Dark Deception Wiki

Traps are an environmental mechanic in Dark Deception and Monsters & Mortals.

In Dark Deception, traps appear frequently and in various forms as Doug navigates each nightmare. These obstacles are found in every level except Monkey Business, with most being fatal on contact, while others are less harmful hindrances.

In Monsters & Mortals, traps appear in every level, only activating if a player activates "Trap Time" through a portal box. Each level has a unique set of traps, some exclusive to the game. They deactivate after a minute has passed and can harm every player in the match regardless of whether they are monster or mortal, and regardless of what game mode they play.

Dark Deception[]

Fake Portals[]

Temporary Fake Portal

These fake portals, crafted by Agatha, are scattered across Zone 1 of The School during Malak's chase. Agatha also spawns them in the auditorium of the school during her boss fight. They instantly kill the player on contact via explosion.

In Monsters & Mortals, they inflict 100 damage with their explosion. Unlike in Dark Deception, these fake portals have a short delay, exploding shortly after contact rather than immediately blowing up, allowing those who touch a fake portal to get away.

Tall Spikes[]

Manor Spear Spikes

Both zones of The Manor feature grated floor tiles that periodically spring out spears after a one-second metallic warning cue, immediately killing the player on contact. These tiles often span the width of pathways or surround clusters of soul shards.

In Monsters & Mortals, they inflict 100 damage.

Pendulum Blades[]

Manor Pendulum Axe

Found in Zone 2 of The Manor, these pendulum axes swing across the width of the stone archways and intersections, and immediately kill the player on contact.

Short Spikes[]

Sewer Spikes

These short spikes springing from metal panels function identically to their taller counterparts, but span a larger surface area and are far less common. They only appear in dry regions of The Sewers and the warehouse in Zone 2 of The Theme Park.

In Monsters & Mortals, they deal 100 damage and also appear in the flooded regions of the sewer.


Circus Mallets

Pairs of mallets appear across both floors of Zone 1 in The Circus, periodically slamming together over the walkway. While they don't give off a warning cue, they are easy to spot.

In Monsters & Mortals, they are smaller and inflict 80 damage. Clown Gremlins are also shown using a smaller version of these mallets to deal 60 damage to enemies.



Jack-in-a-boxes featuring an eyeless Clown Gremlin head appear across both floors of Zone 1 of The Circus, biting at the space in front of them after playing a "Pop Goes the Weasel" tune. Their attack radius is marked by a glowing red circle on the walkway.


Circus Cannon

Cannons appear throughout Zone 2 of The Circus, periodically firing in a fixed direction after a warning cue. They appear in varying arrangements in certain four-way intersections and hallways.

Roller Coaster Cart[]

Circus Rollercoaster Cart

In Zone 2 of The Circus, some Clown Gremlins are seen riding on roller coaster carts speeding around the tracks lining the zone's outer perimeter in a counterclockwise direction. These carts can completely outpace the player even while they are using a fully-leveled Speed Boost.


Circus Guillotine

Clown Gremlin arches with guillotine teeth appear along the pathway leading back to the carousel after collecting the ring piece. They are easy to avoid and pose little threat.

Defibrillator Paddles[]


Proximity-based traps that appear across both zones of the The Hospital. They charge up for a second with a gradually-rising hum before an electric shock is released between the paddles.


Trap Saw

Circular saws are featured all over Zone 2 of The Hospital, emerging from slits in the ground and walls. In narrow corridors, they emerge and retract after about three seconds. They also appear frequently throughout the cell blocks, sliding back and forth across the room.

CCD Cameras[]

Security Camera

CCD Cameras appear throughout every zone in The Theme Park. They pan across the room, their field of vision visible as red cones of light. Upon spotting Doug, they will loudly blare and alert any Joy Joy Gang member to his position. They will also activate any nearby laser tripwires. They will not detect Doug while using the Vanish ability.

Laser Tripwires[]


Non-lethal traps that activate whenever Doug is detected by a camera, blocking his path until the camera loses sight. They only appear in the portal hallway and entrance to Zone 1 of the Theme Park, serving as a tutorial for the Vanish ability.



The first zone of The Theme Park features Lucky the Rabbit clones floating overhead with balloons. Upon spotting the player, these clones would drop a bomb near the player. The bombs take three seconds to explode.

Conveyor Clamps[]

Conveyor Claws

Conveyor Clamps carrying clones of the Joy Joy Gang only appear at the entrance to third zone of The Theme Park, zipping over the walkways and knocking the player off the edge of the path on collision.

Bear Traps[]

Bear Trap

Bear Traps appear throughout Zones 2 and 3 of The Cave, as well as near the ring altar. Fatal on contact, beartraps can be deactivated with Primal Fear, making them the only trap in Dark Deception that Doug can disable with his abilities.

Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals[]

Banana Peels[]

Banana Peel

Banana peels are nn-lethal traps that appear in The Hotel. They function identically to their item counterparts, stunning players for two seconds if stepped on. They can be destroyed if hit with two light attacks or one heavy attack.

CCTV Cameras[]

Security Camera (Monstrum)

CCTV Cameras are set on the outer decks of the Hisa Maru ship, panning across the room with a red cone of light. If a player is spotted, an alarm will blare, revealing their locations in a manner similar to Telepathy. Monsters are highlighted in red while Mortals are highlighted in purple.


Steam Traps

Certain hallways of the Hisa Maru have walls that regularly spray pressurized steam, inflicting 100 damage on contact.

Air Screamers[]

Main: Air Screamers
Air Screamer

Air Screamers are the first traps that are living creatures rather than non-living objects. Six of them spawn throughout the town of Silent Hill, patrolling around the portal boxes and attacking anyone who approaches them, even going out of their supposed range to chase players that are still too close to them. They inflict 15 damage per kick. Fortunately, there are some props that will block their flight path and give their prey the chance to run or fight back, as they can be killed with six light attacks or three heavy attacks.

Police Officers[]

Police Officer
Main: Police Officers

Police Officers are the second living "traps" of Monsters & Mortals. Eight of them spawn at random locations inside and outside of the School, pursuing and attacking any player they spot, inflicting 15 damage with their batons. They can be killed with five light attacks or three heavy attacks.


Main: Cat-Bees

Cat-Bee toys are stationary targets that spawn throughout the Factory. They spray a poisonous gas cloud at those who approach, slowing any players that enter and dealing three damage per second. This effect continues for three seconds after leaving the cloud as well. They can be killed with six light attacks or three heavy attacks.


Machine Gun Turret

Machine gun turrets are set up in large rooms and corners throughout the Sumerian Temple, shooting at any player they spot. They fire eight bullets that each deal three damage before reloading for one second. They can be disabled with six light attacks or three heavy attacks.


Icon Achievement Description
Smarty Pants Achievement Smarty Pants Beat Elementary Evil without coming into contact with any fake portals.
Observant Achievement Observant Beat Deadly Decadence without ever dying to traps.
Fools Rush In Achievement Fools Rush In Die to both types of traps in Deadly Decadence (Tall Spikes and Pendulum Blades).
No Surprises Here Achievement No Surprises Here Beat Crazy Carnevil without ever dying to the jack-in-the-box traps.
EvasiveManeuversAchievement Evasive Maneuvers Beat Torment Therapy without ever dying to traps.
CameraShyAchievement Camera Shy Beat Mascot Mayhem without alerting the cameras in Zone 1.
SmarterThanYourAverageBearAchievement Smarter Than Your Average Bear Beat Bearly Buried without ever dying to traps.


Dark Deception[]

  • Prior to Dark Deception: Enhanced, Fake Portals did not deal damage, simply summoning Agatha when touched (as she originally did not join Malak when he chases the player until a Fake Portal is touched).
  • Crazy Carnevil has the highest number of trap variants in Dark Deception, with a total of five.
  • As of 2020, the favorite traps of Vince Livings are the security cameras from Mascot Mayhem.[1]
  • The banana peels were scrapped from Dark Deception and were intended to appear in Monkey Business. They still exist in the game’s files and can be spawned with Unreal Engine 4 console commands.[2]

Monsters & Mortals[]

  • In the original Monstrum, the CCTV Cameras were active at all times, and would give off warning beeps when spotting the player, only blaring out alarms when the player does not leave the camera's line of sight prior to this. In Monstrum Madness, they are shut off by default, only activating during Trap Time. The cameras also lack warning beeps, instead immediately setting off alarms upon spotting a player, much like the cameras in Mascot Mayhem.
  • Notes found in Monstrum imply that steam started the problem that lead to the creation of two of the monsters in the game. One note brings up how two individuals got scalded by pressurized steam while taking a shower, and a lab report implied that these two heavily-scarred people were experimented on, mutating them into The Brute and The Fiend. Despite being a hazard, the player can actually use the steam in Monstrum to temporarily block monsters from approaching and attacking the helicopter.
  • Originally, Silent Sacrifice had eight Air Screamers. Two of the creatures down the narrow alleyways near the portal boxes were removed in the 1.4.2 update.
  • The Police Officers have only one voice line, since, in Yandere Simulator, they are event NPCs with no actual dialogue worth adding into the game. This was pointed out to Vince Livings before they were made the trap time for the DLC.
  • In the original Poppy Playtime, Cat-Bee toys do not spray any kind of poisonous cloud, being completely harmless.
    • The Cat-Bees' association with toxic gas may be a reference to CatNap, who, by the time of the release of the Monsters & Mortals - Poppy Playtime DLC, was already implied to have something to do with deadly gas in the various teasers and trailers of Chapter 3 (some of which featured a gas mask).
    • When the DLC first launched, the Cat-Bee toys had more health (taking six light attacks or three heavy attacks to kill), did more damage per hit over time (10 damage per second), the duration of poison was longer (5 seconds), and the timer for the poison duration would reset if the affected player was still inside the poison cloud.
  • In the original House of Ashes, the Turrets were used by the characters to slow down the Vampires.




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DD Navigation
Main Characters
Doug HouserBierceMalak
MalakMurder MonkeysAgathaGold WatchersDread DuckiesClown GremlinsReaper Nurses
Lucky the RabbitHangry the PigPenny the ChickenJocelynTrigger TeddiesMama Bear
Red StalkersDark StarUnknown Monster 2Unknown Monster 4Unknown Monster 3Unknown Monster
Mecha Monkey
Chef MonkeysAgathaTitan WatchersDoom DuckyGoliath ClownsThe MatronJoy KillMama Bear
Puppet KingDark Star
Other Characters
Tammy HouserElise HouserVictorEdgarDoug's MotherMistressMinor Characters
Bierce's BallroomThe HotelThe SchoolThe ManorThe SewerThe CircusThe Hospital
Joy Joy LandMcKees Rocks BridgeThe CaveThe MallThe PrisonDark DimensionMinor Locations
PortalsInteractive ItemsTabletSoul ShardsSecret FilesRing AltarThe Riddle of Heaven
Malak's RelicBarriersTrapsSecret NotesClown CarsMalletThe Mark of MalakSyringesBoulders
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Torment TherapyMascot MayhemBearly Buried9th Level
Chapter 1: No Way BackChapter 2: Into MadnessChapter 3: Retribution
Chapter 4: Mortal RamificationsChapter 5: Fated Conclusion
Environmental HazardsPowersLevelDeath TipsSteam Achievements
OSTDark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
Bad RabbitThe Notorious PigAlways NearI'm Dead
Games & Versions
Dark Deception (2014 Alpha)Dark Deception EnhancedSuper Dark DeceptionDark Deception 2
Malak Archives: House of MischiefMalak Archives: The Gamblers Misfortune
TimelineBierce's DiariesArt GalleryScrapped ContentQ&A Livestreams
Makeship PlushiesTeespring MerchThreadless MerchYoutooz Figures
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MM Navigation
BierceDetective EvansDoug HouserGlowstick VincePenPenNiksonPrisoner Borisov
Heather MasonCybil Bennett8-Bit RyanSuperHorrorBroDawkoSenpaiHanako
Info ChanJasonSalimCoryxKenshinMina ParkYaesol
Murder MonkeyAgathaGold WatcherDread DuckyClown GremlinReaper NurseLucky the Rabbit
Hangry the PigPenny the ChickenMalakBruteFiendNurseRobbie the RabbitAyano
Kissy MissyInfected BalathuInfected ClariceDark SongVicious Sister
Chef MonkeysThe Alphabet LettersTitan WatcherDoom DuckiesClown SpidersGoliath Clowns
Boss BrutesRed Pyramid ThingsFun GirlsHuggy WuggiesVampiresThe Butcher
Malak PhantomAir ScreamersPolice OfficersCat-Bees
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Monstrum MadnessSilent SacrificeAkademi AssaultPoppy PanicAncient Ashes
Soul ShardsPortal BoxesTrapsSkins
LevelUltimate AbilitiesCharacter ClassesStatus HUDStore
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PiggyThe Coma
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