Dark Deception Wiki
Bierce Youmay
"Don't look so confused..."
This article is about the Dark Deception character. You may be looking for the Silent Hill character.

Ladies, the hospital is now on complete lockdown! It seems we have an unruly patient on the loose that must be dealt with! Lethal mercy is authorized!

– A Reaper Nurse initiating the hunt for Doug Houser

The Reaper Nurses are recurring enemies in Dark Deception and a playable monster in Monsters & Mortals.

The Reaper Nurses serve as the guardians of the Hospital, alongside their superior, the Matron. Masquerading as harmless healthcare staff, the Reaper Nurses rely on their captivating looks and warm manners to seduce their victims. Like their fellow monsters in the Dark Dimension, the Nurses are unwaveringly loyal to the demon lord Malak and exist to guard one of his ring pieces. The Nurses contain the souls of women who harbored deep-seated animosity towards men, a sentiment that is evident through their speech and the writings found throughout the hospital.


They wore medical bags over their heads while moving around on roller skates, which struck me as odd. I didn’t care to look at what was under those bags and I prefer to never find out. Like all the other monsters that I've encountered, their souls were bound in servitude to the demon whose footsteps I have been following. Even as I stood before them, the nurses didn't bother to attack me. They are demons that specifically prey on men and call themselves "Reaper Nurses". I could feel in each of them the soul of a woman with a deep & scarring hatred of men. They were all born from that hatred. The Hospital lures the souls of men that hate & disrespect women and offers them an eternity of torment by women that hate and & disrespect men. How appropriate. They truly deserve each other.

– E's sixth note, describing the appearance and agenda of the Reaper Nurses

The Reaper Nurses are slim, female humanoids with light skin dressed in 20th-century nurse clothing. Their faces are visibly obscured by what seems to be a white paper bag with a black first aid "plus" symbol marked on the front, though they can still see. Like the Matron, the Reaper Nurses wear red combs across the top of their bags. While it is unknown what their faces look like, some merchandise has shown that they wear pink lipstick and appear to have the mouth and chin of an average human.

Their clothing comprises of a skintight red and white rubber/latex dress with red buttons on the top and apron. They wear white pantyhose tights with black first-aid symbols accessorized on the puffy shoulders and waist belt. They wear red short gloves and red Mary Jane styled heels with roller skates attached. Their most prominent feature is the oversized syringe they wield, which they use to stab their victims.

The Reaper Nurses have two weapons: a giant syringe that serves as their primary weapon, and a pill. Nonetheless, their kill animation only uses a giant syringe. This makes them, Penny the Chicken and Trigger Teddies the only standard enemies in Dark Deception to have only a single kill animation. In contrast, the other enemies generally have around three or four kill animations in total.

Once the Nurses enter Nightmare Mode, their clothing turns red and black. They become fast enough to catch up to speeding ambulances.


What a shame. It seems you've been infected by that woman after all. You do not desire salvation. You are just another vile man after all. Chaotic and infectious, like a virus. Very well. We know how to deal with viruses. If eradication is your true desire, we shall grant it. It might be comforting to tell you that your death will be quick and painless, but that would be a lie. After all, we can get a bit carried away when performing our duties. However, I can promise you one thing. You'll never see it coming.

– A Reaper Nurse threatening Doug Houser

When first encountering them, the Reaper Nurses display a friendly and welcoming façade, directing their 'patients' to their respective rooms. Most nurses also display a sense of humor and occasionally joke around. They also happily assist their 'patients' in navigating around the hospital to get their 'clinical treatment,' hoping their patients accept what the Nurses call their 'Healing and Mercy,' which are immediate executions disguised as hospital procedures. The Nurses could be psychopathic, as they take joy in torturing their victims when performing their 'hospital procedures' and will make the death of their victims slow and painful.


The Nurses lure men into the hospital through seduction, as many of them can be seen dancing around to seduce their victims into a false sense of security, including two in front of the statue in the lobby and a plethora of the entities dancing in the hallway between the lobby and the main hospital area, as well as the Nurse at the reception counter complimenting Doug on his appearance.

Underneath their friendly demeanor lies a deep and never-ending ire for men, except for their master, Malak, as it was explained by "E" that the Reaper Nurses were born from that specific kind of hatred, likely the fury of mistreatment at the hands of men. Because of this, all Reaper Nurses hold a substantial prejudice against men, calling them an "infectious virus", making the Nurses much less tolerant when handling male patients.

We Can Do It Nurses

In contrast to how the Reaper Nurses treat men, they treat women alike with a much more patient and welcoming demeanor, except for Bierce, treating their patients more delicately with much more care, a form of treatment that E received upon stumbling the hospital and encountering the Nurses. On certain occasions, the Nurses discuss whether a female visitor would be a good fit to become a new nurse recruit. If the Nurses conclude that the patient deserves to become one of them (they pointed that out with E), they will approach said patient and offer their promotion, only needing them to go through what they call a 'little initiation ritual.' Should the recipient decline this offer, the nurses remain docile and won't attack the female patient for this response. The Nurse's delicateness towards female patients was shown when E was permitted to explore the upper areas as much as she wanted, except for specific areas. However, the nurses won't hesitate to attack their female patients with hostility should the patient disobey one of the rules of The Hospital.


Like all the other monsters of the Dark Dimension, the Reaper Nurses are devout followers of their master, Malak, for having given them to opportunity to hand out treatments of "healing and mercy", and are highly fascinated by Malak's capabilities, often bringing him up in conversation even if it isn't needed.


The Reaper Nurses antagonize Bierce for having reneged on her deal to give her soul to Malak in exchange for seven years and a day for stardom, referring to her as an infectious "deal breaker" only capable of lies.

Doug Houser[]

As with the other male souls before him, the Reaper Nurses despise Doug just through his mere presence alone, not to mention the problems he's causing Malak. However, they do try to mask their intentions to kill him by trying to appeal to his desires, such as moving and talking suggestively and offering to heal him of his sins. The longer he lives, however, the more their true nature starts bleeding through, eventually trying to kill him directly when Doug gets past the last hospital test. This is further worsened by the time he gets the ring piece, dropping any nice pretenses whatsoever and doing whatever they can to kill him, with one even taking the time to insult Doug's efforts to escape.

Elise Houser[]

Despite Elise intruding into their home and her suspicions of what they are, the Nurses treat her politely because she is a woman, a stark contrast to how they treat men (and Bierce, of course). This is primarily due to sensing Elise as a misandrist herself, eventually offering to have her join them as another nurse. Even after she declines in a worried manner, they allow her to stay as much as she wants so long as she stays out of the way of their goals but are forced to make her leave anyway since she goes into the restricted zones afterward.

The Matron[]

As the hospital's overseer, the Reaper Nurses act as her underlings and carry out her orders without complaint. According to the Nurse in the boss fight, they are well aware of her sheer brutality and respect her ability to use it.

Gold Watchers[]

Despite being male themselves (or at least modeled after them), the Nurses seem to tolerate the watchers' presence due to being loyal to Malak as well, even allowing them to have a tea party in their lobby room.



The Reaper Nurses' build grants them an incredible amount of athletic ability, allowing them to outrun normal humans and jump, twist around, and overpower targets with greater speed and force than a normal human, further helped by their proficiency in using their roller skates. In Nightmare Mode, they become fast enough to outrun and grip onto vehicles for extended periods of time.


At will, the Reaper Nurses can cloak themselves to the point that they're invisible to the naked eye, requiring telepathy and revealing red shards to help detect them. However, the nurses cannot hide effects created by moving, such as sound effects and skate imprints.

Equipment Proficiency[]

As part-time medical officials and prison guards, Reaper Nurses can skillfully operate the various equipment throughout the hospital, as seen while performing the medical tests. They show a particular preference for wielding giant syringes, their primary weapons for killing victims, as well as rapidly hurling pills filled with red mist that can stun their targets.

Dark Deception[]

Chapter 4: Mortal Ramifications[]

Reaper Nurse Entrance

The Reaper Nurses are the primary enemies of the game's sixth level, Torment Therapy.

A large group of Reaper Nurses appears in the hospital waiting room on entry, with two dancing in front of a statue while the others stand by alongside several Gold Watchers. One nurse will be sitting at the reception desk talking to someone, presumably Malak, before addressing Doug and telling the recipient to call back later. The Nurse then introduces herself, discussing the hospital and their ability to heal Doug's actions and problems. She then dismisses him while another nurse tells Doug to follow her.

Reaper Nurse Reception

After passing through a few hallways, including one with six nurses dancing seductively, the guide nurse will lead him to a room with a weight scale, telling Doug to stand on it. The "scale" unsuccessfully sprays fire at Doug, but the nurse dismisses it as a "malfunction," she leads him again to a needle room. The nurse, this time, tells Doug not to move from the spot, but he leaves the room just as it activates, much to her frustration. She leads him again to a room with an X-ray machine, warns Doug to do as she says this time, and leaves outside. Nonetheless, Doug leaves again, and the nurse chases after him.

Reaper Nurse Warn

Once Doug gets through some double doors, the nurse declares him a virus and elaborates on more lethal methods of "healing" him before disappearing, prompting Doug to use the nearby elevator. After he enters Zone 1, the nurse broadcasts to the others, telling them to find Doug and kill him.

Reaper Nurse Zone1

In Zone 1, 3 Reaper Nurses will be searching for Doug throughout the hallways. They can cloak their bodies entirely, rendering them invisible to the naked eye. While searching for Doug, they remain in their hidden state unless they either get close to Doug or end up hindered by something, making them hard to detect from afar without the use of reveal shards and Telepathy. They can, however, be detected otherwise via the sounds they make since they can't hide them, such as their dialogue, the sounds their skates make, and the skate marks they make while moving.

As with most enemies, the Reaper Nurses are never precisely aware of Doug's location and will chase him on sight, and, similar to Agatha, they will actively move towards any doors Doug opens. Unlike said enemies, though, the nurses that spot him will always track him down, and due to their fast movement speed, they can easily catch up to Doug unless he either stuns them or uses Vanish (alternatively, he could also just constantly use Teleport and Speed Boost to stay ahead of them). At close range, they will also begin to lob pills at Doug to stun him, releasing a paralyzing gas in case they miss him.

When stunned, they uncloak themselves for a bit, staring down, shaking their heads, and groaning at close range.

Reaper Nurses Intercepting

While Doug exits Zone 1, two nurses greet him from the top of two buildings before jumping down and confronting him. Doug, however, quickly evades them through several doors and escapes on top of an ambulance.

Nurses Guarding Altar

As Doug enters the Zone 2 lobby, five nurses, now in Nightmare Mode, are shown guarding the ring altar alongside the Matron. However, another one ambushes him from behind and knocks him out.

Nurse Acupuncture

Sometime later, a nurse - possibly the same one - will chat with Doug while he's in a jail cell, thanking him for heading there and preparing Doug for Malak's arrival. She then activates the acupuncture procedure for the cell and leaves, but not before telling him to scream while he dies.

Soon enough, Doug escapes the cell and enters the main room with the guard nurses and the Matron, unaware of his escape. Doug is forced to take a specific path to avoid the nurses' sightlines, which triggers them into chasing him. He eventually escapes into the Therapy Center.

Not long after, the same nurse from before broadcasts Doug's escape and orders others to hunt him down again.

Reaper Nurse Zone2

Three frenzied nurses will begin searching for Doug throughout Zone 2. Their behavior remains largely the same, but the more open environment means they can spot Doug's location more easily. They can also use the handicap presses to follow Doug onto the catwalk, sometimes also throwing pills at him if they see him from below.

As Doug rides an ambulance back to Zone 1, the nurses begin chasing him down at a fast pace, with one nurse jumping onto Doug's ambulance and telling him that he'll never escape, regardless of what he does to reach his goals. She then tries to attack him, but Doug stuns her and knocks her off with her syringe.

Reaper Nurse in Boss Battle

During the Matron's boss battle, the Reaper Nurses, in their nightmare forms, will skate down the road, keeping pace with the ambulances Doug fights on. Occasionally, they will jump onto an ambulance in an attempt to attack him. Doug must knock some of them off by first stunning them before hitting them; while the Reaper Nurse is conscious, she will block the attack and immediately kill you. If Doug teleports to an ambulance, any reapers that were just on the previous one will follow him onto it or move one ahead of him.

Nurses Final Act

During Doug's escape, a nurse will appear behind the door of the decontamination room he's in and bang on it. Further along, three nurses block his way, and one sends another flying after him. However, Doug bypasses all three with his powers and enters the waiting room, where four nurses are waiting. Nonetheless, Doug evades them and quickly escapes through the portal.

Reaper Nurse in Ballroom

A Reaper Nurse spawns from Malak's clone as a nightmare and stands guard at her portal.

Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals[]

Reaper Nurse Noncanon
"Are you not aware that she offers only lies?"
This article contains information on a subject that isn't considered canon in Dark Deception franchise.
Char select screen reaper

Reaper Nurse returns as a playable monster in Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals.

As a monster of the Speed class, the Reaper Nurse is one of the fastest characters in Monsters & Mortals, able to move around quickly and strike with almost no attack cooldown. On the other hand, Speed class monsters only have 200 hit points, making the Reaper Nurse one of the most fragile monsters in the game. The Reaper Nurse deals 18 damage by swinging her syringe sideways, and 36 damage by stabbing her syringe forward.

When using her ultimate ability, "Vaccination Time". Every enemy on the map (excluding other monsters in Maze Escape mode since they are allies) is inflicted with fear. On the other hand, she is rendered invisible while her speed and attack power is increased by 15%, allowing her to deal 20 damage with her light attack and 41 damage with her heavy attack.

Tactics against Reaper Nurses[]

  • Because of the low health of Reaper Nurses, it may be fine in certain circumstances to engage them in direct conflict, but only if the player is confident that they can withstand the Reaper Nurses' assault and outlive them in a straight fight.

Tactics as Reaper Nurses[]

  • The Reaper Nurses' incredible speed is balanced by its low amount of health, as Speed class monsters only have 200 hit points, the lowest health of any monster in the game. Hence, those playing as Reaper Nurses should rely primarily on hit-and-run tactics in order to inflict maximum damage at minimal cost.
Gameplay Info
Team Monsters
Class Speed
Weapon Great Syringe
Health 200
Speed Fast
Light Attack Damage 18
Heavy Attack Damage 36
Ultimate Ability ReaperNurse U.A. VaccinationTime Vaccination Time
UA Description The Reaper Nurse becomes invisible for 20 seconds.
During that time, her speed & attack damage
are boosted by 15%.
UA Duration 20 seconds
UA Damage 20 (light attack), 41 (heavy attack)


Image Name Rarity Appearance
Reaper Nurse (Nightmare Skin)
Nightmare Mode Soulshard Common Nightmare Mode Collection

The Reaper Nurse enters her Nightmare Mode like in the original game.

Halloween Green Nurse
Halloween Green Soulshard Common Halloween Collection

The Reaper Nurse replaces her red and white colors with green and black.

Halloween Orange Nurse
Halloween Orange Soulshard Common Halloween Collection

The Reaper Nurse replaces her red and white colors with orange and brown. It also gives her long socks a striped pattern.



With each nightmare portal being tied to sacg of Nine Layers of Hell from Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy with the monsters being manifestations of sin, the Reaper Nurses symbolizes Lust as they are young, attractive, and flirtatious women that happens to have an uncontrollable desire to maim and torture any man foolish enough to enter their domain, which also appear as a twisted cross between a hospital and a strip club. They embody the souls of misandrist women; their hatred and scorn of men turned them into monsters, as quotes like "Men Are Pigs" and "Destroy All Men" show up throughout the hospital. In addition, the hospital is also known to attract the souls of misogynistic abusers as "patients specifically," leading to how the two groups complement each other perfectly. Despite their misandrist nature, the Reaper Nurses still respect Malak and even accommodate the Gold Watchers, likely only because of their similar goals.

Like the hotel in "Monkey Business", The Reaper Nurses themselves seem to represent Doug's infidelity, more specifically, the secretaries themselves. Meanwhile, the hospital seems to represent the place where Doug was undergoing treatment by the many doctors and nurses for his cancer while also dealing with the admission of his wife and daughter to a psychatric hospital for their mental health issues. The syringes and defibrillator traps found throughout the hospital symbolize Tammy's experiences during her time in the hospital. Being a child, Tammy likely harbored fears of medical procedures, such as having her vitals checked or blood drawn. Meanwhile, the pills thrown by the Reaper Nurses to stun the player symbolize Elise's drug addiction, which often led to violent behavior as she attempted to stab Doug with a pair of scissors after a fight. This addiction, as implied by Doug in a letter, was so consuming that Elise may not have noticed if her pills were substituted with something else, a mistake that lead to the car accident that claimed the lives of Elise, Tammy, and two other people.

According to the newspaper article found in "Crazy Carnevil," where Doug was arrested for the sexual misconduct involving five separate women, the Reaper Nurses could also represent these five victims that Doug sexually assaulted. Their highly sexualized, somewhat revealing attire represents Doug's lustful and objectifying behavior towards women, and the bags over their heads suggest Doug's disregard for their individual identities, viewing them solely as twisted objects of physical and sexual desire. The choice of bags instead of actual masks emphasizes not just the identity they are trying to conceal, but also the suffocating abuse they suffered at the hands of men, as well as Doug's perception that these women lack any true identity. Their ability to turn invisible further underscores their insignificance in Doug's eyes during his acts of abuse. All of these factors are also supported by their New York accent, which is the exact location where Doug confessed to the cops.

Alternatively, the Reaper Nurses may also symbolize Doug's failed attempt at seeking redemption through religion. Their mention of "checking in" to an asylum alludes to the strict adherence to rules and regulations akin to religious doctrines, particularly in Christianity, that must be followed to avoid punishment similar to how patients are restricted in a hospital or asylum. They are the only enemy who address Malak as "Lord Malak," resembling how Christians refer to God as "lord." Additionally, their masks adorned with large crosses reflect religious attire, reminiscent of certain traditions where women cover their faces. Despite the crosses primarily symbolizing first aid, they also evoke Christian symbolism, aligning with Doug's potential pursuit of redemption through faith. The Reaper Nurses are also referred to as "Twisted Angels of Mercy" by the developers, further supporting this theory.

Inspirations and Parallels[]

The Reaper Nurses are very heavily inspired by the Nurses from the Silent Hill franchise. They both express the treatment of women as objects without identities through their heavily-sexualized bodies and heads that lack unique features, with the Nurses of Silent Hill bearing disfigured heads wrapped in suffocating layers of scar tissue, and the Reaper Nurses wearing bags which may also likely be a reference to suffocation. The Reaper Nurses' design and personality may also be inspired by "Harley Quinn" from Batman (particulaly her Batman: Arkham Asylum incarnation), who is given the same voice by the same person, Tara Strong. Like the Reaper Nurses, Harley Quinn is a psychopath who, at least once, was locked in a toxic relationship (in Harley Quinn's case, she is usually shown in an abusive relationship with The Joker, Batman's archenemy, a connection that she sometimes breaks free from, but not always). Other possible inspirations include The Keeper from The Evil Within, the Big Sister from Bioshock 2, Valentine from Skullgirls, Faust from the Guilty Gear franchise, Dr. Herbert West from the Re-Animator trilogy, and The Medic from Team Fortress 2. Their ability to turn invisible is also very reminiscent of The Spy from Team Fortress 2 and the "Yautja" from the Predator franchise, both of which have the ability to cloak themselves within the environment.

Their location, a hospital, is a common setting in most horror media, including Grave Encounters, Jacob's Ladder, Outlast, The Evil Within, Sanitarium, and Silent Hill.


As with most monsters in Dark Deception, Reaper Nurses also likely represent various phobias.

Phobia Relevance
Fear of Beautiful Women
Fear of Doctors, Nurses, or anything related to Medical Care
Fear of Pharmacological Treatments
Fear of Surgeries and Medical Procedures
Fear of Needles


  • The Reaper Nurses are the first enemy to (possibly) have their nightmare mode appearance as their portal icon. The second is Lucky the Rabbit.
  • The Reaper Nurses are the first enemies who refer to Malak by his name.
  • They are the first enemy that can kill the player before the collection of Soul Shards, with the second being the Trigger Teddies.
  • The Reaper Nurses are the third enemies to possess a long-ranged attack, following the Doom Ducky and the Dread Duckies. They are followed by Penny the Chicken, Joy Kill, and Trigger Teddies.
    • All the aforementioned enemies (except for the Trigger Teddies) are also the only ones in Dark Deception with stunning abilities, since they have long-ranged attacks to stun the player (Trigger Teddies do not count since their sole ranged attack involves blowing up in a lethal explosion). Unlike the other examples, Reaper Nurses would go in for the kill rather than dance and taunt their opponents, hence, their stun screen is red rather than yellow, signifying greater danger.
  • The Reaper Nurses are one of the only enemies that respond to being stunned, saying things such as "Ow, that hurt!" and "You'll pay for that!". The others are Lucky the Rabbit and Hangry the Pig.
  • The Reaper Nurses enter their Nightmare Mode in Zone 2 of Torment Therapy, making them the second enemies that turn into their Nightmare Mode before all the Soul Shards are collected, following the Clown Gremlins. They are followed by the members of the Joy Joy Gang (Lucky, Hangry, and Penny), Mama Bear, and the Trigger Teddies.
  • Glowstick Entertainment's Q&A series and social media posts revealed multiple traits of the Reaper Nurses.
    • In the second Q&A, Vince mentioned that he considered the Reaper Nurses the most challenging character in Dark Deception to create due to their abilities and animations.
    • In the seventh Q&A, it was confirmed that the Reaper Nurses can see through their bags and that all are identical.
    • In the ninth Q&A, Vince Livings confirmed that the Reaper Nurses can communicate with each other.
  • A poll made on Dark Deception's Twitter account confirmed that the Reaper Nurses will be a common enemy. Their alias, "Twisted Angels of Mercy", was revealed in a reply in the same post.
  • The Reaper Nurses are the second enemies that use a form of transportation or a vehicle, which is their ambulances during the Matron boss battle, with the first being the Clown Gremlins.
  • Following the Clown Gremlins and Goliath Clowns, the Reaper Nurses are the third enemies that can be killed by Doug. They are followed by the members of the Joy Joy Gang (Lucky, Hangry, and Penny), and the Trigger Teddies.
  • Following the Gold Watchers and Titan Watchers, the Reaper Nurses are the first enemies to use a weapon that is not a part of their body to kill the player. They are followed by The Matron and Joy Kill. As with most of these examples, the Gold Watchers materialize their weapon out of nowhere.


Main: Reaper Nurses/Voicelines

The Reaper Nurses are voiced by Tara Strong, who also voices Penny the Chicken and Mama Bear. She provides the Reaper Nurses with a voice similar to the one she gave "Harley Quinn".



Dark Deception[]

Super Dark Deception[]






v · e · d
DD Navigation
Main Characters
Doug HouserBierceMalak
MalakMurder MonkeysAgathaGold WatchersDread DuckiesClown GremlinsReaper Nurses
Lucky the RabbitHangry the PigPenny the ChickenJocelynTrigger TeddiesMama Bear
Red StalkersDark StarUnknown Monster 2Unknown Monster 4Unknown Monster 3Unknown Monster
Mecha Monkey
Chef MonkeysAgathaTitan WatchersDoom DuckyGoliath ClownsThe MatronJoy KillMama Bear
Puppet KingDark Star
Other Characters
Tammy HouserElise HouserVictorEdgarDoug's MotherMistressMinor Characters
Bierce's BallroomThe HotelThe SchoolThe ManorThe SewerThe CircusThe Hospital
Joy Joy LandMcKees Rocks BridgeThe CaveThe MallThe PrisonDark DimensionMinor Locations
PortalsInteractive ItemsTabletSoul ShardsSecret FilesRing AltarThe Riddle of Heaven
Malak's RelicBarriersTrapsSecret NotesClown CarsMalletThe Mark of MalakSyringesBoulders
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Torment TherapyMascot MayhemBearly Buried9th Level
Chapter 1: No Way BackChapter 2: Into MadnessChapter 3: Retribution
Chapter 4: Mortal RamificationsChapter 5: Fated Conclusion
Environmental HazardsPowersLevelDeath TipsSteam Achievements
OSTDark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
Bad RabbitThe Notorious PigAlways NearI'm Dead
Games & Versions
Dark Deception (2014 Alpha)Dark Deception EnhancedSuper Dark DeceptionDark Deception 2
Malak Archives: House of MischiefMalak Archives: The Gamblers Misfortune
TimelineBierce's DiariesArt GalleryScrapped ContentQ&A Livestreams
Makeship PlushiesTeespring MerchThreadless MerchYoutooz Figures
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MM Navigation
BierceDetective EvansDoug HouserGlowstick VincePenPenNiksonPrisoner Borisov
Heather MasonCybil Bennett8-Bit RyanSuperHorrorBroDawkoSenpaiHanako
Info ChanJasonSalimCoryxKenshinMina ParkYaesol
Murder MonkeyAgathaGold WatcherDread DuckyClown GremlinReaper NurseLucky the Rabbit
Hangry the PigPenny the ChickenMalakBruteFiendNurseRobbie the RabbitAyano
Kissy MissyInfected BalathuInfected ClariceDark SongVicious Sister
Chef MonkeysThe Alphabet LettersTitan WatcherDoom DuckiesClown SpidersGoliath Clowns
Boss BrutesRed Pyramid ThingsFun GirlsHuggy WuggiesVampiresThe Butcher
Malak PhantomAir ScreamersPolice OfficersCat-Bees
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Monstrum MadnessSilent SacrificeAkademi AssaultPoppy PanicAncient Ashes
Soul ShardsPortal BoxesTrapsSkins
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