“ | You pretend we don't even exist. Even if you hate me now, Tammy needs you. | ” |
– Elise Houser |
Elise Clarissa Houser was the late wife of Doug Houser and the mother of Tammy Houser, first mentioned in secret notes found in "Stranger Sewers". She’s also the one who wrote the secret notes in the levels about her unintended journey through the nightmares and the creations of the monsters.
According to several notes found around the levels, Elise was suffering from Bipolar Disorder and drug addiction that frequently caused her to act violently. Doug states she attempted to stab him with a pair of scissors after a fight between the two and in one letter he says she is so attached to her pills that she wouldn't even notice if they were replaced with something else. Some notes say she lived a sheltered life and thus never learned to properly deal with her problems. Doug also claims she never told him about her mental issues, causing Doug to develop a low opinion of her.
With that said, Elise does have love for her daughter and seems to be legitimately frustrated and angry towards Doug's dismissive and hostile attitude towards his family. She states he acts like they don't exist, that Doug neglects his daughter and cheats on Elise with his secretaries.
Although Doug claims her to not be very smart, Elise is shown to be far more intelligent than he thought. Aware that Bierce was playing a game with her, she disappeared as early as Monkey Business, leading Bierce to assume that she was killed by Murder Monkeys (unaware of her relationship with Doug, Bierce briefly brought up "A very clever girl... just not a very fast runner" as the most recent guest to disappoint her). As she made her own journey through the Dark Dimension, she was able to figure out what each monster in their respective stages represented.
Born in 1959, Elise lived a sheltered life with both her parents. Later in 1978, she married Doug Houser at age 19. Two years later, they had a daughter whom they named Tammy. Elise is described by Doug to have a very pretty face. Not much is known about her interests, hobbies, etc. What is known is that she also has mental health issues like her daughter. This may be the possible reason why Tammy has a Bipolar disorder due to being genetically predisposed to have a biological mental illness on her mother's side of the family.
As found in the secret notes in Stranger Sewers, she is not very bright according to Doug Houser. Doug uses to his advantage as a means to abandon his wife and daughter to start life anew with his mistress. It's also found in the secret notes in Torment Therapy, that she once tried to stab Doug with a pair of scissors but failed, her violent actions compounded by being a drug addict paired with her BPD.
Elise and Tammy were both killed in a multi-vehicle crash in McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania on February 28th, 1992. According to a report of the incident, Elise’s car caught on fire and plummeted into the Ohio River as a result of the collision, allegedly the result of a drug overdose.
Family Tree[]
| Doug's Mother |
| Doug's Father | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mistress |
| Doug Houser |
| Elise Clarissa Houser | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Tammy Houser |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Note:If you look at each note as image you find new Lore.)
I don't remember how I came to this place, but I will not play her game. I'll find my own way out. I had to leave the tablet behind, but she thinks I'm gone now. Frightening creatures roam this old hotel. There's something familiar about it all. It seems that I can sense things for some reason. It's as if this world wants to share its dark story with me. I don't want to hear it, but I can't shut it out. I can only record my thoughts on paper to help me clear my mind. The monkeys… I can sense their desires. Their souls whisper to me. The ones in the kitchen frighten me the most. The mutterings are random and no longer human, but they are the most violent of wishes. I've learned that the mortal souls of murderers are imprisoned inside each one. In life, they abandoned their humanity. They gave in to their urge to kill. They chose to become monsters. Now they continue on in this place as monstrous Murder Monkeys. |
Bierce's portals are not the only way to move between realms. In the hotel, I found a relic imbued with the demon's power. It's whispered its location to me. I'm not sure why it was there, but as long as I have it, I won't need the ring piece. I could never get past the creatures who guard them anyway. Who would be suicidal enough to even try? The relic is not powerful, but it allows me to walk through the shadows like he does. However, it only takes me to places where he has been. I try to keep my distance from him when he appears. If he discovers me, my fate will be sealed. Now his path has led me to some sort of school. At least it looks like one. It's not like the hotel. It's much worse. I sense there is only one voice here and it is terrifying. Her appearance is that of a child, but that is no child. It didn't take me long to discover that I could see her. She purposely let me look deeper. I wish that I had not, because what I saw was unbearable. Sometimes, something so horrible happens to a child that their soul becomes corrupted by rage & sadness. When that happens, an evil child spirit is born from that suffering. This one's name is Agatha. The pain & suffering of children is a pain that she is forever tied to. She knew what my reaction would be. She is feeding on it. She is toying with me. I can hear her coming... |
I escaped from Agatha but not unscathed. She was able to wound my left shoulder before I escaped. I almost passed out from the pain. I can still hear her shrill laughter. Thank goodness I have this relic or I'd already be dead. Mysteriously, my wound healed itself after I left her realm. The rules of this place continue to confuse me. It's nothing like the real world as it's always changing. Almost as if it is controlled by someone. Maybe it is that demon? His path has led me to an opulent manor now. I was so entranced by its luxurious beauty that I almost didn't notice them moving. This is no ordinary manor. The sheer amount of gold here reminds me of the story of King Midas. Many must have been seduced and lead to their deaths by it. The cursed souls of men corrupted by greed are drawn to this place. In life, they valued only wealth. Now they are encased in the very gold that they so loved, burning in it for eternity. A fitting end for them. All that remains is a ruthless golden golem. Each one is driven to kill anyone that might enter and steal their lord's precious treasures. I have decided to refer to them as Gold Watchers. |
I managed to escape from the doll house. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. The longer I follow the demon's path, the more nightmarish it becomes. Even with this relic, I doubt that it will last much longer. I can only hope that a way out lies somewhere within these sewers. It is quiet here. Too quiet. Everything seems worthless & forgotten. This sewer is full of rotten filth. I've learned that what you see is not always the reality though. There are unusually large duckies scattered around in every tunnel. I thought they were all hollow, but then I sense something moving in a short distance away. It seems some of the duckies are not as hollow as they appear. Instead, they contain the rotten souls of liars, flushed down to the sewers and left to decay. They are now creatures of deception, as they were in life. These dreadful duckies are trying to blend in and hide behind their false appearance, but my sense easily reveals them. There's something lurking here though. Something much bigger and far more dangerous. I can hear it. It knows I'm here. |
I've become aware that using the relic costs the user a terrible price. It slowly consumes their soul. I'm not imagining it. I can feel myself gradually getting weaker. I will try to avoid using it for as long as I can until I find a way out, but I'm starting to lose hope. Maybe there is no way out. Maybe this is hell. Everyone & everything here is a nightmare, so it makes sense. Was I a bad person? Did I do something unforgivable? What torments me more than the monsters is that I can't remember anything! Bierce seemed to know something previously. I saw it in her eyes. Now the relic has brought me to an evil circus. This is not going to go well. I don't like clowns. I can already sense there are a lot of them here. I know their soul type. They are the wretched people that liked to troll. They spent their lives antagonizing & provoking others with a twisted pride. The actions of small-minded cowards. Causing misery to others was just a source of amusement for them. Now they are cursed to exist as the twisted little clown gremlins that they always were. One of many and eternally part of the circus. |
As I feared, the circus and cathedral were just more dead ends. I had hoped to avoid making any more jumps, but there was no such luck. The additional jumps hit me harder than I was prepared for. The symptoms were excruciating and still have not yet fully subsided. More and more, I'm aware that my time is running out. The demon's path led me to a rather large and ominous looking hospital. When I arrived, I was prepared for the next ridiculous nightmare, but instead I found it full of.....women. Nurses to be exact and they were quite unusual as well. They wore medical bags over their heads while moving around on roller skates, which struct me as odd. I didn’t care to look at what was under those bags and I prefer to never find out. Like all the other monsters that I've encountered, their souls were bound in servitude to the demon whose footsteps I have been following. Even as I stood before them, the nurses didn't bother to attack me. They are demons that specifically prey on men and call themselves "Reaper Nurses". I could feel in each of them the soul of a woman with a deep & scarring hatred of men. They were all born from that hatred. The Hospital lures the souls of men that hate & disrespect woman and offers them an eternity of torment by women that hate and & disrespect men. How appropriate. They truly deserve each other. As I stood there in silence, one of them skated over and offered me a seat in the lounge. She even brought me a pot of tea after seating me. I refused to drink it, expecting that it was poisoned or drugged. They seem amused by my paranoia and laughed. After whispering to one another for a few seconds, one of them turned to me and asked me if I'd like to join the sisterhood of healing & mercy. They told me that my soul checked all of their boxes and that a "little initiation ritual" was all that was required to join. I wasn't sure what they meant, but it didn’t sound good. As they were all holding large sharp syringes, I wondered if refusal would mean my immediate executions. I gripped my relic and prepared to jump as I declined their offer. They stood silently for a moment and then laughed more. They seemed unaffected by my response and told me to go ahead and make myself at home. I was allowed to explore the upper levels as much as I wanted, but not permitted to go near the restricted areas. As long as I did what they told me and didn't threaten their mission, I would remain safe. However, my curiosity was already piqued. Is there a way out in those restricted areas? I need to find out why they are off limits. |
The Reaper Nurses did not take kindly to my snooping around their restricted areas. In the end, even with my abilities there were too many of them. I did not find an exit or anything I could use to restore my memory. After the jump, I couldn't move I was paralyzed with pain and could only stare at the ground, waiting for it to pass. As i opened my eyes, I saw that i was on top of something large and metallic. It was a giant medallion of some sort and had...animals on it? A rabbit, a pig, and a chicken to be precise. Suddenly I heard a voice yell out to me from above. The voice sound friendly, but I could feel the malice behind it. I staggered to my feet and looked up. Before me was a massive castle facade. It was like something out of an amusement park. A large yellow rabbit was dancing on a platform above the drawbridge gate. It looked like some sort of twisted mascot. I could tell immediately that this one was different from the others. It was a killing machine. One build purely for violence & chaos. There was a soul of some sort inside the machine, but it was not human. I tried to run from the rabbit, but didn't get far. I was stopped by another mascot - a pig. It attacked me and missed, obliterating the side of the castle wall in the process, and leaving a large hole in a blind panic. I tried to use the relic to escape, but the rabbit grabbed me violently from behind and lifted me up by the throat, strangling me in the air while laughing maniacally. It took a loose brick to the face to startle it enough to allow me to break free. My landing was not a soft one. I landed sideways on the sharp rubble and barbed wire of the brick wall. Severely wounded, I barely escaped by rolling into the moat water bellow before the rabbit could grab me. The rabbit screamed profanities and threw bricks at me as I disappeared into the cold water of the moat. For some reason it did not follow me into the water. As I sank deeper, the rabbit's voice disappeared entirely and it was silent for a while. In that moment I felt myself drifting away and my remaining consciousness fading. I am no longer even felt the need to breathe. This was how it would end. Then, suddenly, I heard another voice speak out from the depths. It was the demon "Ah, there you are" it said. "Aww. So much pain. So much despair. Perhaps I can help you, mortal. I have an offer that might interest you. All you have to do is take your little toy and seek me out when you are ready". As I heard his words, my eyes opened a bit and I saw a demonic red face glaring back at me from the depths. A crushing pain immediately filled my head and twisted words began repeating in my mind "Don't you have someone to kill?", they whispered over and over again. Terrified and ignoring my pain, I swam back to the surface in a panic. Conveniently, I discovered that the rabbit and pig were nowhere to be found. I clung to the castle wall and waited, wondering if the demon in the water would emerge to finish me off. I was careless and it seemed that the demon had finally noticed my presence. However, nothing happened. Reflecting, I wondered what the demon has meant? I had no idea where to find him nor would I be stupid enough to actually go. It would definitely be the end of me. Wounded as I was, I managed to drag myself up out of the moat. It's getting harder to find moments long enough to write these notes. I will continue to do it for as long as I have the strength. I doubt that the rabbit will be gone for long and I need to jump in order to heal my wound. To any unfortunate souls that come to this place and find this message - leave quickly before it's too late. |
My arm is burning from the last jump, but my other wounds are fully healed. I can move reasonably well again. Whatever the demon did to my head has awoken some memories. I'm having glimpses of what I think is my past. Images with no immediate meaning flash in my head. A handsome man, some lively friends, walking along a beach, a child, and a bridge. I can't put them together yet, but I feel it's just a matter of time if I can stay alive. I'm in some sort of cavern system now. The darkness here is overwhelming. So many voices are speaking to me all at once. So many souls have perished here. I'm struggling to block out their screams. This place is some sort of feeding ground. No... that's not right. It's an execution site. A place where the demon makes his unwelcome guests disappear. It's full of twisted teddy bears and their mama bear. She's very powerful and I can tell that she runs this place. The Mama Bear is born from the twisted love of abusive mothers. They sabotaged & destroyed the lives of their children. She is a massive collection of that soul type. I wonder if she can even be killed? For some reason, her presence pains me deeply and I feel an immediate attraction to her when she gets close. I've caught myself a couple of times walking in her direction, almost in a trance. The subconscious attraction frightens me more than the creatures I've encountered. I have to keep my distance. If my soul is drawn to her, then it raises some frightening questions. No, I refuse to think about that. I need to give my memories time to return. I will make sure that there's nothing of value here and then I will move on. I'm not sure how far I'll be able to search. The cavern system is vast and Mama Bear and her "babies" are everywhere. The demon is still searching for me as well. |
Elise Houser is voiced by Natasha Lloyd, who also voiced Doug Houser's mistress in Dark Deception, as well as Cybil Bennett, Heather Mason, and the Silent Hill: Homecoming Nurse in Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals.
Mascot Mayhem Flashback[]
Voiceline | Used | Audio |
"Deal with her? When do you ever do that? She's your daughter you jerk! You don't spend any time with her! She's autistic and needs attention from a loving father! You don't even give her the bare minimum!" | Arguing with Doug about their daughter. | |
*laughs* "Here we go again! Yep, that's all you ever say. Yeah, I know what you think of me. Sorry to ruin your life. All you really need is your money and secretaries, right?" | ||
"You pretend we don't even exist. Even if you hate me now, Tammy needs you. And all you care about is your stupid work! Tammy could drop dead and you wouldn't even notice. What kind of man are you?" |
- In the secret note from The Hotel, Elise left the tablet that Bierce gave, confirming that Elise was the girl that came before Doug.
- Elise may also be an abusive mother, or at least has the qualities of one. In her secret note in Bearly Buried, she mentions having a disturbing attraction to Mama Bear, who she claims is born from the souls of abusive mothers.
- Vince confirmed that Elise will play a role in Chapter 5.
- According to Q&A 17, Vince confirmed that "E" is in fact "Elise Houser".
- He mentioned, "or if she will stay in the E notes" which confirms that she is actually the writer of these notes.
- Vince was talking about Elise, and that he could not spoil her role for Chapter 5.
- This was also confirmed in Super Dark Deception Chapter 1.
- He mentioned, "or if she will stay in the E notes" which confirms that she is actually the writer of these notes.