"Are you not aware that she offers only lies?" This article contains information on a subject that isn't considered canon in Dark Deception franchise.
“ | Is there a doctor in the house? | ” |
– Bierce |
Status HUD is an information system featured in Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals.
Stable HUDs[]
These are the basics in every gamemode for the player's HUD.
Health Bar[]
This shows the player's current amount of Hp numerically. Every class has a set amount of Hp.
Ultimate Ability Bar[]
This bar slowly fills in clockwise overtime which charges the player's ultimate ability. When full the player presses "Q" by default to use it. Every character has their own unique ability and each one has a different charge rate.
Item Slot Bar[]
This slot shows what item the player has that they can use. Pressing "E" by default will use the item.
The map shows a limited area of the maze the player is in. It shows teammates and the player via icons, shows a timer until the next shard wave begins (or when the match is about to end), soul shards, and soul shards remaining in the maze. Pressing "Z" by default will make it zoom out or in.
Total Shards[]
This shows how many soul shards the player has numerically. It will show it in all game modes and the main menu.
Status Effects[]
Status Effects, shows the effects that the player is exposed to during the match. It is located just above the life bar. They are divided into self-helpful, helpful and harmful.
Bleed is a harmful effect to those exposed to it. The players health bar will take 5 damage per second over a period of 7 seconds.
The following substances inflicts the Bleed Status Effect:
Blind was a harmful effect to those exposed to it. It was 5 seconds stun and doesn't actually "blind" any player effected by it.
The following substances inflicts the Blind Status Effect:
Bunny Barrage[]
Bunny Barrage is a self-helpful effect that only affects Lucky the Rabbit. The player's movement speed is boosted for 10 seconds until he catches an enemy. If he catches one, he will deal 8 damage per punch, rapidly for the remaining seconds. A total of 10 seconds adding up to 96 damage in total.
Charmed is a harmful effect that to anyone who exposed to it. Makes the player's light and heavy attacks are disabled for 10 seconds.
The following substances inflicts the Charmed Status Effect:
Corrupted is a harmful effect that to anyone who exposed to it. This status effect doesn't have an icon. This reverses the players movement and camera controls for 5 seconds.
The following substances inflicts the Corrupted Status Effect:
Fear is a harmful effect to whoever is exposed to it. The players attack damage reduces by 70% and reduces attack speed by 50% for 10 seconds.
The following substances inflicts the Fear Status Effect:
Fear Cuts Deep[]
Fear Cuts Deep is a helpful effect whoever inflicts it. The player's team will have their attack damage get a 20% boost for 10 seconds.
Frenzy is a helpful effect to whoever uses it. Attack damage and attack speed boosts by 20% for 8 seconds. Currently it can only be obtained from Portal Boxes and is exclusive to Monsters.
The following substances gives the Frenzy Status Effect:
Frozen is a harmful effect to who is exposed. Players will be extremely slowed down for 10 seconds. Currently only Prisoner Borisov's ultimate ability causes this effect.
The following substances inflicts the Frozen Status Effect:
Glitched is a helpful effect to those exposed. Players will be invulnerable to light and heavy attacks for 15 seconds. Fun Girls applies the icon on players screen as well, however, this effect only slows the player down. Glitch isn’t actually applied.
The following substances inflicts the Glitched Status Effect:
Fun Girls
Darkest Desire
Invincibility is a helpful effect that to anyone who uses it. This status effect doesn't have an icon. This makes the player immune to all forms of damage to their health and prevents them from being healed
The following substances gives the Invincibility Status Effect:
Magma Charge[]
Magma Charge is a self-helpful effect that only affects Brute. The player's move speed is slightly boosted and they are set ablaze for 10 seconds. Running into an enemy will hurt them for 75 damage and cause them to burn over time, dealing more damage. This burn over time will last for 3 seconds and each second they will take 20 damage, 60 in total burn damage.
Power of Love[]
Power of Love is a self-helpful effect that only affects Penny the Chicken.
The player's movement speed is slightly boosted for 15 seconds. Making her the fastest character in the game when used. Her egg is also larger and goes 150% further of the normal distance and deals 30 damage instead of 25. Due to an unknown error, it appears as Murder Monkey's "Slicer Dicer" icon for now.
Protected is a helpful effect to anyone exposed to it. Players will receive 80% less damage from all sources and will have a 15% increase in movement speed for 10 seconds. Currently only Heather Mason's ultimate ability causes this effect.
The following substances inflicts the Protected Status Effect:
Set Ablaze[]
Set Ablaze is a harmful effect that to anyone who exposed to it. This status effect doesn't have an icon. This causes the player to take damage over time with a fiery effect on their screen each time they lose health. With the total burn damage depending on if a Fireball from a Boss Brute hits you OR Brute uses his Magma Charge. Magma Charge doing a total of 60 damage over 3 seconds and Boss Brutes doing a total of 80 damage over 4 seconds.
The following substances inflicts the Set Ablaze Status Effect:
Boss Brutes
Magma Charge
Silenced is a harmful effect that to anyone who exposed to it. This status effect doesn't have an icon. This removes the item the player currently has/using and prevents them from getting another one.
The following substances inflicts the Silenced Status Effect:
Slicer Dicer[]
Slicer Dicer is a self-helpful effect that only affects Murder Monkey. The player's movement speed is boosted and grants immunity to slowness items and ultimate abilities which lasts for 10 seconds.
Shard Leader[]
Unlike all the other status, Shard Leader has no effect. You can not see this icon above your own health bar, but all other players can see it above your head, top left side of your health bar. It's a sign that you will win the match. However, that may make you an obvious target for all enemies.
Shooting Star[]
Shooting Star is a self-helpful effect that only affects PenPen. The player's movement speed is boosted for 15 seconds and will be able to stun any enemy she runs into for 2 seconds.
Slowed Down[]
Slowed down is a harmful effect to who anyone exposed to it. The players movement speed reduces by half for 5 seconds. Currently it can only be obtained from Portal Boxes and is exclusive to Monsters.
The following substances inflicts the Slowed Down Status Effect:
Speed Boost[]
Speed boost is a helpful effect which will buff the player's movement speed for 4 seconds and grants immunity to banana peels. Currently it can only be obtained from Portal Boxes.
The following substances gives the Speed Boost Status Effect:
Stunned is a harmful effect that to anyone who exposed to it. This status effect doesn't have an icon. This prevents the player from moving their camera, moving their player, attacking, using their item, and using their Ultimate Ability.
The following substances inflicts the Stunned Status Effect:
Red Pyramid Things
Freeze Flash
Shooting Star
8-Bit Beatdown
Ducky Surprise
Bunny Barrage
Snap Mode
Primal Fear
Banana Peel
Telepathy is a helpful effect that to anyone who uses it. This status effect doesn't have an icon. This lets the player see teammates and enemies through walls. Monsters will be shown as a red fog and Mortals will be shown as a purple fog. This will also allow them to see Invisible players using Vanish or anything similar.
The following substances gives the Telepathy Status Effect:
Ultimate Locked[]
Ultimate Locked is a harmful effect that to anyone who exposed to it. This status effect doesn't have an icon. This empties out the Ultimate Ability meter and prevents it from charging up naturally for 15 seconds.
The following substances inflicts the Ultimate Locked Status Effect:
Weakened was a harmful effect to those exposed to it. Making the player's attack damage reduced by 30% for 3 seconds.
The following substances inflicts the Weakened Status Effect:
Vaccination Time[]
Vaccination Time is a self-helpful effect that only affects Reaper Nurse. The player becomes invisible for 20 seconds. During that time, her speed & attack damage are boosted by 15%.
Vanish is a helpful effect that to anyone who uses it. This status effect doesn't have an icon. This makes the player invisible to other players for 8 seconds. However, they can be seen by Bosses, Air Screamers, Police Officers, and players using Telepathy.
The following substances gives the Vanish Status Effect:
You'll See![]
You'll See! is a self-helpful effect that only affects Glowstick Vince. The player will take damage by half, reflect the complete damage for 15 seconds to all players and their clones, will be immune to damage from bosses, traps, and Phantom Malak.
Burning is a harmful effect to those under its effects. Kissy Missy's Ultimate Ability will cause this effect on any foe hit by her Cat-Bee projectiles. The player who is burning will take 10 damage per second for 6 seconds. Totaling up to 60 damage. Infected Balathu and CoryxKenshin will also cause this effect on those hit by their Ultimate Abilities, only lasting for 5 seconds however. Totaling to 50 damage.
Poisoned is a harmful to those under its effects. On the Poppy Panic map the trap time event, Cat-Bee, will spew out a poisonous cloud that if walked into will cause this status effect onto the player. The player who is poisoned will suffer 2 effects. Being slowed down and taking damage over time. They will take 3 damage per second for 3 seconds. Totaling up to 9 damage. However, this timer will not start counting down if they continue to stay within the cloud.
Full Screen HUDs[]
Full Screen HUDs are HUDs that appear entirely on screen and not just part of it like those above.
Ghost Mode[]
This is a HUD to let the player know they're in ghost mode. It will happen when a player dies or escape in Maze Escape and acts as the spectator mode. The player cannot interact with the environment at all and can see all players through walls. Monsters will be outlined and highlighted in red while Mortals will be in purple. As well as a timer (if dead) to let them know when they will respawn.
You are Dead[]
This shows that the player has died. It shows them who they got killed by, how many soul shards they lost (Not applicable to Monster's in Maze Escape) and a timer for when they will respawn.
You Escaped![]
This will pop up when they escape through a portal in Maze Escape.
Time's Up![]
This let's the player know that time is up for Shard Mayhem and Soul Collection.
You Won![]
This will only show in Maze Escape if the player has won the match.
You Failed![]
This will only show in Maze Escape if the player has lost the match.
Information Feed HUDs[]
This is on the player's screen to let them know important information
Left Side[]
This is side displays who dies, when passive status effect ultimate abilities are used, and if soul shards are gained or lost (Maze Escape).
Bottom Side[]
This will show the player when some items are used and by who and who activated trap or boss time.
Pop-up HUDs[]
These will pop up for only a moment to notify the player of something dangerous or notable is about to occur.
Dangerous Events[]
Boss Time[]
Whenever a player gets a Portal Box and receives the Boss Time item it will summon the boss(es) on the map for 1 minute. These are harmful to all players except to Monsters in the gamemode "Maze Escape" and cannot be stored. It will automatically be used when found and cannot be found again until boss time ends. Each boss is unique to each map.
For more info on how these bosses work go back up and click on who you want to know and if applicable to the boss, scroll down to their Monsters & Mortals section on their page.
Trap Time[]
Whenever a player gets a Portal Box and receives the Trap Time item it will activate or spawn the traps on the map for 1 minute. These are harmful to all players regardless of the gamemode and cannot be stored. It will automatically be used when found and cannot be found again until trap time ends. Each trap is unique to each map.
These will pop up to let the player know a new shard wave has begun and the final wave.
This'll pop up on screen to let the player know they killed someone.
Portal's Open[]
This will pop up on Maze Escape for all player's to let them know the escape portals have opened up.
Character HUD Icons[]
Character HUD Icons can be seen in left side information widget and map. Icons are encircled with red for Monsters and purple for Mortals with their names. Even though Bosses, hazards and traps have red names in the HUD, there are currently no icons for them.