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Aaah, the circus. Those were pretty popular in my day. Such talent and showmanship. As a girl, the performance never failed to fill me with wonder. Watching them I wanted to become a star too. Now children just sit around and... what? Watch others play video games? Huh.

– Bierce

The Circus also known as the Fun Murder Circus is a location that appears in "Crazy Carnevil". It is the second map in Chapter 3 and is inhabited by the Clown Gremlins, the Clown Cars, and the Goliath Clowns. Like all other nightmares, the circus is demolished after the escape.


Dark Deception[]

The Circus exterior is composed of booths such as carriages, merchandise, games, and cages with enemies in them (Three Murder Monkeys and a lifeless Dread Ducky), as well as a merry-go-round that is in the center of the circus exterior. On the walls are posters featuring the shows, and even featuring the Clown Gremlins. Nearby is the Big Top Tent.

Inside the tent, there can be seen audience seats filled with cardboard cutouts of Murder Monkeys, Agatha, Gold Watchers, and Clown Gremlins. In the middle of the space, there are a bunch of circus-related objects, and a test your strength game.

The first zone appears to be a surreal, chasmic labyrinth, comprised of a completely checkered floor with no walls, gray arches, and rotating blue and yellow-spiraled pillars. Decorations such as Malak's eye and Clown Gremlins faces, pink and purple colored clown portals, and green and blue swirled circles are seen as well as red walls with purple spots, and pink and yellow pillars. The hammer and Jack-in-the-Box traps can be seen here as well. On some parts of the map are yellow and purple rotating tunnels, sometimes with clown heads on both ends. Before reaching this part of the level, the player will go down a long slide that has a loop.

The second zone is a funhouse with a confetti styled floor, and walls decorated with clowns, cotton candy, popcorn, and "HA HA" signs, as well as spider-clown hybrids, and a graffiti saying "Who Is Laughing Now?". There are two ball pits, lots of long colorful hallways, and a mirror maze without the mirrors. In the common areas, there are cannons facing in certain directions and round glowing neon rooms with spots.

On the outskirts of the funhouse is a railway track inhabited by a speeding roller coaster cart, which circles counterclockwise at a rapid speed, causing instant death on impact.

Monsters & Mortals[]

T LevelPreview Circus

In Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals, zone 1 is used to represent Crazy Carnevil in the game. It's still the same as the original, however the curved paths on the second floor, the Jack-in-the-Box traps and the slide that takes the player to the zone is absent. There is a boss that's exclusive to the map, the Clown Spiders, along with the return of the Goliath Clowns. The Clown Spiders can be seen crawling up from the bottom and instantly kill any player if they got close to them while the Goliath Clowns float in both platforms and smash whatever beneath them, both will spawn when a player activated the "Boss Time" item from Portal Boxes. Mallets also returns from the original game and work the same way as they did.



  • When going down the slide, Malak's laugh can be heard.
  • Malak's eye decoration in Zone 1 is of his Door Form from the alpha, not the current version.
  • In the initial release of the level, Zone 2 lacked the roller coaster cart and the glowing wall graffiti.
    • To further added the Clown Gremlin riding it wasn't there until Dark Deception Enhanced released along with Chapter 4.
  • The wall graffiti saying 'Who is laughing now?' might possibly be a reference to Bendy and the Ink Machine where the line appears written in Ink several times throughout the game



Mobile Version[]



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