Dark Deception Wiki
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"Doesn't look like Bierce has your back... huh buddy?"
This page contains information and spoilers about upcoming features from Dark Deception!


– Tammy to Doug

Tammy Houser is the late daughter of Doug Houser, and is a minor antagonist and later a tritagonist character in Dark Deception, making her first appearance in a flashback sequence in Mascot Mayhem in Chapter 4.


Tammy is a twelve-year-old girl with long black hair that tied into two down braids and brown eyes.

During a flashback scene when she is sitting on a stairwell, Tammy is wearing a tank top and skirt with her hair down.

At the time of her death, her hair was braided into two pigtails that fell over her shoulders. She wore a green long-sleeved hoodie dress with the number 17 and a pair of green sandals.

After being taken over by Malak, Tammy starts to glow a dark red and black color.


Tammy had a history of mental disorders dating back in 1988, such as spontaneous mood swings, panic attacks, and impulsive behavior. Because her condition worsened, Doug had her admitted to the Pittsburgh Psychiatric Hospital, where she was diagnosed.

Tammy was examined to have anhedonia, poor mental stability, and bipolar disorder. She also thought that her father didn't care for her at all, evidenced by signs of self-inflicted scars on her body, as well as extreme agitation when asked about him.

Doug became tired of her being a financial burden to him, so he abandoned her and her mother and fled to New York City to start a new life without them.

Tammy and her mother both later perished in a car accident caused by her father.

Family Tree[]

Doug's Mother
Doug's Father
Doug Houser
Clarissa Houser
Tammy Houser


Chapter 4[]

Mascot Mayhem Flashback[]

Crying flashback

As Doug approaches what appears to be a part of his house, he sees Tammy sitting in the stairs crying. Right after that, a corner of the room lights up revealing the argument between Doug and his wife, which is the source of her crying.

Crying flashback

When Doug got closer to the car accident in the bridge scene, Malak begins talking about the accident before bringing Tammy up from the water. He then talks about how she is a disappointment to him, then uses her to attack Doug so he can put the hex on him.

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Bearly Buried

Blue Orb
Blue Orb Bearly Buried

Names of voiceline files of the blue orb in "Bearly Buried", reveals that she is actually Tammy Houser. She helped Doug find the ring pieces throughout the level. It is currently unknown why she is in a form of a blue orb and is helping her father who is seemingly responsible for her death. Although, it is possible she knows he is trying to redeem himself and save her as well as her mother from the accident and potentially the abuse.

In the new soundtrack's thumbnail "Tammy's Wish", it's also confirmed she is somehow related to that blue orb.


Voiceline Used Audio File
"No...It's not time yet. I will help you. Escape." When saving Doug from Trigger Teddies.

"Go back!" When Doug enters while Trigger Teddies sleeping in TV room.
"There is a ring piece close by, this way." Guiding Doug to the first ring piece.
"It's here somewhere, find it!" Tells Doug to search for the first ring piece.
"It's open now. Don't worry, he doesn't know I'm here." When zone 2 opened.

"There is a ring piece close by. Before I go, with these ring pieces, I can break his hold on you." When Doug collecs all the ring pieces in the level.

"It's open! Escape!" When Bierce opens the portal.


  • Vince has confirmed in the 7th Q&A that Tammy will make an appearance sometime in either Chapter 4 or 5, but he only left it at that. It was unknown if it would be physical or just through pictures.
    • Later, she's appeared physically in Doug's past cutscene. She's seen crying in the stairs at the house scene and attacking Doug at the accident scene.
  • Vince confirmed in the fifteenth Q&A that Tammy will play an important role in Chapter 5.


Tammy Houser is voiced by Aimee Smith.

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Mascot Mayhem[]

Voiceline Used Audio File
*crying* While Doug's arguing with Elise flashback.
"YOU DID THIS!" Blaming at Doug in his car crash flashback.
"MURDERER!" Refusing to listen and interrupting Doug in his car crash flashback.
*scream* Before attacking Doug in his car crash flashback.



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