Dark Deception Wiki

The pieces to a powerful ring are hidden in nightmares behind each of these portals. Find them, and bring them to me. And you'll get your wish.

– Bierce

The Riddle of Heaven is the ring that Doug Houser is trying to collect throughout the gameplay of Dark Deception. Doug gets a ring piece from collecting all of the Soul Shards from the levels of the game (excluding the eighth level).


The Riddle of Heaven appears as a large ring with sharp edges, and made of the ring pieces, which are made from the Soul Shards, giving it it's purple color.


Doug needs to collect all ten Ring Pieces from each of the levels (Not counting the eleventh and/or the twelfth one). Not much else is currently known on how to get the ring.


Said by Bierce herself, the ring has demonic powers contained within. The ring is said that it can fulfill any person's desires and wishes. Though Bierce finishes with "...or so the legend goes", making it likely, or unlikely that it'll work.


The shapes of the pieces may change with each gameplay. But, they have the same possibility of staying.


  • Like the Soul Shards, it is purple, since the shards' power makes up the Riddle of Heaven.
  • A Riddle of Heaven can be found under the stairs when hacking, along with a second Bierce.
  • As confirmed by Vince Livings' 2nd Q&A video, the Riddle of Heaven's power is what sustains the nightmare levels, which is why they collapse after each escape.
  • In 2015 build, the riddle of heaven was a crystal ball that shines to show it's power.


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