Dark Deception Wiki

Fortunately, watching you run obediently has reminded me that I have a loyal pet as well.

Malak introducing the Doom Ducky.

The Doom Ducky is the fourth boss enemy in Dark Deception and a boss that can be summoned in Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals, making its first appearance in Chapter 3, in the level "Stranger Sewers". It serves as Malak's loyal pet, obedient to its master. It shares the level with its minions, the Dread Duckies.

It is a a hulking monstrosity that Malak describes as his "loyal pet," serving as leader of the Dread Duckies, the overseer of the sewer, a realm housing the fourth ring piece.


There's something else lurking here though. Something much bigger and far more dangerous. I can hear it. It knows I'm here.

– E's fourth note, foreshadowing the presence of the Doom Ducky

The Doom Ducky resembles a giant, blemished rubber duck with flipper-shaped wings and mustard color texture, similar to the Dread Duckies. Its back, a large hump, is covered in holes, each sprouting a grotesque, elongated, shriveled-up arm with a right hand in a white glove. Its head is oval in shape and has three nails in its scalp, wide, red glowing eyes, and a long bill containing human teeth.

The Doom Ducky's head appears to sprout out from a hole in its body, attached to an arm identical to the ones sprouting out of its back. This allows it to extend a hand out from its mouth, as well as extend its entire head out from its body. Doom Ducky can also fully retract all of its arms, though only doing so to extend its head.


According to Malak, the Doom Ducky is referred to as his loyal pet, suggesting it has never failed him and is extremely obedient and loyal to its owner. While it is possible that the Doom Ducky is the most loyal of Malak's servants, it is also likely that Malak was simply referring to it as that in the moment, and he could use the same terms for the other bosses at any given time. It is also possible that Malak refers to it as a "pet" because it is more animalistic and less sapient compared to the other bosses, and is thus comparing Doug to the Doom Ducky to further belittle him. The Doom Ducky also appears to be very connected to its minions, the Dread Duckies, coordinating with them to prevent Doug's escape, summoning them to aid it, and even sharing (albeit unintentionally) its stunned status with the ducks present in its vicinity.

In Zone 2, the Doom Ducky is seen spying on Doug, suggesting that it is trying to learn the player's tactics, or that it is simply a predatory creep, already imagining the horrors it would enact upon him the moment they meet each other. The Doom Ducky is also shown to be very malicious, laughing at Doug after he escapes its first attack, and before firing its mouth hand in its boss battle.



The Doom Ducky's hands are capable of gripping prey tightly. It attempted to grab Doug near the entrance of Stranger Sewers, introducing the player to the stunning mechanic. During its boss battle, the Doom Ducky is shown to be strong enough to stun Doug just by hitting him with a fake Dread Ducky, as well as killing him effortlessly with its jaws alone. Later on, it is shown to also be strong enough to break down walls and sewer doors and cruise through a narrow path by sheer will alone. In addition, Doom Ducky is unaffected by Primal Fear, and can only be stunned during the boss fight when ramming its head into a pillar.

"Neck Elasticity"[]

The Doom Ducky's head is attached to an extremely long arm, allowing it to extend its head to attack targets. It uses two forms of this ability; if a target is close enough, the Doom Ducky would spit its hand out to grab them. If the target is far away, it instead opts to charge its whole head forward, devouring anything in the way that isn't tough enough. Both attacks happen very rapidly, but they do take time to prepare for

Hand Coordination[]

Even though it has a multitude of arms poking out of it, the Doom Ducky is able to coordinate which arms to use for attacking, and while doing so is done in a matter accurate to Doug's current position. While idle, it deliberately sways or retracts its hands to prepare for different attacks.


Despite not having any visible legs, the Doom Ducky is capable of swimming, albeit somewhat slowly.

Hive Mind[]

The Doom Ducky seems to be linked to Dread Duckies, as stunning it during the battle will cause any Dread Duckies in the room to be stunned as well. Dread Duckies also cooperate with the Doom Ducky during the battle and the chase.

Dark Deception[]

I'm sure that rumbling is nothing to be concerned about.

Bierce, after hearing the roaring in the Doom Ducky's nest

Chapter 3[]

Stranger Sewers[]

Doom Ducky Intro

When nearing the first sewer door, the Doom Ducky will suddenly appear in a hole in the wall to Doug's right, with only its eyes visible. It will immediately latch onto Doug, forcing him to rip himself free of its grip. Upon leaving, the Doom Ducky will make a deep, demonic laugh as it slinks away into the darkness.

Act 1[]
332950 screenshots 20190825165947 1

One can easily find the Doom Ducky hiding and peeking behind a sewer grate with bars in one of the larger areas of the Sewer by its glowing red eyes, presumably spying on Doug. Here, however, it appears only as decoration and doesn't attack Doug. Doom Ducky can then be heard roaring in its chamber between the two sewer zones, causing the whole room to shake, though Bierce dismisses this.

Boss Battle[]
Now that's a huge duckie.

– Bierce at the start of the battle.

Malak Introducing Doom Ducky

Upon collecting the level's ring piece, Malak appears, initiating a cutscene in which he introduces Doom Ducky, whom he refers to as his "pet", stating that Doug's service to Bierce reminds him of its obedience.

Doom Ducky in Boss Fight

Doom Ducky will remain stationary in its alcove throughout the entire battle, with its initial attacks dependent on Doug's distance from it. If Doug is far away from Doom Ducky, it will throw lifeless Dread Ducky bodies at him, which will stun him upon contact. If he's close to the Doom Ducky, it will give a deep, demonic laugh before opening its mouth and firing a large gloved hand at him, also stunning him (and drawing him into its mouth if he does not recover in time). When either of the two attacks are done three times, Doom Ducky will retract all of its hands and launch its head at Doug, killing him if he doesn't avoid it in time. This process will then repeat throughout the battle

Dread Ducky Boss Battle

Only once the Doom Ducky is stunned can Doug do what he needs to do, twist the pair of valves in the center of the room to open the gate out of the area. To do so, he must hinder the attacks of the Doom Ducky. Bierce recommends Doug to hide behind pillars to avoid its attacks, as getting it to launch its head into the pillar will briefly stun it, leaving it quacking feebly in pain. While it is stunned, this offers Doug a good opportunity to twist the valves, with the Doom Ducky recovering from its stunned state after a short amount of time, or immediately after he finishes twisting a valve. Every time one of the two valves gets spun up, a Dread Ducky will emerge from one of the pipes in the wall to assist the Doom Ducky. Fortunately, stunning the Doom Ducky also stuns the Dread Duckies, though Doug must also lure the Dread Duckies away from the center of the room, so that they would not be close enough to attack him once he is done turning a valve (which would shake them out of their stunned state like the Doom Ducky).

After both valves are fully spun up, the gate of the Doom Ducky's chamber slams down, closing it in, the two Dread Duckies in the room will disappear, and the gate leading out of the room will open back up. While Doug leaves for Zone 1, the Doom Ducky can be heard roaring in fury at Doug's escape.

Doom Ducky Chase

After heading far enough into Zone 1, the Doom Ducky will return, with Malak taunting Doug for thinking he has escaped. The Doom Ducky will slowly traverse the tunnels after him, and every other gate in the area except the last one will be guarded by a dancing Dread Ducky. The speed boost power is required during this chase, as Doug needs as much time as possible to open each sewer door. Attempting to hide off to the side during the chase will not protect him, as the Doom Ducky will merely snatch him off at close range. After reaching the third door, Doom Ducky groans in frustration, slamming itself against the gate to no avail.

Upon reaching dry land, Doug can rest for a short while before making a final dash to the portal. Whilst heading back down the entry hallway, Doug will come across one last Dread Ducky that he can either go around or teleport past. When nearing the portal, Doom Ducky will suddenly burst through the doorway leading to the first secret room in a final attempt to snatch him. While this attack can be easily avoided by sticking to the left wall, Doom Ducky will kill Doug if he get too close to its jaws.

Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals[]

Reaper Nurse Noncanon
"Are you not aware that she offers only lies?"
This article contains information on a subject that isn't considered canon in Dark Deception franchise.
M&M Doom Ducky

Doom Ducky reappears in Monsters & Mortals as the boss of the "Stranger Sewers" map. Like the other bosses, Doom Ducky will only become active if a player receives the "Boss Time" item from a portal box, which spawns two in the hallways and one in the boss room.

Outside the boss room, Doom Duckies will appear at the ends of the long corridors at the top and bottom edges of the map. As soon as they spawn, the Doom Duckies will quickly swim to the other end of the hallway, dealing 100 points of damage to anyone they bite. Once they reach the opposite ends of their respective halls, they teleport back to the beginning of the hallway.

The Doom Ducky in the boss room will behave similarly to how it did in the original Stranger Sewers boss fight, throwing exploding duckies at nearby players (each thrown duck deals 150 damage), laughing upon successfully killing a player.

Gameplay Info
Team Bosses
Health Unkillable
Speed Fast (Hallways)
Stationary (Boss Chamber)
Damage 150 (ducky)
100 (bite)


This is for the boss character. For the parallels and symbolism of its dark, damp domain of doom, see The Sewer.

Symbolism and Parallels[]

Going by the theory suggesting that each nightmare portal is tied to one of Dante Alighieri's Nine Layers of Hell, with the monsters inside them being manifestations of sin, the Doom Ducky and its underlings, the Dread Duckies, might symbolize Fraud. They embody the souls of deceivers and swindlers, now dwelling in sewers as foul and repulsive as their souls were in life. Even in their new, more monstrous forms, these liars continue to feign innocence, pretending to be a harmless part of the crowd, taking joy in fooling anyone who falls for their tricks. It is unknown whether the Doom Ducky was never a mortal, being simply a monster created by Malak, or was indeed a mortal or an amalgamation of mortals that gained their position for having done the same sin as the Dread Duckies, but to a far greater extent. Assuming the latter theory, the Doom Ducky is likely a very crafty and manipulative pathological liar or collection of liars, with its many hands representing the various ways it manipulates and deceives others, perhaps suggesting that it is capable of performing multiple deceptive acts simultaneously. These hands could also mirror what Doug's unsympathetic views of his family, which he views as restraining and dragging him down with them, believing that they are planning to continuously scam and swindle money from him for as long as they live, even when separated from him.

A secret room found at the beginning of Stranger Sewers shows how Doug viewed his wife and daughter as "defective" and "insufferable" thanks to their mental disorders and disabilities, which mirrors how Dread Duckies resemble toys that were deemed no longer useful and thus abandoned, flushed down the sewers and left forgotten. The daughter being viewed an "Ugly Duckling" references Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale of the same name, in which a young duck is bullied and abused by everyone for being different. This obviously mirrors how the Dread Duckies blend themselves with the other rubber ducks, trying to pass themselves as looking just as "normal" as everyone else when some, like the Doom Ducky itself, obviously are not. When people wanted to get rid of their possessions, some resort to flushing things down the toilet, causing trash to end up in the sewers. Perhaps this was how he viewed his daughter; something he wanted to dispose of secretly because of her imperfections. In addition to that, Doug also lied and cheated to his wife about his fidelity to their marriage through his relationship with his mistress, proving to be just as fake and insincere as the Doom Ducky and its minions. The Doom Ducky's half-submerged and blemished appearance may also be a reflection of Doug's depression from abandoning his wife and daughter and being indirectly responsible for their deaths, which happened in a river where they drowned.

The three nails embedded in the Doom Ducky's head may or may not be a reference to the "Hell Priest" (popularly known as "Pinhead"), an iconic "Cenobite" from the Hellraiser series that has nails driven into his head. All Cenobites bear grievous injuries, mutilations, and perforations so that they could eternally enjoy pain, which they consider to be the same as pleasure, hence, they view pain as a blessing to be bestowed upon and shared with their chosen victims. In the same way, the nails sticking out of Doom Ducky's forehead may represent Doug's subconscious desire for punishment (though, unlike the Cenobites, who want pain because they consider it pleasure, Doug's possible desire for self-flagellation stems from the guilt formed by his thoughts and actions towards his family), alongside the pain and suffering that Doug experienced due to his feelings of inadequacy and his perception of his family as defective and insufferable. The nails in the Dread Ducky's head may also be a further symbol of its sin, its compulsion to lie at all times even though the consequences of its lies would harm even itself, hence the multiple nails; the Doom Ducky has already experienced the consequences of deception at least once, yet is willing to carry on lying anyway, in the same way that it continues to stubbornly attack pillars to get to Doug even though all this would do is stun it (showing that it either does not pick up on the consequences or its actions, or it simply does not care about learning from its mistakes despite being aware of them).


As with most monsters in Dark Deception, the Doom Ducky also likely represent various phobias.

Phobia Relevance
Fear of Ducks, Geese, and Swans
Anatidaephobia actually started out as a fictional phobia that specifically refers to the fear of being watched by a duck, goose, or swan somewhere in the world, but the term, which literally translates to "Duck Fear" in general, may be considered valid. In both the fictional and technical sense of the term, the Doom Ducky is a massive, deadly rubber duck that may or may not be looking at the player at any given moment, peeking through sewer grates and spying at the player everywhere they go with its bloodshot eyes. Additionally, every time it is seen in full, the Doom Ducky's eyes and head always face the direction of the player, regardless of where they are.
Fear of Large Objects and Entities
Fear of Birds
Fear of Being Watched or Stared At
Fear of Animals
Fear of Hands
Like Murder Monkeys, Chef Monkeys, Dread Duckies, Mama Bear, and Trigger Teddies, the Doom Ducky has the appearance of a child's plaything that is twisted from its original, innocent form. A massive, demented rubber duck with three rusty nails in its head, the monster has many holes on its misshapen body, cavities that lead to whatever disgusting mass lies within it. From these holes and its mouth, the Doom Ducky can extend or retract shriveled humanoid arms (much like how Dread Duckies have a single hole under them for their shriveled humanoid legs), waving and flailing several hands eager to throw exploding ducks or grab and pull whatever is within reach. These hands are covered by what appears to be dirty, disposable gloves, further showing just how disgusting and contagious the Doom Ducky can be. As an artificial monstrosity that clearly should not belong in any drainage system, the Doom Ducky prominently sticks out like a barely-sunken ship from the disgusting waters of the sewer. Additionally, the nails in the Doom Ducky's head make it look like a toy mutilated by its sadistic owner before being disposed of, the same way Doug treated his family like trash and intended to be rid of them forever.
Fear of Toys
Fear of Germs and Contamination
Fear of Submerged Artificial Objects
Fear of Hole Patterns/Clusters
Fear of Objects at the Right Side of the Body
While not as noticeable as its other traits, all of Doom Ducky's hands are right hands, perhaps indicating how the right hand is the dominant hand for most people and therefore the dominant perpetrator of sin.
Fear of Medical Procedures
The Doom Ducky has nails driven into its head. This may be a reference to lobotomy, an old and now-unethical method of psychological treatment which aims to treat mental disorders by severing connections to the patient's brain, usually done by driving spikes into the patient's skull to remove part of their frontal lobe. While lobotomy generally ceased in the late 1970s, the intentions behind it could still be considered on par with the thoughts of Doug, who wants to be rid of his wife and daughter's mental health issues as soon as possible, even if it must be done by equally barbaric methods (though this would result in the unintended death of his daughter and two other people in the car accident he set up). In that regard, the Doom Ducky, a symbol of something rejected, flushed away, forgotten, and bearing nails on its head, may be interpreted as mirroring Doug's wife and daughter, people he rejected, wished to be rid of, and wanted to forget by whatever means necessary. Additionally, the Doom Ducky's hands where what appears to be long-used surgical gloves, some of which are too damaged to even cover some of its fingers (reusing gloves that are already dirty, damaged, or otherwise already used can infect a patient and is therefore unethical for doctors to do), which may help strengthen the lobotomy reference, or even refer to how Doug ended up getting operated on by many doctors and nurses due to getting cancer.


  • Doom Ducky's name was leaked before the release of Chapter 3. This also happened with the Goliath Clowns.
  • Doom Ducky is the first enemy to possess a long-ranged attack, which it demonstrates by grabbing the player from a hole in the beginning of Stranger Sewers. It is followed by Dread Duckies, Reaper Nurses, Penny the Chicken, Joy Kill, and Trigger Teddies.
    • All the aforementioned enemies (except for the Trigger Teddies) are also the only ones in Dark Deception with stunning abilities, since they have long-ranged attacks to stun the player (Trigger Teddies do not count since their sole ranged attack involves blowing up in a lethal explosion). The Doom Ducky essentially introduces the stunning mechanic to players since they must break free from its grasp at the start of Stranger Sewers.
  • When it appears through grates and cracks throughout the level, Doom Ducky's eyes are the only assets of its model that are actually programmed in. Its eyes will always follow the player, even when hacking around it.
  • Doom Ducky was the first boss implemented in the game. Dark Deception Enhanced eventually added bosses to the previous three levels (in the case of Elementary Evil, Agatha also serves as the boss), making the Chef Monkeys the first boss encountered in the game and the Doom Ducky the fourth.
  • There is a common glitch where the Doom Ducky's head will clip through the pillars instead of hitting them.
  • Prior to the 1.5.3 update, it was possible to teleport through Doom Ducky during the chase, allowing players to avoid being captured. This has been patched, preventing them from teleporting past it without dying.
    • If one glitches into the Doom Ducky's body during the chase sequence, its head will turn 180 degrees and point inwards.
    • If one were to come into contact with its head in this scenario, they will simply be able to walk through it, due to the lack of collision detection. It is even possible to get through its body into the secret room, where its backside can be visible. Its entire body can be seen shifting back and forth in an attempt to snatch the player.
    • The Doom Ducky is also the only enemy that does not get affected by the "God Mode Glitch".
  • Defeating Doom Ducky without dying unlocks the Smooth Moves achievement.


Doom Ducky does not have a voice actor.

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Voiceline Used Audio File
*Roar* When attacking Doug in the beginning and whenever it kills him.

*Evil quacking* After Doug escapes its attack in the beginning, and before firing its hand.

*Stun* Stunning Doug. This is shared with the Dread Duckies.

*Throw* Throwing Dread Duckies.






*Growling* When Doug first enters its lair, after Malak introduces it to him, during its boss fight, and after colliding with the third sewer door.

*Low Groaning* Preparing to launch its head. TBA
*Metal clanking* When the Doom Ducky launches its head. This is shared with the Dread Duckies.
*Loud Groaning* After colliding with a pillar. TBA
*Quacking* Trying to attack Doug near the portal. TBA



Super Dark Deception[]





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