Dark Deception Wiki
Lucky Spoiler
"Doesn't look like Bierce has your back... huh buddy?"
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Bierce Stub
"Complete the ring, and you can use Malak's power to fulfill your darkest desires...or so the legend goes."
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You're my puppet now, mortal. And I've got a job for you...

– Malak

The Mark of Malak is a hex implanted on those Malak wants to posses.


In the middle of three concentric circles, the outer two being closer together, there is a visage of Malak's head. There are flame-like curved lines running in the four cardinal directions, and two extra scribble-like lines between them. Circling around the insignia between the two innermost circles, there are more scribbles, which look like zalgo text symbols.


Malak impresses Doug Houser with his mark, to get into Bierce's Ballroom and be able to get back the ring pieces from her.


The Mark of Malak is a hex which occurs by digging deep into the memories of the victim Malak wants to possess, revealing and forcing them to confront their greatest regrets, fears, and grudges. The affected victim sometimes sees this mark in their field of vision. Malak can see everything seen through their eyes, distort their sight, whisper within their mind, and even speak through them. The effects of it on Doug revealed the following memories about his life:

  • Argument with his ex-wife about her and their daughter Tammy, ratting them both out as Tammy cries on the staircase.
  • Talking with his mistress about his own daughter and gossiping about his ex-wife.
Doug (Hospital Portrait)
  • In a hospital, bald from cancer. He is shown wearing nothing but a patient's gown while laying in a hospital bed, with the pillow having an alternate version of the Mark of Malak on it. Doug's forehead appears to have been scratched.
  • The intentional car crash he caused, which killed 4 people including his ex-wife and daughter and injured 1 person, on McKees Rocks Bridge.

Doug eventually encounters Tammy in the final memory, who is pulled up out of the water beneath the bridge to severely attack her father.

Blue Orb Brokes the Mark of Malak

Somehow, certain sources can break this bond mark and make the captive free. Currently, only the blue orb can do it.

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Blue Orb

Names of voiceline files of the blue orb in "Bearly Buried", reveals that she is actually Tammy Houser. Logically, it seems only the cause of the great regret that makes the mark occur, can break the bond if they want to.





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