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This is a list of music used in Dark Deception and other related games.

Dark Deception[]

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Dark Deception Soundtracks
Dark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)
Darkness Is ComingBierce's BallroomDarkness CallsMonkey BusinessFeeding FrenzyGoing Up
Last Day of SchoolScared of a Little Girl?The Golden RuleMind Your ManorsDon't Look Back
They're Just DuckiesIt's Time to LeaveRising TerrorBig Top TroubleDeparting Sanity
Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
It's ShowtimeFunhouse FollyCold HeartedTrue ColorsTake Your MedicinePatient Transfer
Only the JoyfulJoy Joy DittyFeel the JoyFeeling Lucky?Luck Runs OutJoy KillClosing Time
RepercussionsThe Real MeatWhat Lies BeneathBetter off DeadUninvited Guest
Maternal InstinctDeliverance
No Album
Hotel LobbyChef FrenzyShare Your PainHealing HospitalityCollection CallTrigger Teddy Picnic
Silent ShopperLost & FoundLook But Don't TouchMortal PuppetsFear OutletDeath FollowsCrownless King
The Puppet KingKing SlayerDon't Look DownYard TimeFailures of a FatherTammy's LullabyE's Torment
All For NothingRoad to RuinNo Room For DoubtHall of ReflectionsMonster Party
Don't Call Me HelenThe Joy of DespairCut-throat CorporationEvil AssemblesPsycho

Chapter 1: No Way Back[]

Title Audio Used
Darkness Calls During the cutscene in Bierce's Ballroom.
Hotel Lobby During the "Monkey Business" level's hotel lobby.
Going Up During the elevator sequence.
Monkey Business During the "Monkey Business" level.
Feeding Frenzy
Chef Frenzy During the escape & boss fight sequence in "Monkey Business"

Chapter 2: Into Madness[]

Title Audio Used
Bierce's Ballroom When Doug enters Bierce's Ballroom for the first time in Chapter 2.
Last Day of School During the "Elementary Evil" level.
Scared of a Little Girl?
Share Your Pain During the Agatha boss fight.
The Golden Rule
Mind Your Manors
Don't Look Back During the escape & boss fight sequence in "Deadly Decadence".

Chapter 3: Retribution[]

Title Audio Used
Darkness Is Coming Main Menu theme.
They're Just Duckies During the "Stranger Sewers" level.
It's Time to Leave
Rising Terror During the Doom Ducky boss fight.
Big Top Trouble During the "Crazy Carnevil" level.
Departing Sanity
Funhouse Folly During the roller coaster ride in "Crazy Carnevil".
It's Showtime During the Goliath Clowns battle in "Crazy Carnevil".

Chapter 4: Mortal Ramifications[]

Title Audio Used
Healing Hospitality During the lobby of the hospital in "Torment Therapy".
Cold Hearted During Zone 1 in "Torment Therapy" level.
Take Your Medicine Main chase theme in "Torment Therapy".
True Colors During Zone 2 of "Torment Therapy".
Patient Transfer During the Matron boss fight and escape sequence in "Torment Therapy".
Joy Joy Ditty During the introduction of Lucky and Penny as well as when Doug is beaten up by the Joy Joy Gang in "Mascot Mayhem".
Only the Joyful During the first two zones of "Mascot Mayhem".
Feel the Joy Main chase theme for the first two zones of "Mascot Mayhem".
Feeling Lucky? During the third zone of "Mascot Mayhem".
Luck Runs Out Main chase theme for the third zone of "Mascot Mayhem".
Joy Kill During the first Joy Kill boss fight in "Mascot Mayhem".
Closing Time During the second Joy Kill boss fight in "Mascot Mayhem".
Repercussions During the bridge sequence of Doug's past.
The Real Meat During the drowned car sequence of Doug's past.
Collection Call During Malak invading Bierce's Ballroom with the assistance of his minions.
Trigger Teddy Picnic During Zone 1 of "Bearly Buried".
What Lies Beneath During the second zone of "Bearly Buried".
Uninvited Guest Main chase theme in "Bearly Buried".
Better off Dead During the third zone of "Bearly Buried".
Maternal Instinct During the two Mama Bear boss fights in "Bearly Buried".
Deliverance During the escape sequence in "Bearly Buried".

Chapter 5: Fated Conclusion[]

Title Audio Used
Silent Shopper During the first zone of "Holiday Horror".
Look But
Don't Touch
Main chase theme for the first zone and during the first Puppet King boss fight in "Holiday Horror".
Lost & Found During the second zone of "Holiday Horror".
Mortal Puppets Main chase theme for the second zone of "Holiday Horror".
Fear Outlet During the third zone of "Holiday Horror".
Death Follows Main chase theme for the third zone of "Holiday Horror".
The Puppet King During a cutscene in "Holiday Horror".
Crownless King During the second Puppet King boss fight in "Holiday Horror".
King Slayer During the escape sequence in "Holiday Horror".
Don't Look Down During the cage sequence when suspended in the air of "Prison Panic".
Yard Time TBA
Failures of a Father TBA
Tammy's Lullaby TBA
E's Torment TBA
All For Nothing TBA
Road to Ruin TBA
No Room For Doubt TBA
Hall of Reflections TBA
Monster Party TBA
Don't Call Me Helen TBA
The Joy of Despair During a boss fight in Fear Fortress.
Cut-throat Corporation TBA
Evil Assembles TBA
Psycho TBA

Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals[]

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Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Soundtracks
Dark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)
Monkey BusinessFeeding FrenzyLast Day of SchoolScared of a Little Girl?The Golden Rule
Mind Your ManorsThey're Just DuckiesIt's Time to LeaveBig Top TroubleDeparting Sanity
No Album
AscensionShopping TherapyDestined to Fight
Pizza Time!Lesson Learned (ABC Song)Doom & DespairItsy Bitsy Clown Spider
Wandering Alone on a Ship at NightSteamedThe Brute
Claw FingerDon't CryUntil Death
Another School DayInvestigationFun Girl
Vent ChaseBox on BoxesDefective ToysNo More Hugs
EclipseAssaultInto the Light
Title Audio Used
Ascension Main Menu theme.
Shopping Therapy During the shop.
Destined to Fight During the waiting for game's beginning.
Winner Theme During the winner screen on end of a match.
Loser Theme During the loser screen on end of a match.
Pizza Time! During the Chef Monkeys boss round in "Monkey Business".
Lesson Learned
(ABC Song)
During the The Alphabet Letters boss round in "Elementary Evil".
Doom & Despair During the Doom Ducky boss round in "Stranger Sewers".
Itsy Bitsy
Clown Spider
During the Clown Spiders & Goliath Clowns boss round in "Crazy Carnevil".
Wandering Alone
on a Ship
at Night
During the "Monstrum Madness" level.
Steamed During the "Trap Time" in "Monstrum Madness".
The Brute During the Super Brutes boss round in "Monstrum Madness".
Claw Finger During the "Silent Sacrifice" level.
Don't Cry During the "Trap Time" in "Silent Sacrifice".
Until Death During the Red Pyramid Things boss round in "Silent Sacrifice".
School Day
During the "Akademi Assault" level.
During the "Trap Time" in "Akademi Assault".
During the Fun Girls boss round in "Akademi Assault".
Vent Chase During the vents in "Poppy Panic".
Box on Boxes During the hallways in "Poppy Panic".
Defective Toys During the "Trap Time" in "Poppy Panic".
No More Hugs During the Huggy Wuggies boss round in "Poppy Panic".
Eclipse During the "Ancient Ashes" level.
Assault During the "Trap Time" in "Ancient Ashes".
Into the Light During the Vampires boss round in "Ancient Ashes".

Super Dark Deception[]

Title Audio Used
Darkness is Coming Main Menu theme.
Darkness Calls During the cutscene in Bierce's Ballroom.
The Golden Rule During the "Deadly Decadence" level, while in the Manor.
Mind Your Manors When the Gold Watchers are nearby Doug in the Manor.
It's Time to Leave When the Doom Ducky grab Doug in the first encounter, during the chase and the escape sequence in "Stranger Sewers".
Patient Transfer During the Matron boss fight and escape sequence in "Torment Therapy".
Only The Joyful During the first two zones of "Mascot Mayhem".
Joy Kill During the first Joy Kill boss fight in "Mascot Mayhem".
Repercussions During the bridge sequence of Doug's past.
Deliverance During the escape sequence in "Bearly Buried".
Mortal Puppets Main chase theme for the second zone of "Holiday Horror".
Tammy's Lullaby TBA

Dark Deception (2014 Alpha)[]

Title Audio Used
Into Madness During every level.
  • In "Monkey Business" level, if you interact with the "Evans was here" easter egg, the track of the level will be replaced with this. This feature has been added with Dark Deception Enhanced version.
Bierce's Ballroom Hotel lobby
Dark Destiny Main Menu and Bierce's Ballroom

Ayano's Lovesick Labyrinth[]

Title Audio Used
Main Menu theme.



  • Chapter 4 has more soundtracks than all previous chapters combined, with 21 soundtracks. Collectively, the previous chapters only have 20 soundtracks.
  • On February 25th, 2019, the Chapters 1-3 tracks were released on streaming devices, such as Spotify or iTunes.
  • The "Pizza Time!" theme from Monsters & Mortals is a reference to the 2004 Spider-Man 2 video game, which featured a remix of Neapolitan song "Funiculì, Funiculà" that plays during pizza delivery missions. The title of the soundtrack is a nod to the film it is based on, where Spider-Man utters the phrase to a desk clerk after delivering a stack of pizzas.
  • Also, The soundtrack "Trigger Teddy Picnic" references the song called "Teddy Bears' Picnic", the song is consisting of a melody written in 1907 by American composer John Walter Bratton, and lyrics added in 1932 by Irish songwriter Jimmy Kennedy.
  • The track that plays when Agatha is chasing the player quotes one of the things she says when chasing the player.
  • In the Alpha, Chapter 1's tracks had different names;
    • The "Monkey Business" track was called "Monkey Maze."
    • The "Feeding Frenzy" track was called "Monkey Panic."
    • The "Darkness Calls" track was called "Bierce's Theme."
      • "Going Up" was not included in the Alpha or the Demo.
  • The track that plays when the Gold Watchers are nearby the player is a pun on the phrase "mind your manners," meaning to be polite.
  • "Big Top Trouble" is one of the only tracks in the Dark Deception OST with a 3/4 time signature.
    • "Departing Sanity" switches to a 3/4 time signature during the song, but otherwise has a 4/4 time signature.
  • Besides the Latin-like voices in the background and chase OST of "Deadly Decadence", "Joy Joy Ditty", "Uninvited Guest", "Closing Time" and "Lesson Learned" are the only Dark Deception songs to have lyrics.
  • The pre-alpha, alpha, and Chapter 1 music were produced and composed by Chris Pinkston, while every music starting from Chapter 2 by Dan Dombrowsky.
  • In the 7th Q&A, Vince confirmed that he named all the musics in the OST.
  • Chef Frenzy is the only cut track to return to the Enhanced version of the game.


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DD Navigation
Main Characters
Doug HouserBierceMalak
MalakMurder MonkeysAgathaGold WatchersDread DuckiesClown GremlinsReaper Nurses
Lucky the RabbitHangry the PigPenny the ChickenJocelynTrigger TeddiesMama Bear
Red StalkersDark StarUnknown Monster 2Unknown Monster 4Unknown Monster 3Unknown Monster
Mecha Monkey
Chef MonkeysAgathaTitan WatchersDoom DuckyGoliath ClownsThe MatronJoy KillMama Bear
Puppet KingDark Star
Other Characters
Tammy HouserElise HouserVictorEdgarDoug's MotherMistressMinor Characters
Bierce's BallroomThe HotelThe SchoolThe ManorThe SewerThe CircusThe Hospital
Joy Joy LandMcKees Rocks BridgeThe CaveThe MallThe PrisonDark DimensionMinor Locations
PortalsInteractive ItemsTabletSoul ShardsSecret FilesRing AltarThe Riddle of Heaven
Malak's RelicBarriersTrapsSecret NotesClown CarsMalletThe Mark of MalakSyringesBoulders
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Torment TherapyMascot MayhemBearly Buried9th Level
Chapter 1: No Way BackChapter 2: Into MadnessChapter 3: Retribution
Chapter 4: Mortal RamificationsChapter 5: Fated Conclusion
Environmental HazardsPowersLevelDeath TipsSteam Achievements
OSTDark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
Bad RabbitThe Notorious PigAlways NearI'm Dead
Games & Versions
Dark Deception (2014 Alpha)Dark Deception EnhancedSuper Dark DeceptionDark Deception 2
Malak Archives: House of MischiefMalak Archives: The Gamblers Misfortune
TimelineBierce's DiariesArt GalleryScrapped ContentQ&A Livestreams
Makeship PlushiesTeespring MerchThreadless MerchYoutooz Figures
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MM Navigation
BierceDetective EvansDoug HouserGlowstick VincePenPenNiksonPrisoner Borisov
Heather MasonCybil Bennett8-Bit RyanSuperHorrorBroDawkoSenpaiHanako
Info ChanJasonSalimCoryxKenshinMina ParkYaesol
Murder MonkeyAgathaGold WatcherDread DuckyClown GremlinReaper NurseLucky the Rabbit
Hangry the PigPenny the ChickenMalakBruteFiendNurseRobbie the RabbitAyano
Kissy MissyInfected BalathuInfected ClariceDark SongVicious Sister
Chef MonkeysThe Alphabet LettersTitan WatcherDoom DuckiesClown SpidersGoliath Clowns
Boss BrutesRed Pyramid ThingsFun GirlsHuggy WuggiesVampiresThe Butcher
Malak PhantomAir ScreamersPolice OfficersCat-Bees
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Monstrum MadnessSilent SacrificeAkademi AssaultPoppy PanicAncient Ashes
Soul ShardsPortal BoxesTrapsSkins
LevelUltimate AbilitiesCharacter ClassesStatus HUDStore
MonstrumSilent HillUK CreatorsYandere SimulatorPoppy PlaytimeHouse of AshesCoryxKenshin
PiggyThe Coma
Art GalleryOSTTeespring MerchSteam Trading CardsScrapped ContentQ&A Livestreams
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Dark Deception Soundtracks
Dark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)
Darkness Is ComingBierce's BallroomDarkness CallsMonkey BusinessFeeding FrenzyGoing Up
Last Day of SchoolScared of a Little Girl?The Golden RuleMind Your ManorsDon't Look Back
They're Just DuckiesIt's Time to LeaveRising TerrorBig Top TroubleDeparting Sanity
Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
It's ShowtimeFunhouse FollyCold HeartedTrue ColorsTake Your MedicinePatient Transfer
Only the JoyfulJoy Joy DittyFeel the JoyFeeling Lucky?Luck Runs OutJoy KillClosing Time
RepercussionsThe Real MeatWhat Lies BeneathBetter off DeadUninvited Guest
Maternal InstinctDeliverance
No Album
Hotel LobbyChef FrenzyShare Your PainHealing HospitalityCollection CallTrigger Teddy Picnic
Silent ShopperLost & FoundLook But Don't TouchMortal PuppetsFear OutletDeath FollowsCrownless King
The Puppet KingKing SlayerDon't Look DownYard TimeFailures of a FatherTammy's LullabyE's Torment
All For NothingRoad to RuinNo Room For DoubtHall of ReflectionsMonster Party
Don't Call Me HelenThe Joy of DespairCut-throat CorporationEvil AssemblesPsycho
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Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Soundtracks
Dark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)
Monkey BusinessFeeding FrenzyLast Day of SchoolScared of a Little Girl?The Golden Rule
Mind Your ManorsThey're Just DuckiesIt's Time to LeaveBig Top TroubleDeparting Sanity
No Album
AscensionShopping TherapyDestined to Fight
Pizza Time!Lesson Learned (ABC Song)Doom & DespairItsy Bitsy Clown Spider
Wandering Alone on a Ship at NightSteamedThe Brute
Claw FingerDon't CryUntil Death
Another School DayInvestigationFun Girl
Vent ChaseBox on BoxesDefective ToysNo More Hugs
EclipseAssaultInto the Light