Dark Deception Wiki

Mama! Mama!

– Trigger Teddies

The Trigger Teddies are some of the many enemies in Dark Deception. They make their first appearance in Chapter 4, and are the primary enemies in the level "Bearly Buried". They share the level with the boss, Mama Bear.


As the name suggests, the Trigger Teddies are stuffed bears with brown color on their skin, with bits of cotton falling out, though with some horrific distorted features such as human-like teeth, empty eye sockets with two small white pupils coming out from it and what appears to be presumably dried blood coming out from it, exposed stitches with four threads going down their forehead, a missing lower jaw on their mouth that was replaced with some stuffing that seems to have mostly blood that dried, and sharp black claws on both their arms and feet. They also seem to appear quite dirty and in a state of complete disrepair similar to the Dread Duckies and the Joy Joy Gang in frenzy mode.

Much like the Murder Monkeys and the Clown Gremlins, to accentuate their horrific features throughout their body and appearance, their head is abnormally somewhat bigger than the torso and their humanoid body and seems to be oversized. They wear a dark red bow tie on their neck and have torn pieces of stuffing on their bodies such as their right ear, mouth, the left side of their chest, neck, left arm (albeit a small tear compared to the others) and right knee.

However, once they take off their masks inside during Nightmare mode, it reveals smaller, but eerie-looking baby, skull-like, doll heads with rotting gray skin on their faces, each exposed with a visible crack on the forehead similar to the Dread Duckies, and a few strings of hair on their head. They also lack lips on their mouths, noses, and the skin on their mouths and jaws, revealing their grotesque, bloody, skinless jaws with a pinkish tint on their chubby cheeks, and they only have one large eye on their right side. However, some of the Trigger Teddies are still wearing their masks in their Nightmare Mode, complete with glowing red eyes, black bowtie, and a lighter pink color.


Mama Bear (Teddies)
My babies are a real blast! You'll see.

– Mama Bear

Based on their behavior in-game, the Trigger Teddies are bloodthirsty, savage, and animalistic, mostly devoid of humanity. Due to their young age and generally short longevity, they're almost incapable of any form of meaningful communication, often babbling meaninglessly or saying words they do know repeatedly (such as "Mama"). For this reason, they tend to be quite brash, if not mindless, in their movement patterns and actions - a stark contrast to Mama Bear's calm and usually collective demeanor.

When in contact with humans or other unwary beings, the Trigger Teddies act like mindless zombies, only desiring to kill and eat them unless Mama Bear tells them otherwise. This suggests some sort of fanatical behavior when hungry, as they're not afraid to dispose of themselves if it means killing prey. This is further demonstrated by both Mama Bear's quotes about them and the presence of bones throughout the cave system, likely doing this behavior out of sheer hunger rather than complete malevolence to their victims.


In the absence of either human prey or Mama Bear, the Trigger Teddies often spend their time lazing off around their home, whether it be sleeping, watching TV, playing around with toys, and even drawing on the cave walls underground. Under Mama Bear's presence, however, they'll stop what they're doing to complete whatever tasks she has for them, showing them off as compliant and obedient under the right authority. In Zone 2 and onward, they even go so far as to try other methods of dealing with their tasks, such as laying out huge bear traps throughout the caves to kill intruders. Due to their fragility, however, they tend to become startled or erratic under conditions they don't understand, such as enemies surprising them or when they hide in fear of Mama Bear's wrath.

In their "nightmare" forms, they become significantly more aggressive and intelligent in their attacks against Doug, as shown in Zone 3 where some of the Trigger Teddies steal the last remaining ring pieces and run away from Doug without trying to get blown up and destroyed by his Primal Fear ability. Their intelligence is further shown by some of the teddies carrying a fake ring piece as a decoy.



At the end of their level, the Trigger Teddies are shown to be capable of scaling vertical surfaces without too much trouble, even doing so while upside down. However, they appear to only do this when sufficiently panicked.


In compensation for their fragility, the Trigger Teddies are capable of bursting into a small-scale explosion upon contact with victims or upon death, killing anyone too close to them. The explosion of one teddy alone is shown to be strong enough to incapacitate Mama Bear (or three for her Mega Mama form).


A trait carried over by Mama Bear, the Trigger Teddies possess some sort of ability to find Doug's location even when far away, suggesting a form of telepathy. However, this appears to be unintentional on their part since they need to see Doug first before they actually chase him, and if he's out of sight they'll wander in circles confused.



Since Mama Bear obeys Malak, the Trigger Teddies by proxy obey him in a similar fashion. This is shown via some of the toy blocks they arranged to spell his name, and some time later they also follow Malak's clarification of where Doug is.

Mama Bear[]

As Mama Bear's own souless creations, the Trigger Teddies follow Mama Bear's every command without complaint and surprising efficiency, even if she orders them to kill themselves in order to kill their victims. For the most part, they seem to just spend their time lazing around her house until she either tells them to do something or tells them that they're eating someone, the latter often exciting them greatly. It is, however, implied that the teddies do live under some fear of Mama Bear, as during the escape sequence a lot of the teddies above start climbing to higher ground in fear of Mama Bear's wrath.

Doug Houser[]

The Trigger teddies see Doug as food and a companion to tear apart. As shown in the level they are relentless to chase Doug. They also show that they would happily trigger detonation upon themselves to to kill him.


Trigger Teddies rely heavily on their aggression, sheer numbers and environmental mechanics such as bear traps and Mama Bear's abilities to overwhelm and torment the player relentlessly while trying to collect all of the Soul Shards and reclaim the missing Ring Pieces scattered around the cave. However, the way the Trigger Teddies’ behavior work vary quite differently between each of the three zones. Despite having a relatively straightforward behavior and being somewhat predictable, the Trigger Teddies are considered by many as one of the most dangerous and otherwise annoying enemies in Dark Deception, surpassing that of the Gold Watchers. This is because their signature ability to explode when destroyed can easily kill the player very frequently throughout the entire level.

Trigger Teddies will always come after the player individually, running at the same speed as the player does. Sleeping Trigger Teddies will remain immobile unless awaken by Doug's footsteps, in which they will run at exactly twice Doug's speed, even with Speed Boost. However, the Trigger Teddies will also swarm him if he gathers too many of them together like the Clown Gremlins, though their mechanic wasn't actually designed that way.

Chapter 4[]

Bearly Buried[]

Trigger Teddies Intro

The Trigger Teddies first appear when Mama Bear commands three of them to carry Doug to the kitchen to eat later. A fourth teddy joins them during the process and helps hold him down, but a mysterious orb appears and tells Doug that it will help him escape. It then electrocutes the teddies, freeing Doug and allowing him to follow it to the first ring piece.

Act I[]
Teddies Sleeping Bedroom
Teddies Sleeping Cabin

In Zone 1, the large majority of the Trigger Teddies are found sleeping across the several rooms and corridors of the cabin, where they remain passive unless provoked. During this zone, most of the Trigger Teddies behave similarly to Dread Duckies but without the camouflaging mechanic. Making loud noises by sprinting or simply being in close proximity to their surroundings will immediately cause the nearest sleeping teddies to wake up and be alerted towards Doug’s location. Since Doug doesn’t have any powers at this point to give himself an advantage, it is mandatory that he must constantly move at walking speed to avoid alerting any of them.

There are also several Trigger Teddies that are still awake throughout the cabin; however, most of them stand idle and don't attack unless Doug's too close. The one exception is a Trigger Teddy guarding the attic, often moving in an unpredictable pattern to Doug's position. Getting close to the Trigger Teddy will cause him to latch onto Doug and spontaneously combust, destroying himself and killing Doug within the blast radius. Thankfully, this Trigger Teddy moves at a much slower speed than the sleeping ones, and it can lose Doug quite easily around corners. Running is also an option, but this has to be done far enough away from any sleeping Trigger Teddies to avoid alerting them as well.

Mama Awakens Some Teddies

Later on, Mama Bear ends up waking up some of the Trigger Teddies and orders two of them to search the upper part for Doug, but he uses his newly-acquired Vanish ability to evade them.

Teddy Cabin Act 1

When Doug reenters the attic hallways, all of the sleeping Trigger Teddies will be actively patrolling throughout the attic now, behaving the same way as the first one. Doug must use his Vanish ability to turn invisible and sneak past any Trigger Teddies, although running at this point is acceptable as well. The Trigger Teddies will also periodically pace back and forth in an area if Doug isn't visible, and due to their larger numbers, this can make collecting shards around them very hazardous.

Mama Bear Cave Interlude

When Mama Bear finally catches up with Doug after he enters a tunnel located in the basement, four Trigger Teddies accompany her as well and hunt Doug down. The whole chase, Mama Bear will begin spawning more of them, but Doug evades them. Using the Vanish ability in this chase will not stop the bears, since they are programmed to head straight towards Doug's location in this act.

Right before entering Zone 2, a Trigger Teddy runs past Doug with a ring piece.

Act II[]
Teddies Act2

In Zone 2, the Trigger Teddies will actively search for the player’s whereabouts while accompanied by Mama Bear. Unlike the teddies seen in Zone 1, the ones here will actively head to Doug's location, but they will only chase him while within their line of sight. If Doug uses the Primal Fear power to stun the Trigger Teddies, they will instead automatically self-destruct to create an explosion as a method of killing him unexpectedly. These explosions have a very large blast radius, but they can also stun Mama Bear if she's near, which should be taken as an advantage for Doug to survive against them. If the stun orb is used, all active Trigger Teddies will become immobile, only exploding if Doug comes near.

Mama Bear Spawning Teddies

Mama Bear has an additional support role aside from her offensive-oriented bloodlust ability, since she will periodically spawn and release Trigger Teddies from her exposed innards, meaning that they can replicate themselves after getting killed from their suicide attack multiple times. If Doug doesn’t reduce all of the remaining Trigger Teddies by destroying them with their Primal Fear power, Mama Bear will quickly increase the number of the Trigger Teddies patrolling the level and the difficulty of the entire level.

Due to their small size and their tendency to swarm a whole area in darkness, it can be very difficult for Doug to detect their exact location without running into them, therefore requiring him to stay more vigilant and observant to their presence. While their speed is about the same as Doug's, they can also increase their speed around corners, making it risky to keep a Trigger Teddy close to Doug during a prolonged chase.

At the beginning of Zone 2, a Trigger Teddy will also be running around with the ring piece (Telekinesis). Unlike the other Trigger Teddies, this teddy will run away from Doug whenever he sees him, taking evasive maneuvers if Doug gets too close. Getting the ring piece requires using Primal Fear to blow him up, although this has to be done quickly as the teddy will lure Doug towards another group of teddies if possible.

Boss Battle I[]
Teddy Popping Out Pool

After Mama Bear is hit once with a large rock, Trigger Teddies will begin jumping out of the waste pools, starting with one the second time and two the third time. Doug has the option of either evading them or killing them, the latter of which is either done with primal fear or just throwing a rock at them.

Act III[]
Teddies Unmasking Themselves

At the starting entrance to Zone 3, three Trigger Teddies will be sleeping alongside three ring pieces. As he gets close, they suddenly wake up in shock from his arrival, unmasking themselves and running off in fear.

Teddies Act3

In Zone 3, the Trigger Teddies will immediately turn into their Nightmare Mode state while some of them will be unmasked. There are also three more Trigger Teddies carrying ring pieces, but only one of them carries the actual piece (Telepathy); the rest are fakes. The real ring piece can only show up once two of the three teddies are killed, forcing the last one to relinquish it.

Outside this, the ruggedness of the environment makes it far easier for a teddy to sneak up on the player, and the open windows between the tunnel walls also make it easier for the teddies to see them coming.

Boss Battle II[]
Teddies Boss Fight2

In the second boss fight, four Trigger Teddies will jump out of the waste pool at random when Mama Bear is pursuing Doug, acting the same as before. The player is recommended to use Speed Boost and Vanish to help evade and lure the Trigger Teddies towards Mama Bear to use primal fear on them. Killing any Trigger Teddies without any close to her will just have new ones spawn to replace them.

Final Act[]
Teddy in Last Tunnel

As Doug is chased by Mama Bear's hand through a bone-filled tunnel, three Trigger Teddies will attack him throughout the chase, forcing Doug to either evade or kill them with his powers.

Teddies Climbing Walls
Mama Bear Escape

As Doug makes a break for the portal, many of the Trigger Teddies in the cabin are revealed to be climbing about the cabin walls in fear of its collapse, although a few of them will still be on the ground to hinder Doug's process. When Doug reaches the portal, a massive horde of Trigger Teddies breach the surface and corner him alongside Mama Bear, only for the orb to reappear again and open the portal for Doug to escape.


  • Trigger Teddies, alongside Lucky the Rabbit, Hangry the Pig, and Penny the Chicken, are the only enemies who aren't the corrupted souls of sinful humans. This is because the Trigger Teddies are Mama Bear's own children and thus, she's likely the one responsible for creating them in the first place instead of Malak.
    • Since they're not twisted representations created from mortal souls, they're seemingly more feral and animalistic than the Murder Monkeys and the Dread Duckies, who are also anthropomorphic toys like the Trigger Teddies.
  • They, along with Mama Bear are likely to represent ludilo-phobia (the fear of toys, similar to the Dread Duckies), pediophobia (the fear of dolls), and arkoudaphobia (the fear of bears).
  • The Trigger Teddies were inspired by Chucky from the Child's Play series, Annabelle from The Conjuring series, and Build-a-Bear. Alternatively, they may also be a reference to the "killer teddy bear" trope in media, which include the Vampire Teddy Bear from The Nightmare Before Christmas, Deaddy from CarnEvil, Tediz from Conker's Bad Fur Day, the Freddles from Five Nights at Freddy's 4, Happy Teddy from Lobotomy Corporation, the titular Naughty Bear from the video game of the same name, Shadow Teddie from Persona 4, and SCP-1048 from the SCP Foundation universe.
  • It was speculated that their name would be Deady Bear, before their actual name was confirmed.
    • The name Deady Bear is most likely a reference to a Dr. Monster music animation by LilDeuceDeuce.
  • Vince made a mistake saying Trigger Teddies were voiced by Christopher Corey Smith before later confirming Chris Jai Alex as their voice actor.
  • When test running "Bearly Buried", Vince confirmed that the Trigger Teddies were the enemies who have caused him the most deaths in the level.
  • So far, Trigger Teddies, Dread Duckies, Doom Ducky, Reaper Nurses, Penny the Chicken and Joy Kill are the only enemies in Dark Deception that have long-range attacks.
    • However, the Trigger Teddies are the only ranged enemies to outright kill Doug instead of just hindering him in some way.
  • The Trigger Teddies were the first enemies added to "Bearly Buried".
    • This is most likely the reason why Bearly Buried's old portal icon had a Trigger Teddy on it, opposed to Mama Bear.
  • The Trigger Teddies are the only enemies that don't have a stun animation. This is likely because of their ability of exploding themselves when being stunned.
    • However, they can still be stunned by the Stun Orb.
    • Despite being stunned, they can still kill the player on contact due to a glitch, this also applies to Mama Bear.
  • Trigger Teddies are one of the only enemies to be able to turn into their Nightmare Mode before collecting all of the soul shards. This can be seen happening in the Zone 3.
  • When Trigger Teddies stand still, they might just shake their heads violently and explode (this is also shown in their jumpscare animation).
  • Trigger Teddies with rings pieces will not be in Nightmare Mode in Zone 3.
  • Trigger Teddies are the sixth enemies that can be killed by Doug, with the others being the Clown Gremlins, the Goliath Clowns, the Reaper Nurses, The Matron and the Joy Joy Gang.
  • The Trigger Teddies and Mama Bear are the only enemies with two different Nightmare Modes.
    • They are also the fourth enemies who physically change during Nightmare Mode instead of just changing colors, as some of them will have their real doll-face exposed. The previous ones are the three members of the Joy Joy Gang.
      • Much like them, the Trigger Teddies's second Nightmare Mode is artificially caused, losing the fake head due to their own shock.
  • The Trigger Teddies are as of yet the smallest characters in Dark Deception, being close to Doug's leg height.


The Trigger Teddies are voiced by Chris Jai Alex.

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Voiceline Used Audio File
*Gasping* If Doug wakes them up.

*Grumbling & Mumbling* While bringing Doug to the kitchen, upon spotting him, and while wandering in general.

"Mama" During gameplay.

*Growls & Gibberish* When chasing Doug.

*Long Grumbling* During gameplay.

*Snore* When sleeping.








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DD Navigation
Main Characters
Doug HouserBierceMalak
MalakMurder MonkeysAgathaGold WatchersDread DuckiesClown GremlinsReaper Nurses
Lucky the RabbitHangry the PigPenny the ChickenJocelynTrigger TeddiesMama Bear
Red StalkersDark StarUnknown Monster 2Unknown Monster 4Unknown Monster 3Unknown Monster
Mecha Monkey
Chef MonkeysAgathaTitan WatchersDoom DuckyGoliath ClownsThe MatronJoy KillMama Bear
Puppet KingDark Star
Other Characters
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Chapter 4: Mortal RamificationsChapter 5: Fated Conclusion
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