Dark Deception Wiki

I don't b-b-b-bite, you know? Well... Maybe just a little...

– Penny

Penny the Chicken is a recurring enemy in Dark Deception and a playable monster in Monsters & Mortals.

Penny is a member of the Joy Joy Gang and one of the overseers of Joy Joy Land, a theme park-like realm in the Dark Dimension that houses the seventh of Malak's ring pieces. Penny, along with her groupmates Lucky the Rabbit and Hangry the Pig, kill anyone who intrudes upon their territory, but not before tormenting and toying with their victims.


Penny is a large, animatronic chicken sporting a sizeable yellow beak filled with teeth (much like the Dread Duckies), orange legs, and a red comb on the top of her head. She has four fingers on each hand, reminiscent of cartoon characters. She appears to have wings attached to her arms that she can use to float close to the ground for a few seconds. Her large eyes have long visible eyelashes and pink blushes on her cheeks. She also appears to have purple eyeshadow.

In Nightmare mode, she has metallic, red eyes with one of her cartoon eyes dangling on the right side of her face. Her feathers appear slightly tattered and worn, with a gaping hole in the left side of her head, revealing the animatronic endoskeleton underneath.


Penny's got a soft spot for mortals. Me? Not so much.

– Lucky

Always Near Album Cover

When Doug first encounters Penny at the Zone 1 checkpoint, she seems friendly and personable, as one would expect from a mascot. She greets Doug alongside Lucky and dances to their theme tune, a gesture that does little to detract from the sinister atmosphere of their realm. This facade quickly crumbles once Lucky laughs maniacally at Doug before granting him entry into Zone 1.

Much like Lucky and Hangry, Penny is a psychotic murderer whose only purpose is to dispatch intruders and safeguard Malak's ring piece. Unlike her fellow gang members, however, Penny speaks to Doug in a friendly and playful manner and never outright taunts or belittles him. This obsessive behavior appears to stem from a highly warped perspective of love and affection, likely due to Lucky's manipulative influence or the savage nature of the dimension she inhabits.

After being electrocuted, Penny becomes infuriated with Doug, admonishing him for ruining her face and speaking in a far more aggressive and contemptuous tone.



Penny can summon eggs and throw them rapidly, stunning anyone she happens to hit. It's recommended not to stay in a straight line since her eggs will go in a straight direction for some time.


Penny can fly and levitate by simply flapping her arms. Given the impossibility of such a feat under the customary laws of physics and aerodynamics, this is undoubtedly the result of an unseen force or supernatural ability.

Penny commonly uses this ability to momentarily levitate off the ground, increasing her speed to match Lucky's. She can also fly if nothing obstructs her, ascending into the sky and descending when Doug gets close, albeit at a slower speed.

Hive Mind[]

Because she is cloned from the same source, Penny's memories and thoughts are carried over to her clones, allowing one clone to take her place when unavailable.

Dark Deception[]

Chapter 4: Mortal Ramifications[]

Penny Intro

Penny is one of the primary enemies of the game's seventh level, Mascot Mayhem.

Lucky and Penny first appear behind a glass panel at the Zone 1 entry checkpoint. They introduce themselves cordially to Doug, dancing to their theme tune and welcoming him into the theme park. Their true nature becomes evident as Lucky laughs maniacally after his speech.

Penny Zone1

Penny and Lucky hunt for Doug as he navigates Zone 1. Penny can momentarily glide above the ground, accelerating her speed. If Doug enters her line of sight for too long, she can throw an egg at him to stun him, dancing if she succeeds and giving him time to escape, similar to the Dread Duckies. She always throws her eggs in a straight trajectory, requiring Doug to move to evade them constantly.

Penny can also use her ability to ascend upward, usually after losing sight of Doug for a long time. While flying, Penny cannot be seen or stunned but cannot kill Doug. She will descend once Doug enters her line of sight, albeit slower than when she ascends. This gives him time to notice and evade her.

Penny will be alerted to Doug's location if he is spotted by a camera, investigating by ground or air.

JJG Corruption

Penny's abilities and patterns are explored in-depth in this video.

Penny later confronts Doug in Zone 2 as he attempts to activate the breaker switch, overlooking the wet electrical hazard on the ground. She is promptly electrocuted by Doug, along with Lucky and Hangry, transforming her into her nightmare form. Her eyes can be seen following him as he leaves.

JJG Zone 2 Begin

Penny catches up with the others and proceeds to shame the player for ruining her look and making her ugly, inquiring with distress about who will take photos with her.

Penny Zone3

Penny will use her eggs and low-flight ability during the ambush to stop the player. She follows whoever manages to spot Doug through the cameras.

JJG Crushed

Penny is taken out by the crusher alongside Lucky and Hangry and is reconstructed into Joy Kill by Malak. Penny enthusiastically notes her new look and then doubles down on the player. She humorously asks Hangry to let her try some of the player's ribs. Penny's egg-throwing ability is given to Joy Kill to stop them, but it's not enough to keep them from escaping.

Penny Catch

A massive swarm of Joy Joy clones finally bid to chase Doug alongside Malak. Despite Doug's efforts, Joy Kill stops him at the portal, and a clone of Penny assaults him alongside a clone of Lucky and Hangry. The clone of Penny only speaks her goodbye to Doug when Malak marks them.

Penny in Ballroom

During the ballroom cutscene after Mascot Mayhem, Penny spawns from Malak's clone and stands guard at the portal to Bearly Buried.

Monsters & Mortals[]

Reaper Nurse Noncanon
"Are you not aware that she offers only lies?"
This article contains information on a subject that isn't considered canon in Dark Deception franchise.
Char select screen penny

Penny the Chicken returns as a Ranged ranged monster in Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals.

Penny has the most health in the game and is a bit more than average in soul-shard collecting and movement speed. Her downside is that she does less damage than the Speed Monsters in exchange for her heavy attack being ranged and has a longer cooldown between attacks.

Her ultimate ability, "Power of Love, " when used, will grant her a slight speed boost to her movement speed (making her faster than Speed characters) and enhance her heavy attack. Her egg on her heavy attack can be thrown 1.5 times (or 150%) farther, making it an excellent sniping tool on some maps and long hallways and dealing more damage.

Her ultimate is helpful for gaining the speed boost to run away or chase foes and make your heavy attack more dangerous to get hit by and more challenging to dodge.

Gameplay Info
Team Monsters
Class Ranged
Weapon Eggs
Health 400
Speed Average (≳)
Light Attack Damage 10
Heavy Attack Damage 21(Hand), 25 (Egg)
Ultimate Ability Ultimate icon pennyPower Of Love
UA Description Penny gains the ability to fly and
move faster. While in this mode, her
heavy attack is also powered up, dealing more
damage and going farther than the normal distance.
UA Duration Status icon penny15 Seconds
UA Damage 30


Image Name Rarity Appearance
Robo Penny
Nightmare Soulshard Common Nightmare Mode Collection

In the Nightmare skin, Penny retains the same look as she has in the original game.

Poultrygeist Penny
Poultrygeist Soulshard Common Strangely, as the name suggests, this skin depicts Penny as a monochromatic ghost. She does not share the traits of the rap videos nor look like her nightmare form; instead, she is shown to be a pure white paper depiction of herself. A small heart can be seen embedded in her chest.



As with the rest of Malak's minions, Penny is eternally loyal to him. Much like Lucky, Penny shows restraint around Malak's presence.

Doug Houser[]

Upon first seeing Doug for the first time, Penny instantly desires to treat Doug like a pet of some sort. Throughout the game, Penny refers to Doug as "Squishy," both because she loves squishy things and because she could crush him easily in her grip, and even when trying to kill him, she never outright insults or taunts him outside of being a little overbearing about wanting to get near him.

Once Doug uses a breaker box to burn a bit of her face off, Penny's outlook on him changes to genuine rage, now wanting vengeance on him for ruining her looks. While most of her insults at first are frequently emotional, she soon becomes outright malicious in her threats and dialogue to Doug, supporting her friends in wanting to kill or beat him up.

Lucky the Rabbit[]

Penny acts as Lucky's underling since he's the leader of the Joy Joy Gang, and for this reason, shows a love interest for him. Due to this, she frequently tries to kill people or support his endeavors, mostly to get his affection and approve of her the same way. Due to Lucky's awareness of this behavior, though, this usually goes nowhere, and Penny is more or less unaware of this.

Hangry the Pig[]

Penny appears to have a friendly relationship with her fellow teammate, sharing his passion for murder and supporting his monstrous appetite. Upon fusing with Lucky and Hangry as Joy Kill, Penny seems to adopt this behavior, remarking that she also wants to eat Doug's ribs.

Parallels and Symbolisms[]

Going by the theory suggesting that each nightmare portal is tied to one of Dante Alighieri's Nine Layers of Hell and the monsters inside them are manifestations of sin, the Joy Joy Gang animatronics may represent Gluttony. They embody those who are obsessed with seek out pleasure and happiness through various means, leading to their demise. Each of the animatronic members represent For instance, Hangry represents those who turned to the gluttony of food and possessions, Penny represent those who turned to vain love and attention-seeking (which is demonstrated by Penny's love towards her appearance, Lucky, and Doug himself), and Lucky is those who turn to adrenaline, competition, and insanity, but particularly, the intense desire of victory. Although gluttony is often associated with compulsively eating food (like Hangry), in The Divine Comedy, gluttony is also defined as overindulgence in any form of addiction or obsession. Unlike the previous monsters, the Joy Joy Gang doesn't possess a human soul and instead they are killing machines built for the purpose of violence and chaos, implying they are either a supernatural being or a creation of Malak.

Thematically, this could be why they were the ones to finally defeat Doug. His vain pursuit of happiness is what led to the deaths of his wife and daughter, which is why he’s attempting to bring them back. Overall, he was the most guilty of all three, far more than any of the previous ones. For example, Doug spent excessive time at work, prioritizing money. Instead of divorcing his wife like a normal person, he feared losing his money and thus remained married. He also engaged in infidelity, seeking shallow affection. Though it's a bit speculative, it's plausible that he considered a drastic action with his wife simply out of selfishness, justifying what would undoubtedly be considered murder. These were his personal demons - while other monsters had elements applied or associated with him and his actions, this gang was his direct opposition. They epitomize the mindset that led him to commit murder. Additionally, the Joy Joy Gang's aim to make Doug "one of the joyful" appears to symbolize Doug's previous belief that his wife and daughter were draining the joy from his life, fueling his resentment towards them.

Alternatively, it could also be possible that each member of the Joy Joy Gang represents a certain animal that humans kill en masse under different circumstances:

  • Penny: Both eggs and chicken (meat)
  • Hangry: Bacon, pork, ham, etc
  • Lucky: Rabbit meat and fur is used in clothing, and generally killed off as pests and/or an invasive species.


  • According to E's notes, the Joy Joy Gang animatronics were unlike the previous monsters she encountered before (the corrupted souls of sinful humans turned into monsters) since while they have a soul, it is not a human one. She can only say that the Joy Joy Gang is not like the other monsters and is just killing machines built solely for destruction and chaos.
    • Going by the theory suggesting that each nightmare portal is tied to one of Dante Alighieri's Nine Layers of Hell and the monsters inside them are manifestations of sin, the Joy Joy Gang animatronics may represent Gluttony since each animatronic is obsessed with something: Lucky with winning, Hangry with food and Penny with her appearance and Doug himself.
      • Although Gluttony is often associated with compulsively eating food (like Hangry), in The Divine Comedy, "Gluttony" is defined as overindulgence in any form of addiction or obsession.
  • Penny the Chicken is heavily inspired by many animatronic characters, namely the animatronics from Showbiz Pizza Place and Chuck E. Cheese. Her design may be inspired by T-800 from The Terminator film series, Chica the Chicken from Five Nights at Freddy's franchise (confirmed on a tweet), Helen Henny from the Chuck E. Cheese pizza chain franchise, Birdie the Early Bird mascot from McDonald's, and Al McWhiggin's chicken costume from Toy Story 2.
  • She and Penny the Panda share the same name. This is because Penny was originally planned to be a panda when she was first created before being changed to a chicken to fit in better with the rest of the Joy Joy Gang, who were both more common animals.
    • While her old panda design was scrapped, it was repurposed later for Mama Bear.
    • The name "Penny" could reference one of the game's developers, Pen Livings.
  • Penny the Chicken may represent automatonophobia, the fear of anything that falsely resembles sentient beings. She may also represent technophobia, the fear of technology, or alektorophobia, the fear of chickens.
  • So far, Penny the Chicken, Dread Duckies, Doom Ducky, Reaper Nurses, and the Trigger Teddies are the only enemies in Dark Deception that have a long-range attack.
  • Penny is the only member of the Joy Joy Gang who has not been voiced by Chris Jai Alex.
  • Her rap came out on September 30, 2020, and is titled "Always Near."
  • In the sixth Q&A, Vince confirmed that their Nightmare forms are their animatronic forms.
  • Penny is incapable of flight, as mentioned in the seventh Q&A.
  • In the seventh Q&A, Vince revealed that Penny is faster than Hangry (unless Hangry gets angry) but slower than Lucky.
  • In the ninth Q&A, Vince mentioned that Penny is not stealthy.
  • Penny the Chicken is one of the only enemies to be able to turn into their Nightmare Mode before collecting all of the soul shards. This can be seen in Zone 3, though this is primarily because she was electrocuted by Doug Houser.
  • According to Vince in the fifteenth Q&A, the Joy Joy Gang will return in Chapter 5.
  • Penny the Chicken is the only Joy Joy Gang member with one kill animation.
  • Despite having one kill animation, she is the only enemy that changes voice lines when killing the player.
  • The Joy Joy Gang are the fifth enemies that Doug can kill, the others being the Clown Gremlins, the Goliath Clowns, the Reaper Nurses, and the Trigger Teddies.
  • Looking closely at her character select animation in Monsters & Mortals, she appears to scratch herself like a real animal.


Penny the Chicken is voiced by Tara Strong.



Dark Deception[]

Super Dark Deception[]






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DD Navigation
Main Characters
Doug HouserBierceMalak
MalakMurder MonkeysAgathaGold WatchersDread DuckiesClown GremlinsReaper Nurses
Lucky the RabbitHangry the PigPenny the ChickenJocelynTrigger TeddiesMama Bear
Red StalkersDark StarUnknown Monster 2Unknown Monster 4Unknown Monster 3Unknown Monster
Mecha Monkey
Chef MonkeysAgathaTitan WatchersDoom DuckyGoliath ClownsThe MatronJoy KillMama Bear
Puppet KingDark Star
Other Characters
Tammy HouserElise HouserVictorEdgarDoug's MotherMistressMinor Characters
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Joy Joy LandMcKees Rocks BridgeThe CaveThe MallThe PrisonDark DimensionMinor Locations
PortalsInteractive ItemsTabletSoul ShardsSecret FilesRing AltarThe Riddle of Heaven
Malak's RelicBarriersTrapsSecret NotesClown CarsMalletThe Mark of MalakSyringesBoulders
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Torment TherapyMascot MayhemBearly Buried9th Level
Chapter 1: No Way BackChapter 2: Into MadnessChapter 3: Retribution
Chapter 4: Mortal RamificationsChapter 5: Fated Conclusion
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OSTDark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
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Info ChanJasonSalimCoryxKenshinMina ParkYaesol
Murder MonkeyAgathaGold WatcherDread DuckyClown GremlinReaper NurseLucky the Rabbit
Hangry the PigPenny the ChickenMalakBruteFiendNurseRobbie the RabbitAyano
Kissy MissyInfected BalathuInfected ClariceDark SongVicious Sister
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