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Mascot Mayhem Logo

Ugh, not very magical looking is it?

– Bierce, remarking the amusement park

Portal mascots new theoric

"Mascot Mayhem" is the seventh level in the game, Dark Deception. It is playable in Chapter 4. This level takes place in the The Theme Park known as "Joy Joy Land" and features the Joy Joy Gang, consisting of Penny the Chicken, Hangry the Pig, and Lucky the Rabbit, (their respective clones), as well an amalgamation called Joy Kill.


Welcome to... Joy Joy Land? I've got a bad feeling about this place. I'd pick up the pace if I were you.

– Bierce

Theme Park View

The level begins in an area with fake town buildings around the portal. There is written graffiti that says things such as "Joy Joy Land". When Doug walks to the castle, there are two sides that he is able to travel to; one side contains an E note where she mentions that Lucky and Hangry found her. The other side contains an entrance at the wall of the castle, and this leads Doug to enter inside of the room.

Lucky Intro

Once Doug enters the room, he finds two members of the Joy Joy Gang; Penny the Chicken, and Lucky the Rabbit. They sing their "song" and assure Doug that they will return soon. After this, the door opens and Doug enters zone 1 of the level.

Act I[]

You know why they call me Lucky? Because I never lose!

– Lucky


Doug has to collect 181 soul shards while trying to avoid Lucky, his clones, Penny, as well as the security cameras. Penny will fly down to block your path, and she's capable of stunning him with eggs while Lucky will use speed boost and his clones will toss bombs to blow him up whilst within range.


When Doug heads back to the hallway after he gets all of the shards, Lucky will pop up behind the glass. He comments on how he’s called Lucky since he never loses, and sees how Doug is lucky as well, so he decides to test his luck. A bunch of Lucky and Penny clones are sent after him, causing him to run away from them. A swarm of Lucky and Penny clones will block 2 other paths, forcing Doug to enter inside the castle and use the elevator. Before the elevator heads down, Lucky (at the front of the army) says that Hangry will be very happy to see him.

Act II[]

Great, now there's a pig too.

– Bierce

Hangry Intro

The elevator arrives to the floor. Doug enters the security control center, he then hears an announcer saying that Zone 3's access is restricted and that he needs to restore power on Zone 2, which is a Research & Development area. When he's about to collect the shards, Hangry introduces himself. During this, he shows his addiction and fondness of ribs, telling Doug to step closer and that he wants to eat Doug's ribs with his own barbecue sauce, then laughs and disappears.

Hangry Breaking

Doug now has to collect 170 soul shards while trying to avoid Lucky, Hangry and the ravenous pig's two clones. While he's getting the first few shards in the zone, he meets Lucky again. Lucky explains that Hangry isn't himself when he's hungry, and goes crazy over ribs. He then says that everyone is a little crazy and it's a mad world, before laughing maniacally and running away. Now, Lucky, Hangry and the clones are on the prowl. Lucky acts the same, but Hangry is a whole other can of worms. He will attempt to look for you, and sometimes, when close to a wall, one of Hangry's clones will smash the wall and ambush you. Despite his slow speed, due to his ability to surprise you from behind walls, and the fact that even when you are invisible, he can smell you and will constantly know where you are, he is very formidable.

Getting access to Zone 3[]

Guys, why's he hitting that button? Uh oh, that ain't good!

– Hangry

JJG Corruption

Eventually he gets past Hangry, Lucky and the traps. When he’s about to press the button on the fuse box. The Joy Joy Gang corners him, but they are standing in a open wire lying on a water puddle, which when Doug presses said button, they got shocked, turning them withered and stunning them. Thus introducing us to The Joy Joy Gang's frenzied forms. Doug then slips past through them and gets back to the control room. The announcer, then says that access to Zone 3 is granted.

Act III[]

Squishy, look what ya did to my FACE! You made me ugly!

– Penny

JJG Zone 2 Begin
JJG Crushed
Joy Kill Completed

Doug makes his way to Zone 3, which is a production factory. He has to collect 150 shards in this area. He makes his way through the Joy Joy Gang's clones being transported by a conveyer claw. Jocelyn then announces that there is an "unauthorized intruder detected", referring to Doug, which causes her to dispatch the Joy Joy Gang, and to reboot the breaker switch to resume the crusher function inside the factory. When he's about to enter in the factory, the Joy Joy Gang appears from behind and shame him for ruining their look. Hangry’s furious at the fact his Jaw is destroyed and Penny questions if anyone will take pictures with her with her broken face. Once Doug collects all the Shards, Malak will join up with them. Doug eventually resets the crusher, makes it outside and activates the crusher, which crushes the Joy Joy Gang members before they could reach him. When Doug is about to escape, a metal door closes right in front of him. Malak introduced himself and reveals the true form of the Joy Joy Gang. Jocelyn then activates its salvage mode, taking the remains of them and turning them into project Joy Kill. The crusher is powerless against it, which gets melted away by their laser.

Boss Battle[]

I'm coming for you buddy.

– Joy Kill

Joy Kill Battle1
Joy Kill Melts

Doug has to find 4 switches to power up the piston while being hunted down by Joy Kill. They can jump across every large round platforms, shoot lasers from their eyes, try to launch him right into the lava beneath, and can throw her Eggs to stun Doug. Once the piston is powered on, Doug presses a button to activate it, and lures Joy Kill right into it so they get pushed down to the lava. When they get pushed, they let out some final words before getting burned down by the lava, saying that it isn't over and that he won't escape.

Final Act[]

Self destruct sequence has been initiated.

– Jocelyn

Joy Kill Breaks in Altar Room
Malak Before Flashback1

The whole place is now in self-destruct mode with the countdown begin, Malak also attempts to stop you from collecting the ring piece. Doug makes his way back to the control room. When he gets the ring piece, the announcer puts the place on a 2-minute lock down. A screen starts breaking, and Joy Kill bursts through, revealing it survived (Likely due to how its indestructible). Doug has to survive them until the countdown ends and the door to Zone 1 unlocks. Doug then makes it outside, as Malak and a swarm of clones chase after him. But right as Doug is going to escape Joy Kill jumps right in front of the portal, causing him to be cornered. Lucky, Hangry and Penny (Clones not as Joy-Kill) each punch him and then beat him up, making him fall down to the ground. Malak then appears and then enters his mind seeing what memories he has to make Bierce finally pay the price.

Doug's Past[]

You're going to show me everything, whether you want to or not.

– Malak

Tammy Crying Flashback
Tammy Chase
Mark of Malak Beginning

Doug moves into a dark hallway with a trail of pills. He follows it and leads him to a part of his house. Tammy can be seen crying in the stairs. A dark area lights up, revealing the argument between him and his wife, Elise. Doug then feels regret and apologizes to Tammy before he continues following the trail of pills. It then leads him to the time Doug was cheating on his wife by flirting with his secretary. Doug then told her not to worry about Tammy and that he will take care of Elise before Malak decides to dig deeper, and proceeds to the trail of pills again. Now it leads him to his current coma like state in the hospital as Malak asks if cancer was the reason he's like this, thus explaining why he ended up in the hospital. After that, Malak continues to go even more deeper, revealing that his family lost their lives in a car accident. (This reveal was foreshadowed by a Secret back in Elementary Evil). Malak then wakes up Tammy and orders her to attack her own father. She then says "You did this", implying that he's the one who was behind the car accident. Doug attempts to apologize to Tammy, claiming he didn’t know she was in the car. His daughter then knocks Doug down injuring him badly, and put the hex on him. Doug then becomes Malak's puppet as a result of the hex before Malak brings him back to Joy Joy Land.

Malak then orders Hangry to throw him back into the portal, despite how Hangry claims Malak said he could eat Doug, he reluctantly agrees, but is glad he at least got a bite. Lucky, Penny and Hangry say goodbye to him, and Hangry throws Doug into the portal, letting Malak gain full control of Bierce’s Ballroom, now that Doug is his puppet.


Dd guide zone maps mascot mayhem1
  • There are two secrets in Zone 1. The first one is near the left hallway, which is the way out. The second one is located at the top north of the zone. Touch both of the walls to enter it.
  • Before entering the elevator in the castle, break the board on the left to obtain the secret.
Dd guide zone maps mascot mayhem2
  • On the right of the electricity room in Zone 2, there's a hallway that leads to the room contain a secret, as well as many notes and the references of Joy Joy Gang's raps.
Dd guide zone maps mascot mayhem3
  • At Zone 3, there's a secret inside the wall but requires Hangry to smash through it in order to obtain it.


To obtain an S-rank, the player must achieve all of the criteria listed below. Also, Mascot Mayhem has three stages which are independent scoring systems.

  • Time: Less than 55 minutes (+70)
  • Soul Shards: 501
  • Bonus Shards: 3 (+25)
  • Secrets: 5 (+35)
  • Lives Lost: 3 or less (+40)
  • Shard Streak: 200 (+30)
  • Total Shards Attainable: 800

An S-rank must be achieved in order to obtain an excerpt of Bierce's diary.


Picture Name Description
CameraShyAchievement Camera Shy Did not trigger any cameras in Zone 1.
GoingVeganAchievement Going Vegan Avoid Penny's eggs in all zones.
JoyfulEndAchievement A Joyful End Killed by all 3 members of the Joy Joy Gang.
TerminatedAchievement Terminated Defeated Joy Kill
TheLuckiestAchievemt The Luckiest This achievement is currently unobtainable due to a bug.
Earn an S Rank in Mascot Mayhem.

Known Bugs[]

  • Joy Joy Ditty repeats for half a second after it ends.
  • When Penny gets stunned, she may get stuck permanently after the stun wears off.
  • Enemies can give up chasing you even if you are on camera.
  • If you are on camera after collecting all the shards, the camera's alarm will not turn off.
  • After beating Zone 1 and reloading from the checkpoint, all the shards will come back.
  • The clones will stop moving when you are next to certain walls.
  • You can get locked out of the castle.
  • If a clone is right behind you, it can get past the gate before it shuts.
  • The game won't count the collection of the secret that is in the castle before zone 2 if you collect it in the beginning of the level.
  • One of Hangry's lines in his introduction repeats for half a second.
  • Enemies can get stuck on breakable walls in Zone 2.
  • Lucky (and non-chasing Hangry) can get stuck on opened doors.
  • Lucky can teleport on top of you in some places when a camera activates.
  • One specific camera in Zone 2 teleports Lucky inside a wall.
  • Hangry can break down an already broken wall multiple times.
  • Sometimes Hangry will chase you after breaking a wall even if you are invisible (may actually be a feature rather than a bug).
  • The Stun Orb can spawn out of bounds where it cannot be reached.
  • After completing the Zone 2, if you teleport and trigger the cutscene at the same time, the Joy Joy Gang's eyes will look in the wrong direction.
  • Hangry's line in this cutscene repeats for half a second.
  • The specific camera can see you through the door.
  • If you complete Zone 2 without losing a life, the door leading to Zone 3 will stay locked.
  • The railings on the left in Zone 3's very beginning have no collision.
  • Hangry's line in the cutscene before the chase repeats for half a second.
  • There is no texture beneath some of the vents in Zone 3, so you can see out of bounds.
  • If Joy Kill swipes its arm while charging its laser, it will slide some distance away.
  • Joy Kill can get on top of the piston which is supposed to push it into the molten steel.
  • You can still be killed in the cutscene where Joy Kill falls into the molten steel.
  • The self-destruction countdown still runs while the game is paused.
  • The elevator leading back to the ring piece can leave you behind.
  • When dying after activating the elevator, you will softlock the game in a strange way.
  • You can walk amongst the clone army in the escape sequence.
  • Malak disappears during the end cutscene (just after Joy Joy Gang beats Doug).
  • During the end cutscene, Hangry's "Dinner time!" line repeats three times.
  • One of Elise's lines repeats for half a second.
  • One of Malak's lines on the bridge repeats for half a second.



  • This level is one of the first features designed for Chapter 4, as revealed in the 8th Q&A livestream.
  • This level is the only level so far that takes place during the day.
  • This is the only level so far to have more than one chase theme.
    • This is also the only level so far to have more than one boss fight theme.
  • This is the first level in the game to introduce three zones.
  • So far, this level uses the most amount of music tracks on the OST, being seven.
    • This may be intentional, referencing 7 being a lucky number and Lucky is one of the main enemies in the stage. Additionally, this is the seventh level of the game.
  • In the fifth Q&A, it was confirmed that each level in chapter 4 will have between 350 - 600 shards, in this case, 501.
  • This is the only level where the exclamation mark in "You escaped!" is replaced by a question mark.
  • This is the only level that fakes out a "You are dead" screen with Bierce saying the line and laughing but Lucky comes in a says "I'M NOT DONE YET!" before snapping out of it and getting beat up by the Joy Joy Gang and entering the Doug's past section.
  • At launch, at the beginning of the level, there was a small model of Malak, which is used in the cutscene which plays after Doug is beat up by the Joy Joy Gang as a transition to the proper model (for an unknown reason). It was originally thought to be a figurine, but after it was removed, people then realised it was a silly bug.
  • This is the only level in Chapter 4 where Malak chases Doug as, according to him, he was busy during the events of Torment Therapy, while he was monitoring him in Bearly Buried.


v · e · d
DD Navigation
Main Characters
Doug HouserBierceMalak
MalakMurder MonkeysAgathaGold WatchersDread DuckiesClown GremlinsReaper Nurses
Lucky the RabbitHangry the PigPenny the ChickenJocelynTrigger TeddiesMama Bear
Red StalkersDark StarUnknown Monster 2Unknown Monster 4Unknown Monster 3Unknown Monster
Mecha Monkey
Chef MonkeysAgathaTitan WatchersDoom DuckyGoliath ClownsThe MatronJoy KillMama Bear
Puppet KingDark Star
Other Characters
Tammy HouserElise HouserVictorEdgarDoug's MotherMistressMinor Characters
Bierce's BallroomThe HotelThe SchoolThe ManorThe SewerThe CircusThe Hospital
Joy Joy LandMcKees Rocks BridgeThe CaveThe MallThe PrisonDark DimensionMinor Locations
PortalsInteractive ItemsTabletSoul ShardsSecret FilesRing AltarThe Riddle of Heaven
Malak's RelicBarriersTrapsSecret NotesClown CarsMalletThe Mark of MalakSyringesBoulders
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Torment TherapyMascot MayhemBearly Buried9th Level
Chapter 1: No Way BackChapter 2: Into MadnessChapter 3: Retribution
Chapter 4: Mortal RamificationsChapter 5: Fated Conclusion
Environmental HazardsPowersLevelDeath TipsSteam Achievements
OSTDark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
Bad RabbitThe Notorious PigAlways NearI'm Dead
Games & Versions
Dark Deception (2014 Alpha)Dark Deception EnhancedSuper Dark DeceptionDark Deception 2
Malak Archives: House of MischiefMalak Archives: The Gamblers Misfortune
TimelineBierce's DiariesArt GalleryScrapped ContentQ&A Livestreams
Makeship PlushiesTeespring MerchThreadless MerchYoutooz Figures