Dark Deception Wiki
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"Are you not aware that she offers only lies?"
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Freeze, Police!

Evans while using ultimate ability.

Detective Evans is a playable mortal that appears in the Dark Deception multiplayer game Monsters and Mortals.

Evans' ultimate ability, "Freeze Flash", allows him to shine his flashlight for a brief second, stunning any opponent affected for 5 seconds. This offers him an ample amount of time to escape and search for shards, or if the situation calls for it, Kill said stunned opponent.


Detective Evans appears as a male with light blue eyes and blonde brownish hair.

He wears a grayish shirt with a black sleeveless vest on top of it, including black dress pants and shoe's a black belt with a silver buckle with a police badge on the left side of his waist near his left leg.


As a Mortal of the Balanced class Detective Evans is average and performs equally in soul shard collecting, movement speed, attacking, and has an average amount of Hp. Making him a great character to play as to learn the game's "ropes". He attacks with his flash light (light attack) and kicking (heavy attack).

His Ultimate Ability, "Freeze Flash", when used on foe(s) will stun them for 5 seconds. The longest stun time in the game. This is useful for helping a teammate, killing a low health Monster, or escaping.

Mention in Dark Deception[]

Evans easteregg

Although Detective Evans is from the Dark Deception faction, he is only mentioned in Monkey Business in the original game. A small dead-end reveals a wall graffiti reading "Evans was here". When this is clicked, the main track of the level is replaced by the track from the 2014 demo version of Dark Deception. This is likely because Evans was the original protagonist of the game's 2014 demo version, making him being in the Dark Deception faction. Even if he were in the main Dark Deception Universe, he was likely either killed in one of the nightmares or survived in a way like Elise did.


  • Detective Evan's model and skins are the old Doug Houser models from the alpha version of Dark Deception.
  • He possibly wrote the graffiti in the other nightmares if he did survive.


Image Name Rarity Appearance
Blonde Bruiser Evans
Blonde Bruiser Soulshard Common In the Blonde Bruiser skin, Evans has the same appearance from previous skins, but with blonde hair. His outfit is replaced by a blue shirt with a light brown sleeveless vest.
Dark Detective Evans
Dark Detective Soulshard Common In the Dark Detective skin, Evans has the same appearance in his default skin, but with black hair. His outfit is replaced by a dark gray shirt and gray pants.
Nightstalker Evans
Night Stalker Soulshard Common Halloween Collection

In the Night Stalker skin, Evans now has a white collar, white sleeves, black hair, his pants and shirt are now black with white stripes, and has skeleton face paint that is a green skull with a black background.


Detective Evans voiced by Anthony Ingruber.




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