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Kissy Missy is a playable monster in the Dark Deception multiplayer game Monsters & Mortals, appearing in the "Poppy Panic" map from the Poppy Playtime DLC.


Kissy Missy's appearance is very similar to Huggy Wuggy's. Like Huggy, she is a tall, slender creature with thick fur, but she is dyed pink rather than Huggy's signature blue. The rest of her features such as her blue bow, yellow hands and feet, and eyes are similar to Huggy's with the exception of her eyelashes. Also her head shape is similar to a heart unlike Huggy, who has a triangle-like head shape.


As a Monster of the Ranged class Kissy Missy has the most health in the game, is a bit more than average in soul shard collecting and movement speed. Her downside is that she does less damage than the Speed Monsters in exchange for her heavy attack being ranged and has a longer cooldown between attacks.

Her ultimate ability, "Toy Tornado", when activated Kissy Missy will spin in a mini tornado and fling out 4 Cat Bee toys in a + formation (1 in front, 1 in back, 1 at each side) that will go through walls similar to Hanako's. If it hits a player they will take 50 damage on impact and then will be burned. Dealing 3 damage per second for 6 seconds, totaling to 18 damage from the burning, 68 for being hit by 1 Cat Bee projectile.

If the foes dodge the toys but, get too close to her when she does it they will be hit by her tornado and be slapped for 21 damage. However, there's currently a bug so foes will not get hurt by her spinning directly, instead taking 21 damage regardless of where they are on the map. So until it's fixed they just need to dodge the projectiles.

Her ultimate is useful for attacking enemies as if she gets a Cat-Bee to touch them they will burn over time and will be easier to take down. Best to use it to turn the tides in a fight or start one by surprising an enemy around a corner.


Image Name Rarity Appearance
Kissy Miss Feeling Blue
Feeling Blue Exclusive Poppy Playtime Collection

In the Feeling Blue skin, Kissy Missy's fur is now colored blue to resemble her adorable counterpart, Huggy Wuggy.

Kissy Miss Lavender
Miss Lavender Exclusive Poppy Playtime Collection
In the Miss Lavender skin, Kissy Missy’s fur is now colored lavender.


  • Vince, in the eighteenth Q&A, confirmed that Kissy Missy is a support class character.
    • This turned out to be false as she's actually a Ranged Monster in the DLC.
  • She is the first Ranged Monster to not have her ranged attack be a projectile
  • She has the longest attack range in the game that isn't a projectile for a playable character
  • On her DLC launch, her Ultimate Ability would do the tornado damage to all enemies in the match whether or not they were near her spinning also her Cat-Bee projectiles would do more damager per hit (10 damager per second instead of the current 3)



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