"I've told you not to call me that. You know I hate it!" This page contains an unofficial/undisclosed title, which will be changed in future.
The Prison will be a location that appears in "Prison Panic". It is the second map in Chapter 5, and is inhabited by Dark Star, a Unknown Monster, and an unnamed boss enemy.
- In the 23rd Q&A; Vince revealed that the location of Prison Panic is in a Prison.
- Vince also revealed in the 23rd Q&A that Prison Panic has an unrevealed boss enemy.
- The Prison Is not a normal prison.
- The prison is the most trap-heavy location in chapter 5.
- there is going to be a zone in the air or hovering a void, similar to what Is seen in the concept art.
- The Prison will have "3 Zones" according to what Vince said.
- There will be surviving mortals in the prison that haven't turned into soul shards yet.