Dark Deception Wiki

I'm Dead is a song produced by Rockit Gaming & Glowstick Entertainment, featuring Reaper Nurses & the Matron.

The music video premiered on Rockit Gaming's YouTube channel on October 29, 2021.


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(When I'm in the dark start running)
(Needle in the heart, pump it up, I'm done in)
(Filling up my lungs with drugs, couging up blood)
(I'm dead)

Feeling sick, deader than the decadents
Admitted in, take a minute for my measurements
Something's off with this hospitalization
Hallways looking vacant, where're all the other patients
Cuz I'm fucked up in the brain, late on immunizations
Stick me in a room, "Don't move" that's what they're saying
Skate around the place and inject with no indication
Where's the matron
I've got some hesitations

Best take your meds or you'll be stuck in bed
Don't worry we'll stick by your side
(Don't worry we'll stick by your side)

Can't fix your head, therapy works instead
Torment your mind it's no wonder

When I'm in the dark start running
Needle in the heart, pump it up, I'm done in
Filling up my lungs with drugs, couging up blood
I'm dead

I need to find a way out
I'm done in
I need to find a way out

When I'm in the dark start running
Needle in the heart, pump it up, I'm done in
Filling up my lungs with drugs, couging up blood
I'm dead

9-1-1, climbing up to an ambulance
Look ma, no hands, I'm abandoning, fading in and out
What'd they give me it feels like an ambien
Are these the right nurses, can I speak with management?
Cut me razor thin, I'm in a panic
Timing small blades coming out the floor so dramatic
They got long legs, skating down the wrong lanes
Suing malpractice, taking them to small claims

Breathing into bags, hyperventilating
Debilitated by the thought of me escaping
Inundated filled with medication like a patient for the taking
I'll ask again, can someone call the fucking matron
(Yo wassup?)
Sounding the alarm while you send your evil army on me
Looking like you wanna do me harm

Sawblade for an arm, charging at me with your minions
Call them off stat, can I be discharged?

Best take your meds or you'll be stuck in bed
Don't worry we'll stick by your side
(Don't worry we'll stick by your side)

Can't fix your head, therapy works instead
Torment your mind it's no wonder

When I'm in the dark start running
Needle in the heart, pump it up, I'm done in
Filling up my lungs with drugs, couging up blood
I'm dead

I need to find a way out
I'm done in
I need to find a way out

When I'm in the dark start running
Needle in the heart, pump it up, I'm done in
Filling up my lungs with drugs, couging up blood
I'm dead

(When I'm in the dark start running)
(Needle in the heart, pump it up, I'm done in)
(Filling up my lungs with drugs, couging up blood)
(I'm dead)

External links[]





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OSTDark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
Bad RabbitThe Notorious PigAlways NearI'm Dead
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