Dark Deception Wiki
Lucky Spoiler
"Doesn't look like Bierce has your back... huh buddy?"
This page contains information and spoilers about upcoming features from Dark Deception!
Bierce Stub
"Complete the ring, and you can use Malak's power to fulfill your darkest desires...or so the legend goes."
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Holiday Horror LogoTemporary


Holiday Horror is the upcoming ninth level in Dark Deception. It is will be playable in Chapter 5. This level will take place in the mall and features the Red Stalkers, along with the boss: the Puppet King.



Act I[]


Act II[]


Act III[]

Boss Battle[]


Final Act[]







Picture Name Description
AchievementLocked TBA TBA
AchievementLocked TBA Find the Puppet King's favorite Mannequin.
AchievementLocked TBA TBA
AchievementLocked TBA TBA
AchievementLocked TBA Earned an S Rank in Holiday Horror.

Known Bugs[]




  • In the twenty second Q&A, Vince mentioned that all of the chapter 5 levels will have a boss fight mid way through the level, and at the end of a level.
  • The levels' name was revealed in the 23rd Q&A.
  • In the 24th Q&A, Vince revealed that he changed the portal icon of the level from the Red Stalkers, to the Puppet King.
  • In the 26th Q&A, Vince revealed that only part of Holiday Horror Zone 1 will be shown during the Chapter 5 demo, but the demo was never released because it didn't represent the Level and it lacked many details that would spoil the story.
  • In the 26th Q&A, Vince revealed that the Red Stalkers and their variants, along with Puppet King are the only enemies in the level.
  • Vince revealed in the 26th Q&A that there are many secrets in the level. He also revealed that some stores will be accessible, and that some will even have playable minigames.
  • Holiday Horror will be bigger then Bearly Buried.
  • There will be surreal elements in this level.
  • In the 26th Q&A, Vince said that the parking garage is part of the entrance to the Mall and the level.
  • Holiday Horror is the First Holiday-Themed Level in Dark Deception.
  • All soundtracks for this level have been revealed.[1]
  • Vince said that Holiday Horror will be more intense then Mascot Mayhem.
  • Bierce will have a "Holiday feeling" in this level.
  • This level could be named "Mannequin Massacre" if the abbreviation "MM" hadn't already been taken by "Mascot Mayhem".
  • In the 29th Q&A, Vince confirmed that we will earn an achievement for finding the Puppet King’s favorite Mannequin.
  • The teaser recently shared has the title card font for the Holiday Horror.



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