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This article is about a Monsters & Mortals crossover character. You may want to look at another wiki.

Blondes have more fun.

Heather while attacking.

Heather Mason is a playable mortal that appears in the Dark Deception multiplayer game Monsters & Mortals. She was released alongside with Robbie the Rabbit, Nurse and Cybil Bennett in the Silent Hill pack.

Like other Support Mortals using a heavy attack on a teammate will heal them for 5 Hp per hit.


Heather has dyed blonde hair, which is chin-length and layered with side swept bangs covering her right eye. Her hair is somewhat disheveled and shaggy. Her outfit is an orange, sleeveless turtleneck under a white, hooded vest with four front pockets, and a dark green denim miniskirt. She also wears tall brown boots, a digital wristwatch, and orange wristbands on each arm.

In this appearance she is cleaned up of make up, blood, and even freckles. This is all based off of her debut in Silent Hill 3.


As a Mortal of the Support class she is more than average at collecting shards, movement speed, has the 2nd most Health a Mortal can have at max, low attack cooldown, and if you use your heavy attack on a teammate you will automatically heal them for 5 HP but, she doesn't do a lot of damage. She attacks and heals with a rusty, metal pipe.

Her Ultimate Ability, "Seal of Metatron", when used will buff herself & her teammates if applicable for 10 seconds. Everyone effected by this will receive 50% less damage from all sources and will have a 15% increase in movement speed. Making this useful for escaping and fighting. For example, instead of taking 50 damage you will instead take 25 damage.


Image Name Rarity Appearance
Memory of Alessa
Memory of Alessa Exclusive Silent Hill Collection

Has the appearance of the boss monster from Silent Hill 3 which Heather faces off against in the game. Her clothes are dirty and covered in soot. Her vest is brown instead of Heather's white, her miniskirt is gray instead of Heather's green, and her boots are almost black instead of brown. Her turtleneck sweater is black instead of orange. She has dark black, disheveled hair which is the same appearance of Alessa's. Her face and skin is diseased as well.

Princess Heart
Princess Heart Exclusive Silent Hill Collection

Wears a costume based off her super hero alias "princess heart". she wears a dress containing colors of white, blue, and even pink hearts. head piece also can be seen on her head. regular weapon is replaced by a magical looking staff.


Heather Mason is voiced by Natasha Lloyd.
Voiceline Used Audio File
*grunts* When taking damage.

"Are you nuts!"
"Leave me alone!"
"Get away from me!"
*Exhausting noise* When stunned.
"Dad..." When killed.
"(*sigh*) Whatever..."

"When am I gonna wake up?"
*growls* When using a light attack.

"Take that!"

"Deal with it."
"Back off!"
"Crazy time."
*growls* When using a heavy attack.

"I'll kill you!"
"This is all your fault!"
"Shut your stinking mouth!"
"Blondes have more fun."
"I'll protect you!" While using ultimate ability.
"I'll save you!"
"Seal of Metatron!"
"Don't die on me, okay?"






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