Dark Deception Wiki

Portals are mechanics featured in Dark Deception. They come in different variations, serving their own unique purposes in-game.


Level portal[]

Empty Portal Vortex

The Level portals are ten circular, levitating entrances situated in rows throughout Bierce's Ballroom. Each one serves as a nexus to its respective nightmare, and are unlocked consecutively by beating the previous nightmare.

Each portal leads to a hallway, which in turn leads to the doorway to the respective level. From Chapter 2 on, these hallways will be filled with obstacles, which require a power from the ring altar to bypass.

The portals also serve as the entrance to each nightmare, and appear in their inactive state until the ring piece is retrieved.

Level Portals are decorated with indiscernible runes spinning both clockwise and counterclockwise. Active portals glow red and display a visage of its enemy in its center, while inactive portals are shaded gray and display a locked symbol in its center.

Fake portal[]

Green portal[]

Green Portal

The green portals first appeared in "Crazy Carnevil", present in both zones. They allow the player to teleport between floors. In each zone, these are necessary to collect all the shards, as each floor contains shards.

In zone 1, the shards are equally distributed among each floor, and the player must search each one to collect them all. If in pursuit, the portals can serve as escape routes, as suggested by a death hint. the portals are spread among each floor, and one is required to exit the area after completing it.

In zone 2, portals only appear in specific rooms, which are striped with various colors and have an overhead rainbow bridge. There are various alcoves within these rooms, some of which contain portals. Upon entering them, the player will end up above the hallways, on top of the bridge. These bridges each contain shards, making them essential to explore.

If the player is spotted entering a portal, the Clown Gremlins will follow the player below-ground, forcing them to lure the gremlins away from the portal to escape. The player may also drop down onto the ground through a hole on one end of the bridge.



Dark Deception[]

Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals[]


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DD Navigation
Main Characters
Doug HouserBierceMalak
MalakMurder MonkeysAgathaGold WatchersDread DuckiesClown GremlinsReaper Nurses
Lucky the RabbitHangry the PigPenny the ChickenJocelynTrigger TeddiesMama Bear
Red StalkersDark StarUnknown Monster 2Unknown Monster 4Unknown Monster 3Unknown Monster
Mecha Monkey
Chef MonkeysAgathaTitan WatchersDoom DuckyGoliath ClownsThe MatronJoy KillMama Bear
Puppet KingDark Star
Other Characters
Tammy HouserElise HouserVictorEdgarDoug's MotherMistressMinor Characters
Bierce's BallroomThe HotelThe SchoolThe ManorThe SewerThe CircusThe Hospital
Joy Joy LandMcKees Rocks BridgeThe CaveThe MallThe PrisonDark DimensionMinor Locations
PortalsInteractive ItemsTabletSoul ShardsSecret FilesRing AltarThe Riddle of Heaven
Malak's RelicBarriersTrapsSecret NotesClown CarsMalletThe Mark of MalakSyringesBoulders
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Torment TherapyMascot MayhemBearly Buried9th Level
Chapter 1: No Way BackChapter 2: Into MadnessChapter 3: Retribution
Chapter 4: Mortal RamificationsChapter 5: Fated Conclusion
Environmental HazardsPowersLevelDeath TipsSteam Achievements
OSTDark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
Bad RabbitThe Notorious PigAlways NearI'm Dead
Games & Versions
Dark Deception (2014 Alpha)Dark Deception EnhancedSuper Dark DeceptionDark Deception 2
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