Dark Deception Wiki
Dark Deception Wiki

How creative. It's her victims, the school has become her dollhouse.

– Bierce, after Agatha reveals the trapped students in the classrooms.

The School also known as Agatha Elementary is a location that appears in "Elementary Evil". It is the first map in Chapter 2, and inhabited by Agatha and her trapped victims. Like all other nightmares, the school is demolished after the escape.

In Monsters & Mortals, the School is one of the maps currently available. It was added to the game on November 28th, 2020 for free.


Dark Deception[]

The school is a large elementary school split into two separate parts.

The entrance starts off in a large circular room with colorful seats, and a shelf with photos and trophies.

Upon entering, the player will come across a school bus which crashed into the school. Up ahead is an auditorium with empty seats fill the room. On stage has a poorly drawn Agatha. In the maze, there are multiple rooms, with some having a projector projecting an image on board. On the walls are messages written, or drawings on the walls of Agatha, and a poster of a Murder Monkey. On every corner of the school's walls, there are large pencils for detail.

In the heart of the school, the ring altar is there surrounded by playground equipment, and the name of the school is "Agatha Elementary". The other side of the school is worn down and burnt. Even the windows have silhouettes of Agatha's victims laughing and clawing at the windows. In some of the large rooms, sheets of paper are seen flying around while a desk shifts a little. This sector also contains a large cafeteria with tables.

Monsters & Mortals[]

This level is represented by zone 1 from the original. Some rooms have been replaced with corners and hallways. The beginning of the original is also cut from this because of it being a dead end. The exit area that leads to zone 2 is also missing and replaced with a playground area. The Fake Portals that spawn from trap time will explode when a player gets too close like the boss fight with Agatha. This also has unique bosses exclusive to Monsters & Mortals. They are The Alphabet Letters and when they spawn in they run around and swarm players and attack them.



  • At the beginning of the level, Bierce asks if Doug misses his school days, to which she then says it was the last time he was innocent.
  • In the 2014 build of the game, the school was originally called "Wilhelm Elementary".
    • Wilhelm Elementary is a reference to the "Wilhelm Scream", a popular sound effect of a man screaming.
  • Sliding down the slide in the center area will unlock the achievement "Playtime!"
  • The player can go under the map if he tries to get into one of the wheels of the school bus.
  • The underside of the map may be visible on the ground in the hole where the school bus is.
  • It is unknown why the school bus is in the wall near the school's entrance.



Dark Deception[]

Mobile Version[]

Super Dark Deception[]

2014 Demo[]



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School 08-qqnwk4bb