Dark Deception Wiki
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"Doesn't look like Bierce has your back... huh buddy?"
This page contains information and spoilers about upcoming features from Dark Deception!

The Red Stalkers are some of the many enemies in Dark Deception. They will make their first appearance in Chapter 5, and are the main enemies in "Holiday Horror". They share the level with the Puppet King.


As shown in the end screen, the Red Stalkers appear as slender humanoid mannequins with long pointed limbs and no hands or feet. Their calves are curved. They also have a pointed head, resembling a cone-headed Mannequin. Their limbs seem to be detachable. They do not wear any clothes.

The Mannequins were all initially designed as only female, but after an update, this is no longer the case. There is an additional type of red Mannequin that is shaped like a male figure, lacking a head entirely, and possessing an extra set of pointed limbs. It was also confirmed there were types of Mannequins that are red and white, though the White Mannequins are only used as decorations.



Although It is unknown what their personality is or if they even have one, they are most likely mindless & hostile. They may also be sneaky since their movement could be quiet.


Although there is currently no hint as to how these enemies will function, a Twitter post from the developers state that the Mannequins will have a move-set and behavior that they described as "crazy," foreshadowing the difficulty of their stage. As shown on the Chapter 4 end screen, the Red Stalkers will roam around while walking in a rather wobbly manner. Most likely due to the fact that they don't have proper feet, it's theorized that their movement might be quieter than other monsters.

Because the Red Stalkers are blind and have no ears, it is theorized that they detect movement through vibrations. This would mean that Doug would have to be extremely stealthy, using Teleport to get around the map, Telekinesis to gather as many soul shards as possible while in one spot, and Primal Fear to stun the Red Stalkers as a last resort.

It has been theorized by some fans that the Red Stalkers are able to move so quickly, despite lacking proper feet, is because they are able to propel themselves quickly by using various types of gymnastic maneuvers. This would explain why they are by far the fastest runners, because their movements would be completely unique.

In the twenty second Q&A, the Red Stalkers were described to have a swarm like ability, similarly to the Clown Gremlins. Their cone heads have also been mentioned to be "lethal".

In the twenty fourth Q&A, the White Mannequins were revealed to be a decoration; hinting that these types of mannequins may not be lethal compared to the Red Stalkers.


  • The Mannequins' portal picture was found in the game files.
    • It was scrapped and later replaced with the icon of the boss enemy - the Puppet King.
  • Despite having a full name, fans still generally prefer to call them Mannequins, because that was what they were called for several years before their real name was revealed.
  • Before it was debunked, it was commonly suspected that the mannequins would behave inversely to the Gold Watchers by only moving when the player looks at them rather than away from them.
  • Vince Livings confirmed that their level is a mall in the fourth Q&A livestream.
    • He further expanded on this in the seventh Q&A and said that the Mannequins will live inside of an "American Mall". This being further emphasized with the mall being revealed to be somewhat Christmas-like.
  • They most likely represent Automatonophobia, the fear of human-like figures like the mannequins, similar to the Gold Watchers.
    • Going with the fact their level is confirmed to take place in a mall, they could represent Agoraphobia, the fear of open public spaces which include shopping malls, or Officinaphobia, the fear of shopping.
    • Alternatively, the Mannequins may also represent Aichmophobia, the intense fear of sharp objects, given their pointed limbs and head.
  • As confirmed by Vince Livings in the 4th Q&A video, there will be different types of Mannequins.
  • As confirmed by Vince Livings in the 5th Q&A video, the Mannequins will be the fastest enemies in the game. According to another Q&A, he also clarified that the mannequins are fast when chasing Doug, but not by running or teleporting.
  • The Mannequins are fast from the get go, and there's a reason why they're fast.
  • Vince Livings said in a Q&A Livestream that he went for the cone head mannequins instead of the "traditional" Mannequins because he wanted their Mannequins to look different and stand out.
  • In a Q&A video, Vince Livings confirmed that the Mannequins won't have voice actors. This makes them the first humanoid/non-animalistic monster to not have a voice actor.
  • The Mannequins, along with Agatha, Dread Duckies and The Matron are all enemies to show up on the end screens of chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • The Matron and the Mannequins are the only enemies without feet, as the mannequins travel on pointy legs, and the Matron moves around on a hoverboard.
    • Coincidentally, both the Matron and the Mannequins don't have eyes, have red in their color schemes and are considered to be the fastest enemies.
  • The Mannequins' appearance, including their spiky limbs, may have been partially inspired by the Slayers from The Suffering video game.
  • The Mannequins, Murder Monkeys, and Dread Duckies are the only enemies without hands.
  • According to a Q&A, the Mannequins have a name, as stated by Vince, but will not be revealed until much later.
  • Vince confirmed in the fifteenth Q&A, that the Mannequins are designed to be female, although he said that they can be thought of as having any gender. This makes them gender neutral.
    • However, another piece of media revealed a male mannequin with an extra set of limbs and no pointy head.
  • The Mannequins are the only enemy to not have clothes or accessories.
  • The male and female Mannequin have different gameplay.
  • There is no green or blue Mannequins.
  • Like the other OST's, the Mannequins have their own unique theme within their soundtrack, with theirs giving a "retro 80's" or Christmas vibe.
  • The Mannequins portal icon is the only one that contains no details.
  • They, along with Agatha are the only characters to not be stationary in the end screens.
  • Vince confirmed in the fifteenth Q&A that the Mannequins are always fast whenever they find Doug.
  • It is confirmed that the Mannequins can kill Doug with all of their limbs and not just their head.
  • In the 18th Q&A Vince confirmed the Mannequins are blind.
  • In the 20th Q&A Vince confirmed that there are different classes of Mannequins. One of the classes are confirmed to be "Red Ones". In the 21st Q&A, Vince confirmed there will also be "White Ones".
    • Later in the 22nd Q&A the official names of the red mannequins are the "Red Stalkers". He also mentioned that the white mannequins do not have a name yet and are simply referred to as "White Mannequins" at the moment.
      • The White Mannequins were confirmed to be a type of decoration in the twenty fourth Q&A.
      • According to the twenty fifth Q&A, Vince stated while the White Mannequins are not necessarily "enemies", they still serve a purpose to gameplay.
  • According to the 20th Q&A, Vince confirmed that each type of mannequin is in their own "state". This foreshadows the idea that they may function/react differently from one another when hunting/chasing Doug.
  • There will be a lot of the Mannequins in the Mall, more then Trigger Teddies in Bearly Buried.
  • The Mannequins are challenging, but they are not the deadliest monsters.
  • The Mannequins advantage is their numbers, rather than their strength.
  • According to the Q&A Mannequins cannot get killed by the player.
  • The Mannequins speed is uncomfortably close to that of max level speed boost.
  • The Mannequins can outrun the player when using level 1 speed boost.
  • There a reason why the Red Stalkers where given that name.
  • In the 21st Q&A, Vince revealed that the Mannequins and Mama Bear are about as deadly as each other.
  • In the 21st Q&A, Vince said the Mannequins function as a hivemind, that they are 'mindless', and that they are being used as puppets and controlled by the Puppet King . This brings up the question if they are sentient at all.
  • In the 24th Q&A, Vince revealed that the enemies and the level are both inspired by Stranger Things.
  • It’s possible that each variant of them could have different abilities or forms.
  • According to the 28th Q&A, Vince confirmed there are five types of Red Stalkers, with the male and female variant being different types.
  • Some mannequins connect with the environment regarding appearance
  • The way the mannequins detect the player has been described as very unique






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