Dark Deception Wiki


"Steam Trading Cards" are virtual cards, earned by buying and playing games on Steam, that can be crafted into badges that grant rewards. Collect a set of cards to earn items that help you customize your profile and show off your gameplay.

Monsters & Mortals[]


Chef Monkey[]

The Chef Monkeys run the hotel kitchen, but nobody has ever seen them actually cook anything. Bananas and ketchup do not qualify.

Clown Spider[]

What's worse than spiders? Clown spiders.

Doug Houser[]

While Doug may be lacking in virtue and have a lifetime of bad choices to atone for, he is also extremely capable. Surviving impossible odds is his specialty.

Pen Pen[]

Hiding behind a mask, Pen Pen is there in a flash and always ready to shock you with her racket or her biting remarks.

Glowstick Vince[]

A horror game developer thrown into his own world of horror, Vince is built for taking punishment and has an inhuman ability to deflect any and all attacks.

Dark Song[]

A demoness that stalks the alternate world of The Coma, hellbent on killing you.


Monstrum's Fiend is a frighteningly fast creature that also has powerful psychic abilities. Just when you think you've escaped its terror, it can pull you right back in.


Dawko is a corrupted mortal soul and, as a result, he is not always himself. Tread carefully in his presence.


M&M Level1 Badge M&M Level2 Badge M&M Level3 Badge M&M Level4 Badge M&M Level5 Badge M&M Foil Badge
Mere Mortal
Level 1
XP: 100
Wild Card
Level 2
XP: 200
Veteran Fighter
Level 3
XP: 300
Maze Monster
Level 4
XP: 400
Master of Mayhem
Level 5
XP: 500
Ultimate Demon
XP: 100


Image Name Description
Agatha's Doodles Background
Agatha's Doodles When Agatha gets bored she likes to doodle on the school walls.
M&M Dark Deception Background
Dark Deception There are things far worse than death waiting for you here.
Mascot Mayhem Background
Mascot Mayhem The Joy Joy Gang's all here!


Image Name Description
DreadDucky Emoticon
:DreadDucky: Nothing brightens up a gloomy day like a Dread Ducky's smile! Until it opens it's mouth. Then you're dead.
GlowstickVince Emoticon
:GlowstickVince: You'll see.
Malak Emoticon
:MalakFace: Never trust a demon's offer. Nor his smile. Actually, you should probably just avoid demons altogether.
Murder Monkey Emoticon
:MurderMonkey: That's what you get for monkeying around with murder monkeys!
PenPen Emoticon
:PenPen: Lightning fast and full of bitterness. Don't get on her bad side.
Soul Shard Emoticon
:SoulShard: Little fragments of crystal called soul shards. Each one contains the soul remains of one who met their end in the mazes. The eternal torment makes them extra sparkly!


v · e · d
MM Navigation
BierceDetective EvansDoug HouserGlowstick VincePenPenNiksonPrisoner Borisov
Heather MasonCybil Bennett8-Bit RyanSuperHorrorBroDawkoSenpaiHanako
Info ChanJasonSalimCoryxKenshinMina ParkYaesol
Murder MonkeyAgathaGold WatcherDread DuckyClown GremlinReaper NurseLucky the Rabbit
Hangry the PigPenny the ChickenMalakBruteFiendNurseRobbie the RabbitAyano
Kissy MissyInfected BalathuInfected ClariceDark SongVicious Sister
Chef MonkeysThe Alphabet LettersTitan WatcherDoom DuckiesClown SpidersGoliath Clowns
Boss BrutesRed Pyramid ThingsFun GirlsHuggy WuggiesVampiresThe Butcher
Malak PhantomAir ScreamersPolice OfficersCat-Bees
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Monstrum MadnessSilent SacrificeAkademi AssaultPoppy PanicAncient Ashes
Soul ShardsPortal BoxesTrapsSkins
LevelUltimate AbilitiesCharacter ClassesStatus HUDStore
MonstrumSilent HillUK CreatorsYandere SimulatorPoppy PlaytimeHouse of AshesCoryxKenshin
PiggyThe Coma
Art GalleryOSTTeespring MerchSteam Trading CardsScrapped ContentQ&A Livestreams