Dark Deception Wiki
Lucky Spoiler
"Doesn't look like Bierce has your back... huh buddy?"
This page contains information and spoilers about upcoming features from Dark Deception!

When are you going to deal with your wife?

– Mistress

Mistress was one of the many women that Doug Houser had hooked up with in the past whilst abandoning his wife and child. She was only briefly seen speaking with him in the memory recollection event around the end of Mascot Mayhem.


The mistress appears to be a woman of attractive gaint, and wore a simple patterned dress. Her body was average, and petit.

As she engaged with Doug on her concerns of having to step in for Tammy, Doug reassures her that he simply will abandon both his wife and kid, to go live together.

Family Tree[]

Doug's Mother
Doug's Father
Doug Houser
Clarissa Houser
Tammy Houser


Voiceline Used Audio
"When are you going to deal with your wife?" Talking with Doug about his family.
"Your daughter is going to hate me though, right? That's going to be really awkward. Does she have to live with us?"
"I hope you're right. I'm getting tired of waiting for you to keep your word. Remember you promised me!"
"Okay, but don't expect any monkey business in some hotel afterwards. You owe me a nice night out."


  • The fourth voiceline makes a direct reference to the Monkey Business level.



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