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Torment Therapy Logo

Greetings and welcome to this place of healing & mercy!

– a Reaper Nurse, welcoming Doug to their hospital.


"Torment Therapy" is the sixth level in Dark Deception and is the first level of Chapter 4. It takes place in the Hospital and features the Reaper Nurses and the boss known as the Matron.


A hospital? Well, I guess everyone has to face their demons sooner or later. Maybe this place can help you with that.

– Bierce responding to Doug’s situation in a world filled with demons.

Reaper Nurse Entrance

The level starts in a parking lot in front of a giant hospital, with ambulances parked in some of the bays. Inside the hospital, several Reaper Nurses are standing around, with two more dancing in front of a giant statue of a Reaper Nurse holding a heart. Some harmless Gold Watchers are sitting on some couches.

A Reaper Nurse is sitting at reception on the phone, presumably speaking with Malak. After she speaks with you, another Reaper Nurse comes over and tells you to follow her. She takes you through a few hallways before entering a side room where she tells you to stand on the weight scale. Bierce then makes a comment regarding her suspicions. After standing on the scale, a cutscene initiates where a jet of fire blasts through the ceiling on to the scale which you avoid.

Reaper Nurse Warn

The Reaper Nurse apologizes for the "malfunction" and directs you to another room to take a "small blood sample". She tells you not to leave until the timer above the door reaches zero. You must interact with the door and spam the presented key until the door breaks open, allowing you to escape. Looking back into the room once outside reveals that needles shoot out of the walls from all directions. The Reaper Nurse shows her frustration about you leaving the room, but calms down quickly. She tells you that they don't have time to play games before taking him to get a chest X-ray.

The Reaper Nurse directs you to yet another room to get the previously mentioned chest X-ray. She again tells you not to leave until the timer reaches zero, and spawns a red barrier to stop you from leaving. Once the timer starts counting down, you must speed boost through the red barrier and break down the door like in the needle room.

Once you escape, the Reaper Nurse chases you down the hallway, but stops after you go though the double-doors, stating that Bierce has already "infected them". Here she reveals the Reaper Nurses'ability to cloak, which Bierce comments on.

You head into a small decontamination unit before heading into an elevator.

Act I[]

Ladies, the hospital is on a complete lock down! It seems we have an unruly patient on the loose that must be dealt with! Lethal mercy authorized!

– a Reaper Nurse informing the other Nurses of Doug's misbehavior at the beginning of act one.


When the elevator arrives, Doug gets out and then proceeds through the hallway. Before collecting the shards, one of the nurses announces over the PA system that the hospital is now on lockdown because of an "unruly patient", referring to Doug.

Reaper Nurse Zone1

There are total of 337 soul shards across the floor. There are also three Reaper Nurses which will wander the halls while cloaked, their position given by skating sounds and red flashes given off with every step; they will also occasionally spout dialogue. Should he get close enough to a Reaper Nurse, she will begin to chase him at a rate faster than his run speed, decloaking themselves once they get close enough and killing him on contact. Should he be out of the reach of their syringe, the Reaper Nurse will throw a pill at him instead, which stuns him on contact. The Reaper Nurses are also attracted to sound, moving to his location should they hear them opening a double door. This zone also has defibrillator paddles that scattered around the place as well.

First encounter with The Matron[]

Now that's a huge woman.

– Bierce remarking the Matron's large size.

Reaper Nurses Intercepting
Matron Guarding Altar

After Doug collected all the soul shards, he then leaves the Emergency area and proceed to the Transfer area. But before doing so, two Reaper Nurses jumped off of the building and begin charging towards him but he escapes and manages to got on the top of an ambulance which goes through a tunnel. The ambulance then takes him to the therapy center.

Once the ambulance arrives to the destination, he then gets inside and sees the Matron for the first time, along with the ring altar and other nurses. While he's looking around, one of the nurses comes up behind him knocks him in the head with her syringe, causing him to fall unconscious.

Nurse Acupuncture

He then wakes up to find himself inside a jail cell. The frenzied nurse then says that she heard him snoring pretty loudly while she took him there. Before he can get out, the cell door slams shut and locks. The nurse then activates a lever, which reveals a ceiling full of needles, which comes down. He managed to escape right in time. He also managed to get through the Matron and the nurses as well without being spotted.

Act II[]

Are you kidding me!? He's escaped! This is unacceptable! We will not accept unruly patients!

– a Reaper Nurse enraged upon discovering that Doug escaped.

Reaper Nurse Zone2

There are now total of 342 soul shards around the area. The Reaper Nurses are now in their Frenzied Mode, and another trap is introduced, the buzzsaws. Doug has to collect the shards on both floors by using metal platforms that'll move him up and down.

Boss Battle[]

Reapers, after him! Don't let him reach the portal!

– the Matron ordering the Reaper Nurses to kill the player at the beginning of her boss encounter.


After Doug collects all the soul shards, he moves to the ring altar to see that the Matron and the nurses have gone. He then takes the ring piece and leaves the zone, then takes an ambulance outside to return to the Hospital.

The Matron then alerts all the Reaper Nurses to chase after him with her coming from behind them. One of them gets onto Doug's truck and attempts to stab him with the syringe, but he dodges it, then stuns her with Primal Fear and knocks her back with the syringe he obtained from her.


During the fight, the Matron has the ability to destroy ambulances with the two buzzsaws that she holds. When she destroys these ambulances with the buzzsaws, the ambulances produce fire for a split second, and then sparks making the air change from red to yellow. She is able to travel slightly quicker than the speed of an ambulance when the vehicle is moving. She also follows whichever direction he teleport on the ambulances. When he stands on one ambulance for too long, she will try to charge at you, destroying some of the ambulances in front of her.

To defeat her, he must stun the Reaper Nurses across the ambulance with a Stun Orb or Primal Fear, before knocking them away using their giant needles. If he hits them without stunning them first, they will block the attack instead and proceed to kill him immediately. When knocked away, the Reaper Nurse will fall from the ambulance and crash into the Matron, which temporarily stuns her.

Final Act[]

Don't let him escape!

– the Reaper Nurses desperately trying to stop Doug from fleeing the hospital.

Nurses Final Act

After the fight, Doug got out of the truck and make his way to the portal. While he's in the decontamination room, one Reaper Nurse is bashing against the door to break it. When he's near the double door that leads to the lobby, three Reaper Nurses come out and two launch each other to him, but he managed to beat both of them while using Primal Fear on the other one. He then makes his way through a bunch of nurses in the lobby and gets to the portal in time.


Dd guide zone maps torment therapy1
  • Two of the elevators at the first zone contains the secrets, keep pressing all of the elevators until the two with it come up.
Dd guide zone maps torment therapy2upper
  • A secret is inside a secret room on top of the therapy center entrance. Open the wall to enter the room. Doug's notes and a prescription can also be found inside this room.
  • After collected all the soul shards, run into the Matron's desk to obtain the secret before leaving the zone.


To obtain an S-rank, the player must achieve all of the criteria listed below. Also, Torment Therapy has two stages which are independent scoring systems.

  • Time: Less than 45 minutes (+70)
  • Soul Shards: 679
  • Bonus Shards: 2 (+25)
  • Secrets: 4 (+35)
  • Lives Lost: 2 or less (+40)
  • Shard Streak: 200 (+30)
  • Total Shards obtainable: 1558

An S-rank must be achieved to obtain an excerpt of Bierce's Diary.


Picture Name Description
BloodDonorAchievement Blood Donor Gave blood in the Needle Room.
EvasiveManeuversAchievement Evasive Maneuvers Didn't get killed by any traps.
StealthySurvivorAchievement Stealthy Survivor Sneak by the Matron undetected.
TheBiggerTheyAreAchievement The Bigger They Are Defeated the Matron.
UnrulyPatientAchievement Unruly Patient This achievement is currently unobtainable due to a bug.
Earn an S Rank in Torment Therapy.

Known Bugs[]

  • The click detection for the Gold Watchers in the hospital lobby works only from certain positions. Some watchers cannot be interacted with at all.
  • If you have the 'Toggle Sprint' option on and you are not sprinting after the cutscene ends, you will be locked into the sprinting state instead of the walking state.
  • During the intro cutscene some of the nurse's lines repeat for half a second.
  • You can easily walk past the nurse in the intro sequence and proceed ahead without being obstructed for a while.
  • If you get into the scales room before the nurse and activate the trigger, she will get locked out.
  • If the nurse does not reach her pathfinding target before getting a new one, she will move back and forth constantly.
  • If you hold left as soon as you respawn after dying in the needle room, you will enter the scales room and get locked in.
  • The nurse cannot open the double doors near the needle room by herself.
    • If you're on the other side of the doors and open them, she will get pushed to the side and may get stuck.
  • During the mini-chase sequence after the last hospital test, the nurse will stop moving if you are near certain walls.
  • The specific elevator containing the secret does not play any sounds.
  • You can use powers during some of the cutscenes.
  • After completing Zone 1, you can avoid the trigger for activating the cutscene by walking around it.
    • If you avoid it, getting on top of the ambulance won't do anything, and you will get stuck if you fall off it on the other side.
  • If the framerate is low, you can fall off the ambulance while it's transporting you.
  • In Zone 2, there are no invisible barriers down the road, so you can easily walk off the map.
  • Bierce's line in The Matron reveal cutscene repeats for half a second.
  • One of the nurse's lines in the cell cutscene repeats for half a second.
  • You can die to the acupuncture needles even after escaping the room just by being near them.
  • In the stealth sequence, Bierce repeats the same sentence twice.
  • The Reaper Nurses' view cannot be seen on the map during the stealth sequence.
  • When behind the Matron, she will twist all the way around.
  • At the far end of Zone 2, you can see where the tablet map cuts off.
  • You can get stuck inside the lifts.
  • When you respawn and move forwards, the shards collecting sound will play even if there are no shards around.
  • Reaper Nurses do not use the closest lifts to the player and use the other ones which are further away.
  • Reaper Nurses can get stuck on the lifts.
  • If you collect the ring piece while using Speed Boost, you won't be able to close the menu, causing a hardlock.
  • Sometimes the boss music does not play.
  • If you stand on the corners of the ambulance, Reaper Nurses won't be able to kill you.
  • Sometimes hitting the nurses will do nothing and the syringe will break.
  • The nurse's line in the final cutscene repeats for half a second.



  • This is the only level in Chapter 4 to have two zones instead of three.
  • So far, Torment Therapy has the most soul shards out of any level despite having only two zones.
  • The portal of this level used to depict the picture of the matron without the red comb before the release of Chapter 4.
  • This is the final level to have only two zones.
  • In the fourteenth Q&A, Vince had confirmed the level would take place in daytime. However, in the real game, Doug enters the hospital at nighttime.
  • Torment Therapy is the level containing the most traps in the game so far.
  • So far, Torment Therapy, Crazy Carnevil, Mascot Mayhem, and Bearly Buried are the only levels with their portal icons changed.
  • When paying close attention behind the walls outside of the Hospital entrance, one can notice that there is a silhouette of a city filled with skyscrapers.
  • This is one of the only levels that can actually kill you in the introduction to the level, with the other being Bearly Buried.
  • Torment Therapy is the only level that Malak does not pursue you or is actually heard speaking, this is because he was occupied.


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DD Navigation
Main Characters
Doug HouserBierceMalak
MalakMurder MonkeysAgathaGold WatchersDread DuckiesClown GremlinsReaper Nurses
Lucky the RabbitHangry the PigPenny the ChickenJocelynTrigger TeddiesMama Bear
Red StalkersDark StarUnknown Monster 2Unknown Monster 4Unknown Monster 3Unknown Monster
Mecha Monkey
Chef MonkeysAgathaTitan WatchersDoom DuckyGoliath ClownsThe MatronJoy KillMama Bear
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