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"Complete the ring, and you can use Malak's power to fulfill your darkest desires...or so the legend goes."
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"House of Mischief" is the first book of Malak Archives novella book series.

Official summary[]

A new collection of original stories based on the hit horror maze video game, Dark Deception!

All it takes is one bad day for the course of your life to be changed forever and taken down a very dark path. Sarah Dillinger's desperate struggle to survive the mean streets of 1911 New York City leads to disaster and deadly consequences. Meanwhile, Dr. John Wilson, finds out that there is such a thing as being in the wrong place at the wrong time after taking a trip to an Argentina casino in 1985. Each of them hopes for a miracle to escape their impossible situation, but miracles have a price, and the price may be more than they can bear.

Kelly Parra (Fazbear Frights) weaves two novella-length tales of terror from the Dark Deception universe with Dark Deception creator, Vincent Livings. Featuring cover design and illustrations by popular illustrator, Hieumay.


House of Mischief[]


A Gambler's Misfortune[]

Dr. John Wilson arrives to Argentina to gamble in a place away from his father, who wants to control every aspect of his life and even led him to become a doctor. He finally goes to a private party while his current "lady-friend", Letty, is left to buy whatever she wants with his money. The party is going badly for John, who has lost more than he has won, yet things worsen when an Argentinian gang breaks in and starts robbing people. One of the members kidnaps John and a wealthy British lawyer named Peter Thomas. Both of them are taken to a sort of mansion considered to be the center of the criminal organization that kidnapped them. The leader, Diego Valdez, introduces himself over a strangely friendly dinner to the two that leads to Thomas discussing with Valdez that his family can pay as much money as he wants for ransom and that this entire thing has been a minor inconvenience.

John attempts to also negotiate with Valdez, but he is informed that he isn't being held there for ransom, but to work for the organization as a surgeon that harvests organs alongside another member called Maria. Following his day full of surgeries, Maria cuts his hand and tells him that if he really wants to get out of here, he needed to talk with the "red-faced demon." Confused, John walks back to his room to go to sleep only to discover a book in the bathroom. The book detects his blood and summons Malak, who offers him a deal of ten years of freedom for John if he took the life of someone, anyone, with any method. John rejects the deal, horrified, and tries to find a more humane way out of this place the following weeks. Every night, however, he goes to sleep and dreams about some of Malak's nightmares. In these nightmares, he discovers a masquerade mask that resembles Malak and that can teleport him if he puts it on.

One day, during a surgery, he is asked to harvest the organs of Peter Thomas, who never actually got to go home. John runs out of the room and attempts to escape but is knocked out and starved for weeks in a room. His nightmares still continue and killing someone seems more and more reasonable every day that passes. A boy eventually goes to his room to bring him water, and John decides to knock him out rather than kill him. He goes through the building and tries to find Maria for roping him into this mess. John does get to her, but he is knocked out and taken to the surgical room once again, only this time, he is on one of the tables. Maria stands over him with a headdress and claims that she, too, had a deal with Malak- to murder someone for unimaginable riches. She kills John in cold blood by taking out his organs while he is still alive.

Waking up once again in The Mall, John sees he is being chased by mannequins. Using Malak's relic, he teleports to an office building of sorts with blood splattered all over the walls. He slowly starts to panic and tries to hear for whatever monster could've caused this. Suddenly, a strangely clean man appears and introduces himself as Xavier, another survivor. John almost believed him, but Xavier was too clean to have come from this massacre, he concluded. Xavier looks at him knowingly and transforms into a Spider Pig. Malak picks up the discarded relic on the ground and laughs maniacally as John is brutally murdered by the monster.




  • New York City
  • Argentina


  • The second story, A Gambler's Misfortune, was initially meant to be a separate book, but it was silently fused with House of Mischief into one book.
  • A Gambler's Misfortune also revealed in John Wilson's time in the mall that the white mannequins can transform into the Red Stalkers.



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