed can be seen, and they can see player names and health bars if close to them.
Shogun Slash[]
Shogun Slash serves as CoryxKenshin's ability. When activated he will do a melee-ranged attack that does an "X" shaped slash. This will attack all enemies caught in the range, deal 180 damage on impact, inflict fear, and inflict burning onto all targets.
The burning lasts for 5 seconds and deal 10 damage per second, totaling to 50. In total, Shogun Slash will deal 230 damage to the target(s) caught in it.
Monster Abilities[]
Slicer Dicer[]
Slicer Dicer serves as the Murder Monkeys' ability. When activated, the Murder Monkey will rapidly slash its knives for 10 seconds and receive a speed enhancement. Each slash deals 50 damage to anyone in front of it (for a maximum of 1600 damage), making it a devastating offensive move. Murder Monkey is also immune to any slowdown effect from ultimate abilities.
Hello Friend![]
Hello Friend! serves as Agatha's ability. When activated, Agatha will quickly teleport to the player with the lowest HP and deal 80 damage before returning to her original position. This attack works very well against mortals in Maze Escape due to their weaker health bars, and decently against monsters, especially those in the Speed class. While it isn't guaranteed to protect Agatha from assailants, it has the potential to wound or kill them if their health is the lowest.
Golden Demise[]
Golden Demise serves as the Gold Watchers' ability. When activated, the Gold Watcher will rapidly fling 20 axes in its direction for 5 seconds, each axe dealing 25 damage (for a maximum of 500 damage). This ability works very similarly to Slicer Dicer, except trading guaranteed damage potential for accuracy. While it isn't guaranteed to kill opponents, it is enough to wound and potentially deter them.
Ducky Surprise[]
Ducky Surprise serves as the Dread Duckies' ability. When activated, the Dread Ducky will hook anyone in front of it with its inner mouth, reeling them towards it and rapidly biting at them 13 times, dealing 60 damage per bite and dealing a maximum of 780 damage. While this is guaranteed to kill any weak individual player, it is risky to use, as the player has only one chance to hit a target before the ability charge resets.
Clown Patrol[]
Clown Patrol serves as the Clown Gremlins' ability. When activated, the Clown Gremlin will spawn 5 clones at random locations in a map. Once the clones had spawned, it'll pursue and deal 30 damage to any players who get too close for 30 seconds. The clones can be killed by any player (including whoever spawned them) by hitting them with either 4 light attacks or 2 heavy attacks. The clones are also highlighted in white to the summoner.
Vaccination Time[]
Vaccination Time serves as the Reaper Nurses' ability. When activated, the Reaper Nurse begins to go invisible for 20 seconds and inflict Fear on all enemies as well. She is still able to attack while in this state, and speed/damage are increased by 15%. Typically, the Nurses when in this mode, are not able to be seen by any other players. This allows for an easy escape, faster soul shard collecting, and combat
Bunny Barrage[]
Bunny Barrage serves as Lucky the Rabbit's ability. When activated it will cause him to get a speed boost for 5 seconds that can outrun all players if they aren't using any items or ultimate abilities. If he runs into an enemy player he will do a barrage of punches each doing 8 damage, adding up to 96 damage. After the barrage is over the target (if they are still alive) will be stunned for 2 seconds (giving him time to land an attack) and be inflicted with Fear as well.
This is great to use for chasing after enemies and doing a lot of damage or even to just run away from fights.
Rib Crusher[]
Rib Crusher serves as Hangry the Pig's ability. When activate it will make Hangry do a ground pound onto the floor sending a blast wave that deals 120 damage. Since it takes 2 seconds for it to take effect it is best used when an enemy cannot dodge it or right next to one. It can also go through walls of the mazes because of the shockwave.
This is great for doing a ton of damage to foes along with Hangry's attack damage can be deadly when paired with a heavy attack.
Power of Love[]
Power of Love serves as Penny the Chicken's ability. When activated will grant her a slight speed boost to her movement speed (making her faster than Speed characters) and will enhance her heavy attack. Her egg on her heavy attack can be thrown 1.5 times (or 150%) farther making it a great sniping tool on some maps and long hallways and making it do 30 damage instead of 25. All of this lasts for 15 seconds.
This is useful for gaining the speed boost to run away or chase foes and make your heavy attack more dangerous to get hit by and harder to dodge.
Eye of Suffering[]
Eye of Suffering serves as Malak's ability. Once activated, Malak will pull out a magic eye (similar to the one in Bierce's Ballroom in the original game) and fires a laser beam that deals a constant 40 damage every 0.1 second (in a straight direction) for 5 seconds (totalling upto to 2000 damage if the beam makes contact with the enemy for the entire duration). This ability works very similarly to Golden Demise, except that this ability has a higher damage output for accuracy.
Magma Charge[]
Magma Charge serves as the Brute's ability. When activated, the Brute will hold its right arm in front of it, and create a flammable shield for 10 seconds that set the player ablaze and will burn whoever they ram into dealing damage on hit and cause them to burn. The Brute will also receive a bit of speed enhancement and will be immune to any slowdown effect from item and any ultimate abilities.
Mind Pull[]
Mind Pull serves as the Fiend's ability. When activated, the Fiend will instantly deal 10% damage and drag the target with the lowest health to its position as well as inflict Fear on them. This power works very similarly to Agatha's, considering that the Fiend is a speed type like her. It is best to use this with an item or an escape plan in mind if you bring trouble to you.
Fear Cuts Deep[]
Fear Cuts Deep serves as Nurse's ability. She summons darkness, which inflicts fear on all enemies for 10 seconds. The fear she induces reduces attack damage by 70% and reduces attack speed by 50%. She also gets 10% attack damage boosts for 10 seconds as well, although the in-game description incorrectly states it does 20%. Making this very useful against powerful foes as they will attack slower and deal less damage while you do more damage.
Rabbit Rampage[]
Rabbit Rampage serves as Robbie the Rabbit's ability. Similar to Clown Patrol, Robbie summons 3 clones of himself that follow him and pursue any target he hits with light or heavy attack for 1 minute. If Robbie hits a different target, the clones will then attack the new target. The clones will last until...time runs out, the player who summoned them dies, or gets hit by 4 light attacks or 2 heavy attacks on each clone.
Snap Mode[]
Snap Mode serves as Ayano's ability. When used she will stun all enemies nearby her similar to Primal Fear. Enemies will be stunned for 7 seconds and she will be extremely slowed for 7 seconds as well. During this time Ayano will put away her sword and use her fists to attack the enemies automatically and rapidly. This requires no input from the player besides activation of the Ultimate Ability and looking at and moving towards enemies to deal damage as she also has her attack range reduced significantly. Each punch during this duration will do 24 damage.
Sometimes a bug will occur where she will attack longer than 7 seconds, up to a max of 10. This also affects the stun duration as well, making it shorter or longer than the intended 7 seconds.
Toy Tornado[]
Toy Tornado serves as Kissy Missy's ability. When activated Kissy Missy will spin in a mini tornado and fling out 4 Cat Bee toys in a + formation (1 in front, 1 in back, 1 at each side) that will go through walls similar to Hanako's. If it hits a player they will take 50 damage on impact and then will be burned. Dealing 10 damage per second for 6 seconds, totaling to 60 damage from the burning, 110 for being hit by 1 Cat Bee projectile.
If the foes dodge the toys but, get too close to her when she does it they will be hit by her tornado and be slapped for 21 damage. However, there's currently a bug so foes will not get hurt by her spinning directly, instead taking 21 damage regardless of where they are on the map. So until it's fixed they just need to dodge the projectiles.
Vampire Kiss[]
Vampire Bite serves as Infected Clarice's ability. When activated with a target in range they will both freeze for a second before she jumps onto them and bites them. This does 35% damage to the target depending on their maximum health and will heal her for double the damage she dealt to them. For example, if she uses it on a Speed Monster they will take 70 damage and she will get 140 health back.
Flaming Spear[]
Flaming Spear serves as Infected Balathu's ability. When activated he will throw a spear that is on fire. If it hits an enemy it will do 150 dmg on impact + burn damage (50 dmg total, 10 per second). This totals up to 200 damage. It will also pierce through enemies as well so you can potentially hit multiple targets if timed right. It is very fast as well, making it hard to dodge as it can go through walls and reach the end of huge maps such as Ancient Ashes in seconds.
Vicious Sister (Upcoming)[]
Vicious Sister serves as Dark Song's ability. Dark Song slashes forward, unleashing an energy wave that rips through any targets in its path inflicting heavy damage.
- Malak's Eye of Suffering ability may be a reference to the Brimstone item from The Binding of Isaac.
- In one of the game's screenshots on Steam store page, there was an unused Ultimate Ability icon that has feminine-looking legs resembling those from the Dread Duckies. Its explained that the Dread ducky would have comically preformed a bicycle kick at the opponent, but was scrapped due to game-breaking flaws.
- Interestingly, even though the unused Ultimate Ability icon may or may not have been the original ability for the Dread Duckies before it was replaced by the current Ducky Surprise, the playable monster in the screenshot where the ability is featured has no beak whatsoever.
- In QnA #13 Vince revealed that Malak will use his Eye of Suffering in the original Dark Deception but not in the same way like his ultimate ability in Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals.
- Info-chan's Meme Review may be a reference to the subseries of Swedish Youtuber, Pewdiepie who did many videos about reviewing memes.
- However, this would be later be renamed to Intel Review so it was unlikely to be a reference to this.
- When the House of Ashes DLC launched 3 ultimate abilities had issues before being fixed a week later
- Infected Balathu's Ultimate Ability had a typo in its name, being named "Falming Spear"
- Jason's Ultimate Ability didn't have the smoke trail when he fired the grenade
- Salim's Ultimate Ability would blind teammates as well if on Maze Escape and he didn't get a speed boost when using it (speed boost bug is still not fixed currently)