Dark Deception Wiki

Makeship Brand Partnership Dark Deception

"Makeship Plushies" are limited time campaigns started by Makeship on August 7, 2020 firstly with Dread Ducky.

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Makeship is a Canadian crowdfunding platform for content creators. Through collaborations with creators, they enable the design and creation of high-quality, limited edition custom products and experiences. They handle design, manufacturing, fulfilment & customer service. Each product campaign launches for 21 days to reach the minimum funding goal.


Name Description Product
Dread Ducky What has long legs, hides in the sewer, and quacks? Give up? It's Dark Deception's horrifyingly cute Dread Ducky! Don't let this little guy scare you though. Order now and he will use those legs to ducky dance his way into your heart!
  • 1402 sold (521% funded)
  • Size: 20 cm
  • Ended: August 28, 2020
Dread Ducky Plush
Lucky the Rabbit Are you feeling lucky? Want to own a winner? Well, good news! Dark Deception fans can now get their very own Lucky the Rabbit plush and Lucky never loses! Just be aware that he hates hugs & despises mortal affection. This furry little psycho might look adorable, but never ever tell him that. It will only feed his maniacal ego & superiority complex.
  • 623 sold (311% funded)
  • Size: 20 cm
  • Ended: November 13, 2020
Lucky the Rabbit Plush
Reaper Nurse Welcome this Reaper Nurse from Dark Deception into your home. She'll take great care of you and take only a small blood sample. "small". Hope you're not afraid of needles!
  • 578 sold (144% funded)
  • Size: 24 cm
  • Ended: February 26, 2021
ReaperNurse Plush
Bierce You need me. Do you have a ritual planned? I bet you can't pull it off without me.
  • 405 sold (202% funded)
  • Size: 20 cm
  • Ended: April 16, 2021
Bierce Plush
Malak Safe to welcome into your homes but just don't try any spells or make deals with the Malak plushie. You may get what you wished for, but at a hefty cost!
  • 522 sold (261% funded)
  • Size: 16 cm
  • Ended: April 16, 2021
Malak Plush
Gold Watcher It's time to build your own golden army! From the luxurious horror-filled hallways of Deadly Decadence comes Dark Deception's Gold Watcher! This golden boy is the perfect plushie companion, but don't turn your back on him too long as he will stalk your every move with a deranged giggle. Act fast though, because the Gold Watcher is only available for a limited time!
  • 465 sold (232% funded)
  • Size: 16 cm
  • Ended: July 17, 2021
Gold Watcher Plush
Murder Monkey Watch your hands, arms, and legs! Dark Deception's killer mascot, the Murder Monkey, is here! Sporting two sharp knives as hands and filled with an unquenchable thirst for murder, Murder Monkeys are the perfect companions for literally anything. Just be sure to keep a ton of bananas handy to keep them distracted.
  • 1206 sold (603% funded)
  • Size: 16 cm
  • Ended: October 23, 2021
Monkey Plush
Hangry the Pig Hangry the Pig is smashing through walls and straight into your heart with his new marketable plushie from Makeship! With Hangry the Plushie around, it's always dinner time and there will never be a shortage of BBQ sauce (he has his own recipe), so watch those ribs of yours!

Now, for a limited time, you have the chance to own one of Dark Deception's most popular characters and another member of the Joy Joy Gang! Don't make Hangry wait. He gets hungry when he waits too long and....well....he's not himself when he's hungry.

  • 679 sold (339% funded)
  • Size: 16 cm
  • Ended: December 4, 2021
Hangry Plush
Mama Bear Need an overprotective parent? Dark Deception's Mama Bear is here and ready to adopt you as one of her "babies"! With Mama Bear around, there's no such thing as personal privacy. You can feel her disapproving parental stare from anywhere in your home or office! Definitely don't talk back and remember that mother always knows best.
  • 486 sold (243% funded)
  • Size: 16 cm
  • Ended: February 19, 2022
Trigger Teddy Looking for an unpredictable teddy bear with an explosive personality? If so, Dark Deception's Trigger Teddy might be right for you. Trigger Teddy is the teddy bear that will make everyone around you question your sanity. Just be sure not to shake them, startle them, or feed them after midnight. So move fast and get this adorable little bundle of homicide now before it's too late!
  • 584 sold (292% funded)
  • Size: 16cm
  • Ended: February 19, 2022
Clown Gremlin Dark Deception's Clown Gremlins are now available in plushie form! If there's one thing everyone needs more of, it's evil clowns. After all, their twisted demonic smile can brighten up any room. They also make fantastic gifts for friends & family with coulrophobia. Just be sure not to let too many of them gather in one place and remember that if one of them knows where you are - they all do.
  • 525 sold (262% funded)
  • Size: 16cm
  • Ended: March 26, 2022
Agatha Hello, friend! Ready or not, here comes Dark Deception's Agatha plushie! This adorably evil little girl is always happy to welcome new friends and is the perfect plushie companion on lonely days. Get ready to share all your secrets, all your mistakes, and (especially) all your pain with her! After all, that's what friends are for.... right? Just remember that friends don't run from friends and staying alive is cheating.
  • 608 sold (304% funded)
  • Size: 16cm
  • Ended: May 7, 2022
Penny the Chicken Do you like cute & squishy things? How about wildly unpredictable & dangerously emotional things? Well you're in luck! Dark Deception's Penny the Chicken is all of those things and she's looking for cute & squishy owners just like you! Now is your chance to grab the 3rd and final member of the Joy Joy Gang in marketable plushie form! Penny is always near and will literally love you in a smothering fashion until you beg her to stop. Do remember that her love is not unconditional though. Her extreme love can become extreme hate if she deems you as ugly. Also, be sure to never ask her what happened to her face.
  • 414 sold (206% funded)
  • Size: 16cm
  • Ended: June 18, 2022
Chef Monkey Mamma mia! Is that boss music you hear? Well, you're not hearing things. Chef Monkey's plushie is here and when he's around it's always pizza time! Sporting two razor sharp pizza cutters for hands, Chef Monkey is ready to slice his way into your Makeship plushie collection! Though he is dressed like a Chef, nobody has ever seen him actually cook anything, so be very careful about trying any of his food. Criticize his cooking and you'll wind up as pizza toppings!
  • 345 sold (172% funded)
  • Size: 16cm
  • Ended: November 11, 2022
Skeleton Clown Gremlin Are you scared of spooky, scary skeletons? What about clowns? Well, now you can combine those two crippling fears into one sinister plushie - Skeleton Clown Gremlin! This creepy alternate version of the Clown Gremlin has the honor of officially being the first plushie for Dark Deception - Monsters & Mortals! He'll be happy to spook your friends & family with his evil red eyes and send shivers down their spines. A spooky skull that will shock your soul!
  • 210 sold (105% funded)
  • Size: 16cm
  • Ended: November 11, 2022
Doug Houser Dark Deception's favorite bad dad, Doug Houser, is now available in marketable plushie form! His disapproving stare is perfectly captured and ready to be directed at you at all times. No amount of love or hugs will ever make him stop being disappointed in you. After all, there's no pleasing this cold-hearted squishy little mortal. He's very good at suffering for soul shards though. Just give him his plushie tablet and point him at a ring piece and he'll be on his way!
  • Not funded (76%)
  • Size: 16cm
  • Ended: January 20, 2023
Golden Malak Everyone's favorite dapper demon, Malak, is back and this time he's sporting a shiny golden new look! First appearing in Monsters & Mortals, you can now summon this Golden Malak plushie straight into your home! Go on - give him a hug. Just be careful not to make any business deals with him. Eternal suffering is usually included.
  • 270 sold (135% funded)
  • Size: 16cm
  • Ended: May 27, 2023
Golden Malak Plush
Flamingo Dread Ducky Dark Deception's horrifyingly cute Dready Ducky is back with a new pink look as Flamingo Dread Ducky! Bright & flamboyant, Dready Ducky's done hiding and ready to shine in Monsters & Mortals! Don't be fooled by the colorful appearance and party hat though. This ducky came to win. Order one now and he will use those long ducky legs to dance his way into your heart a second time!
  • 297 sold (148% funded)
  • Size: 16cm
  • Ended: November 7, 2023
Flamingo Dread Ducky Plush
Dark Star Are you ready to join Dark Star's Star Army and let her music rehabilitate your soul? What better way to show your loyalty and fandom than to have a mini plushie version of her with you at all times? Currying favor with the lockdown queen is never a bad idea and it may even earn you extra yard time!
  • 320 sold (160% funded)
  • Size: 21.8cm
  • Ended: November 1, 2024
Dark Star Plush
Red Coat TBA
  • TBA sold (TBA% funded)
  • Size: TBAcm
  • Start: TBA
Red Coat Gold Watcher Plush
Puppet King TBA
  • TBA sold (TBA% funded)
  • Size: TBAcm
  • Start: TBA




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DD Navigation
Main Characters
Doug HouserBierceMalak
MalakMurder MonkeysAgathaGold WatchersDread DuckiesClown GremlinsReaper Nurses
Lucky the RabbitHangry the PigPenny the ChickenJocelynTrigger TeddiesMama Bear
Red StalkersDark StarUnknown Monster 2Unknown Monster 4Unknown Monster 3Unknown Monster
Mecha Monkey
Chef MonkeysAgathaTitan WatchersDoom DuckyGoliath ClownsThe MatronJoy KillMama Bear
Puppet KingDark Star
Other Characters
Tammy HouserElise HouserVictorEdgarDoug's MotherMistressMinor Characters
Bierce's BallroomThe HotelThe SchoolThe ManorThe SewerThe CircusThe Hospital
Joy Joy LandMcKees Rocks BridgeThe CaveThe MallThe PrisonDark DimensionMinor Locations
PortalsInteractive ItemsTabletSoul ShardsSecret FilesRing AltarThe Riddle of Heaven
Malak's RelicBarriersTrapsSecret NotesClown CarsMalletThe Mark of MalakSyringesBoulders
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Torment TherapyMascot MayhemBearly Buried9th Level
Chapter 1: No Way BackChapter 2: Into MadnessChapter 3: Retribution
Chapter 4: Mortal RamificationsChapter 5: Fated Conclusion
Environmental HazardsPowersLevelDeath TipsSteam Achievements
OSTDark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
Bad RabbitThe Notorious PigAlways NearI'm Dead
Games & Versions
Dark Deception (2014 Alpha)Dark Deception EnhancedSuper Dark DeceptionDark Deception 2
Malak Archives: House of MischiefMalak Archives: The Gamblers Misfortune
TimelineBierce's DiariesArt GalleryScrapped ContentQ&A Livestreams
Makeship PlushiesTeespring MerchThreadless MerchYoutooz Figures