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How nostalgic. I used to have a manor like this, much bigger, of course.


The Manor is a location in Dark Deception and Monsters & Mortals. The nightmare appears in Chapter 2 in the level "Deadly Decadence", and is inhabited by the Gold Watchers and bosses known as Titan Watchers. Like all other nightmares, the manor is demolished after the escape.

In Monsters & Mortals, the hedge maze outside of the Manor is one of the maps currently available and was in the game since release and the public beta test before it.

As revealed by Vince in a Q&A livestream, the interior of the manor is not scheduled to become a multiplayer map.


Before the manor, the player starts outside. In front of the gates is a water fountain, and a large Watcher statue a sign below it reading, "Beyond these gates, judgment awaits".

In the inside of the gates are stone walls with writing on them. Upon entering the backyard to the maze has a smaller statue saluting, which later disappears. In the gate to the maze has two more signs saying "Tread no further, we are watching".

In the hedge maze are the Gold Watchers, lifeless Watchers, spike traps, and more signs saying "You paid no heed, now you shall bleed".

Inside the Manor itself are multiple turns and corners with large corridors and rooms filled with traps such as the spikes, and pendulums. In one roundabout room there are two large stone statues of the Watchers holding axes. In the heart of the Manor there are stairs leading to the lobby, and leading to the Ring Altar. There is also a secret room in the north eastern corners of the manor used to create said Gold Watchers, a large and tilted cauldron can be find inside, the said cauldron seems to contain molten gold and is surrounded by unfinished statues.

Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals[]

In Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals the hedge maze is used to represent Deadly Decadence in the game. The layout of the map is a near-identical version of the original game's layout, except without the front and rear entrances. The positions of some spike traps and certain hedge walls have also changed to fit the games multiplayer setting.



This is for the nightmare realm. For the parallels and symbolism of its decadent sentinels, see the Gold Watchers and the Titan Watchers.


As suggested by the level it is found in, The Manor is a place where the rich can waste away due to life and death at the hands of wealth. The Manor is something that the inhabitants can boast as a symbol of their superiority, while ironically appearing as sedentary puppets in the firm grip of the riches they claim to have complete control over. The Gold Watchers themselves are literally slaves of The Manor and Malak, the one who crafted the nightmare as a trap to lure the rich, who then became his servants in death as they were literally imprisoned in a golden body, where they would burn for eternity in the very thing they always wanted.


As with most areas in Dark Deception, the Manor also likely represent various phobias.

Phobia Relevance
Fear of Gold
The Manor is a grand structure full of gold guarded by Gold Watchers, golden golems with gold-trimmed clothes. It is reasonable to assume that the place represents the greed of Doug Houser, who lived an underprivileged life as a child, and consequently grew to envy the property of the upper class. All these could also represent the protagonist's fear of what he has become; having earned success as a member of a prestigious law firm, Doug likely purchased similarly-coveted properties that he could send off as gifts to his mistresses or use to cover up his other sins, be it as direct bribes, sanctuaries where he could do his sins in secret (similar to hotels), or simply as an intimidating reminder of his high status (in essence becoming one of the upperclassmen he once despised and envied), something that, at first, allowed him to revel in his perceived superiority (thus, "He who has gold makes the rules"), but eventually ended up haunting him in his later years.
Fear of Money
Fear of Wealth
Fear of Dying
The Manor could represent the fear of dying because of wealth itself (along with the greed, decadence, and other problems associated with it), which could change individuals for better or worse, something that could potentially harm not only themselves, but also those around them.


  • The Latin words "Libera tutemet" written on one of the garden walls translate to "Free yourself" in English.
  • Bierce confirms that the secret area in the northern portion of the manor is where the ring piece is used to create more Gold Watchers.
  • Despite having a first and second floor visible from the outside, only the second floor is accessible.
    • This is most likely an oversight.
  • Until Dark Deception Enhanced release, Titan Watcher was exclusive to Monsters & Mortals.



Dark Deception[]

Mobile Version[]

Super Dark Deception[]



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