Dark Deception Wiki
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"Complete the ring, and you can use Malak's power to fulfill your darkest desires...or so the legend goes."
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Death awaits you once again in Super Dark Deception, a fun 2D reimagining of the hit horror maze game, Dark Deception!

– The game's description on Steam.

Super Dark Deception is a 2D pixel style horror game, currently being developed and published by Glowstick Entertainment. It is also a playable easter egg in Chapter 5.


Super Dark Deception is a fun retro take on the hit horror game, Dark Deception! Features:

  • Beautiful hand-drawn 2D pixel art that gives a classic 16-bit SNES RPG look and feel.
  • Power System: Earn XP and unlock powers as you progress that will allow you to even the odds and survive longer against horrendous creatures.
  • Fast-paced Arcade Horror: Run for your life and run fast. Enemies can be stunned and avoided, but not killed.
  • Hazardous Environments: Enemies are not the only danger. The mazes themselves are full of traps, hazards, and other dangers to watch out for.
  • Unique Enemies: Every nightmare presents a unique creature that has its own distinct AI. Players will have to change up their tactics in order to survive.

XPG Mera Edition[]


Super Dark Deception XPG Mera was a special edition made for Computex 2023 event in Taipei. As shown in this tweet Doug Houser is replaced with Mera from Xtreme Saga series made by XPG, both in-game and cover.

Physical Console Release[]

Limited Run Games Physical Release Reveal

Glowstick Entertainment partnered with Limited Run Games for a physical console release of Dark Deception and Super Dark Deception for PS4/PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X set to be released in Q3 2024.


  • Super Dark Deception was created after Vince Livings saw 2Deception, a Dark Deception fanmade demake. Vince had extremely close interest in the fangame as he is a big fan of SNES-styled games, and even expressed his wish to publish it. However after some time of no news and playable demos of 2Deception, Vince decided to move on and make his own demake of Dark Deception from scratch.
  • Unlike the original game, Super Dark Deception has only three chapters, adding more levels to each one.
  • Although Super Dark Deception is an exact 2D demake of the original game, it does have a few differences from Dark Deception.
    • In this game, the main menu is a mini-location where the player can move left and right, and the buttons and tabs are designed as Portals.
    • In this game, the extras menu is presented as a full-fledged Archive Room with many separate features, while in the original game it is just a regular standard menu with buttons.
      • This room can be customized by purchasing various decorations from the vending machine using soul shards and placing them on the stands in the middle of the room. You can also buy FX particles that will fly around the room.
    • Completing levels and S-ranking them unlocks characters from those levels (their normal/nightmare forms), and you can play as them.
    • Elise's notes, which in the original game are just pieces of paper that can be read, in this game are implemented as full-fledged visual flashbacks/cutscenes, which adds more immersion to the story.
    • New Achievements. While Dark Deception has a system of 5 achievements per level, Super Dark Deception has a set number of achievements (currently 16) per chapter.
    • Minor differences in gameplay.
      • The map is built a little differently in some places (removal of some turns, etc.)
      • Some levels have a different total amount of shards ("Elementary Evil" - 291 instead of 283, "Deadly Decadence" - 353 instead of 354).
      • In the 2nd zone of "Deadly Decadence", shards are present in two secret areas, making collecting the secrets a mandatory part of the level. It's unknown if this was done intentionally or if the programmers simply made a mistake.
      • Some characters have new voicelines that are not present in the original game (namely a few new lines for Bierce in "Deadly Decadence", in the hallway before "Stranger Sewers" and in "Stranger Sewers" itself, and a couple new laugh sounds for Agatha and Gold Watchers).
      • The sewer water in "Stranger Sewers" works differently, slowing down Doug's movement speed instead of his acceleration.







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DD Navigation
Main Characters
Doug HouserBierceMalak
MalakMurder MonkeysAgathaGold WatchersDread DuckiesClown GremlinsReaper Nurses
Lucky the RabbitHangry the PigPenny the ChickenJocelynTrigger TeddiesMama Bear
Red StalkersDark StarUnknown Monster 2Unknown Monster 4Unknown Monster 3Unknown Monster
Mecha Monkey
Chef MonkeysAgathaTitan WatchersDoom DuckyGoliath ClownsThe MatronJoy KillMama Bear
Puppet KingDark Star
Other Characters
Tammy HouserElise HouserVictorEdgarDoug's MotherMistressMinor Characters
Bierce's BallroomThe HotelThe SchoolThe ManorThe SewerThe CircusThe Hospital
Joy Joy LandMcKees Rocks BridgeThe CaveThe MallThe PrisonDark DimensionMinor Locations
PortalsInteractive ItemsTabletSoul ShardsSecret FilesRing AltarThe Riddle of Heaven
Malak's RelicBarriersTrapsSecret NotesClown CarsMalletThe Mark of MalakSyringesBoulders
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Torment TherapyMascot MayhemBearly Buried9th Level
Chapter 1: No Way BackChapter 2: Into MadnessChapter 3: Retribution
Chapter 4: Mortal RamificationsChapter 5: Fated Conclusion
Environmental HazardsPowersLevelDeath TipsSteam Achievements
OSTDark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
Bad RabbitThe Notorious PigAlways NearI'm Dead
Games & Versions
Dark Deception (2014 Alpha)Dark Deception EnhancedSuper Dark DeceptionDark Deception 2
Malak Archives: House of MischiefMalak Archives: The Gamblers Misfortune
TimelineBierce's DiariesArt GalleryScrapped ContentQ&A Livestreams
Makeship PlushiesTeespring MerchThreadless MerchYoutooz Figures