Dark Deception Wiki
Welcome to... Joy Joy Land? I've got a bad feeling about this place. I'd pick up the pace if I were you.


The Theme Park, also known as Joy Joy Land, is a location that appears in "Mascot Mayhem". It is the second map in Chapter 4, and is inhabited by Joy Joy Gang (Lucky the Rabbit, Hangry the Pig and Penny the Chicken), the Joy Joy Gang clones, and Joy Kill. Like all other nightmares, the theme park is demolished after the escape.


The theme park initially seems to be just a decrepit old theme park covered in fog, with the entry point being close to a large plaque of the Joy Joy Gang. The central area is a half-built castle with a Joy Joy Gang logo on it, and an array of brick walls (some of which was apparently broken by Hangry the Pig) surround it. The surrounding park resembles a cartoonish, medieval-looking village filled with lamps, cameras, and among other things, and fireworks are often set off in the background. Parts of the park's sides also contain mechanical tunnels, often guarded by cameras and wooden boards.

In truth, the park is actually a large facility, with the rest of it only accessible through entering an elevator behind the castle gate. The elevator leads to a central command unit controlled by Jocelyn, the facility's main A.I.. The room leads through several doorways, one of which leads to Zone 2 - a research and development office. The office mostly consists of corporate offices filled with abandoned or used supplies, as well as several large walkways and even a storage room. There are also certain rooms hidden away from access most of the time, including hallways broken into by Hangry and glass rooms either filled with Joy Joy clones or mechanical resources. A breaker room also appears in the center of the offices, but its breaker box is usually dysfunctional unless activated.

One of the doors in the control unit also leads to an elevator going deeper underground, revealing the facility's production plant, which is used to construct Joy Joy clones. The plant consists of large walkways suspended over molten steel, and several production lines can also be seen. Deeper within is a desolate maze of metallic hallways windowing the factory processes, vaguely reminiscent of a large spaceship. Several crushers are also present near the walkways, presumably used for crushing steel, and a large TV screen overlays the wall.



  • The official name of the theme park is "Joy Joy Land".
  • It was confirmed that the theme park itself is based on the abandoned Wonderland Amusement Park from China.



Dark Deception[]

Super Dark Deception[]



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