Dark Deception Wiki


*evil laughing* I'M BACK!
Haha, look at me! You're in b-b-b-big trouble now, squishy!
Ha ha ho, I can eat way more ribs with this body!

– Joy Kill

Joy Kill is the seventh boss enemy in Dark Deception, making its first appearance in Chapter 4 in the level "Mascot Mayhem". It is an amalgamation of the remains of the three Joy Joy Gang members: Hangry the Pig, Lucky the Rabbit, and Penny the Chicken. Joy Kill was assembled by Jocelyn after the Joy Joy Gang were killed in a crusher.


Joy Kill is made from the destroyed parts of Hangry, Penny, and Lucky, most notably their heads. After the reconstruction of the animatronics, their body takes a more bulky metallic and robotic appearance, with the heads of the three located on top. Lucky's head is located in the middle, with Penny's head located at his right, and Hangry's head located at his left. At the back of the heads are large wire cables attached to the back of the main robot body. Joy Kill's arms are made from the arms of Penny and Hangry, including one unknown robotic arm that is implied to be Lucky's, but isn't confirmed because it seems to have five fingers.


Don't celebrate just yet. After all, that's not even their final form.

– Malak


Because Joy Kill is an amalgamation of the three Joy Joy Gang Members, it does not possess its own personality. While it is shown that each member can speak and think independently, it is unknown whether the body is controlled entirely by Lucky or by all three members in coordination. Although it has been shown that Hangry and Penny can control their respective arms on the fusion.


Laser Beam[]

Joy Kill is capable of shooting laser beams out of any one of their three heads, disintegrating anything they remotely touch. Joy Kill uses two types of lasers: one small but quick laser shot by Lucky's head and three slower but longer ranged lasers shot by all three heads. These lasers do require various amounts of time to charge up, though, so they do become vulnerable while doing so.


An ability retained from Lucky, Joy Kill is capable of jumping to any desired location regardless of its distance without any effort.


An ability retained from Penny, Joy Kill is capable of summoning eggs from its Penny hand and throwing them at Doug to stun him.

Brute Force[]

An ability retained from Hangry, Joy Kill possesses enough physical strength to swat Doug around like a bug, as well as using it to break through walls and other obstacles to get to Doug.

Hive Mind[]

Joy Kill, due to being an amalgamation of the original Joy Joy Gang, it's connected to the Joy Joy Clones, allowing them to transfer memories to the clones if needed.



As with all of Malak's minions, Joy Kill is eternally loyal to him, especially due to the fact that it retains the original memories of the Joy Joy Gang used.

Doug Houser[]

Due to retaining the Joy Joy Gang's original memories, Joy Kill shows a complete desire to kill Doug for what he did to them, carrying with them some of the Joy Joy Gang's personality. It shows a complete refusal to stop chasing Doug until it has him cornered and dealt with by the Joy Joy Clones.

Joy Joy Gang[]

Joy Kill's relationship with the Joy Joy Gang's clones is mostly unknown, but it does allow them to deal with Doug and take Joy Kill's composing members' place as the new Joy Joy Gang.


Chapter 4[]

Mascot Mayhem[]

Boss Battle I[]
Joy Kill Completed
Joy Kill Battle1
Joy Kill Melts

Joy Kill will shoot lasers with 2 following form, in a small beam from Lucky's eyes or 3 long beams from all three's eyes and Doug has to dodge it. Joy Kill will also jump from one large platform to another. If Doug gets too close, Joy Kill will kill him instantly. Hangry will launch Doug with his arm when Doug is near enough, with will sometimes cause him to fall down to the molten steel. Penny will also throw eggs to stun Doug. To defeat Joy Kill, Doug must pull the levers to activate a piston and lure Joy Kill to it. He must stun Joy Kill using Primal Fear, then push the button which will cause the piston to push Joy Kill into the pool of molten steel. Joy Kill curses Doug saying they will never escape, causing the facility to self destruct.

Boss Battle II[]
Joy Kill Breaks in Altar Room
Joy Kill Battle2

After Doug gets locked in, Joy Kill will barge in and break the TV. Doug has to survive for 2 minutes while avoiding Joy Kill's attacks. It behaves the same way as they did in the first boss battle.

Final Act[]
Joy Kill Catch

Before Doug was able to reach the portal, Joy Kill escapes the facility and jumps in front of him and tells him that he was so close while walking towards him to get beaten up by Lucky, Hangry, and Penny. For the rest of the scene, it stands there and watch Doug getting beat up, marked by Malak, and thrown back into the portal.


  • Their name is shared with the OST's title for their boss encounter. This isn't the case for any other bosses so far.
  • The Joy Kill’s name is a pun on the term “killjoy”, which refers to someone who spoils the enjoyment of others.
  • When test running Chapter 4, Vince confirmed Joy Kill to be the enemy who caused him the most deaths in the chapter.
  • In the fifth and sixth Q&A livestreams, it was revealed that Joy Kill is male.
    • However, Joy Kill turned out to be an amalgamation of Lucky, Hangry, and Penny.
  • In Q&A 11, Vince revealed that Joy Kill was the hardest character to texture due to their complex design and size.
  • The 11th Q&A revealed that Joy Kill likes to eat mortals, more than other foods.
  • Joy Kill is currently the only boss that can be stunned with the Primal Fear power.
  • Joy Kill, just like the Joy Joy Gang, likely represents automatonophobia, the fear of humanoids and/or animatronics. They also possibly represent technophobia, the fear of technology, and Mechanophobia, fear of machines or anything mechanical.
  • Joy Kill is the only enemy who has managed to capture Doug.
  • The heads of Joy Kill comedically talking to each other for a brief moment is most likely a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail where the three headed knight's heads comedically talked to each other.
  • They are one of the smallest bosses, the smallest minimum being the Chef Monkeys and Agatha.
  • The Joy Joy Gang and Mama Bear are the only enemies so far that transform themselves into a boss that looks different from their Normal Form.
  • Joy Kill's second right arm is supposedly Lucky's. That, however, is odd since it has five fingers whereas Lucky only has four.
  • Joy Kill is the only enemy to be created during the events of the game and not before.
  • Joy Kill can potentially destroy the ring altar if they shoots a laser close to it, so far making them the only enemy to do so during gameplay.
  • As confirmed in the latest Q&A, Joy Kill did not survive falling into the lava, which means another Joy Kill simply took their place, as there are multiple Joy Kills.


Joy Kill is voiced by Chris Jai Alex and Tara Strong, due to being an amalgamation of Lucky, Penny and Hangry.

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Voiceline Used Audio File
"*evil laughing* I'M BACK! Haha, look at me! You're in b-b-b-big trouble now, squishy! Ha ha ho, I can eat way more ribs with this body! Jeez Hangry, why does everything gotta be about food? Sorry, I just get so hungry... Hey Hangry, I want to try one of his ribs too... You see buddy, luck will always be on my side. Ha, you think that's going to work on me now?! Don't make me laugh." After being reassembled.

"*grunting* No, no, Gah! I'm your worst nightmare buddy! You ain't gettin' out - you hear me?! THERE'S NO WAY OUT FOR YOU!!!" Joy Kill's first defeat.
"I'm Lucky the frickin' Rabbit. Nobody whacks Lucky. Nobody!" Prior to the second boss fight.
"*grunts*" When Hangry's arm tries to launch Doug.
"Take that" When shooting laser beam.
"Eat this!" When shooting laser beam.
"I'm coming for you buddy." While chasing Doug.
"Do you like eggs?" When Penny throws an egg.
"Shred him!" While chasing Doug.
"Rip his guts out!" While chasing Doug.
"Hoppity, hoppity, HOP!" When jumping.
"Get over here!" While chasing Doug.
"Murder this chump!" When shooting laser beam.
"NOOOO! This is not over!" Joy Kill's second and final defeat.
"Oh, so close! You weren't thinking about leaving already were ya?" Joy Kill taunting Doug before the ending of Mascot Mayhem.



Super Dark Deception[]





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Mecha Monkey
Chef MonkeysAgathaTitan WatchersDoom DuckyGoliath ClownsThe MatronJoy KillMama Bear
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