Dark Deception Wiki
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"Complete the ring, and you can use Malak's power to fulfill your darkest desires...or so the legend goes."
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Well now! This is more like it! Don't back away Doug. Come closer...




Police Reports[]

Report 1
Mysteryroom note policereport 01

On Friday February 28th, 1992 @1738 hrs, the Pittsburgh City Police Department received a report of an auto accident in the area of McKees Rocks Bridge. Upon arrival, police located a multi-vehicle crash on the bridge. One vehicle was partially hanging over the edge of the bridge and another was discovered to have been pushed by the collision through the guard railings and into the river below.

A total of 4 deaths resulted from the accident. The driver and passenger in the vehicle that plunged into the river both died as a result of severe injuries sustained in the accident. The vehicle was engulfed in flames before entering the water. The driver (and registered owner of the vehicle) is Clarissa Houser, W/F/33. Passenger is Tammy Houser, W/F/12. Information for both will be released pending positive identification. The driver was operating a 1990 500SE.

Preliminary investigation revealed that a drug overdose may have been a contributing factor to the accident. Fragments of prescription medication containers were found at the site and within the vehicle. No signs of foul play. Suicide has not been ruled out.

Report 2
Mysteryroom note policereport 02

Accident #: 311

Date of Accident: 02/28/1992

Time of Accident: 5:38PM

Operator #: 7802

Location: McKees Rocks County Allegheny


- Winston Miller Age 42 City of Residence Pittsburgh, PA Sex M Driver Y Passenger N


- Clarissa Houser Age 33 City of Residence New York, NY Sex F Driver Y Passenger N
- Tammy Houser Age 12 City of Residence New York, NY Sex F Driver N Passenger Y
- Robin Delanie Age 25 City of Residence Pittsburgh, PA Sex F Driver Y Passenger N
- Marisa Delanie Age 26 City of Residence Pittsburgh, PA Sex F Driver N Passenger Y

Real Life Origin[]

In the universe of Dark Deception, Doug's family and a few others died in the accident on this bridge.


The McKees Rocks Bridge is a steel trussed through arch bridge which carries the Blue Belt, Pittsburgh's innermost beltline, across the Ohio River at Brighton Heights and McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, west of the city.

At 7,293 feet (2,223 m) long, it is the longest bridge in Allegheny County.

Built in 1931, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1988.





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