"Don't look so confused..." This article is about enhanced changes. You may be looking for the game.
“ | Completed the "Enhanced" version of Dark Deception Chapters 1-3 in a little over 1.5 months. See? We're getting better at this. | ” |
Dark Deception Enhanced is a free update to the first three chapters of Dark Deception. It launched alongside Chapter 4 at no additional cost with the main goal so that the first three chapters of the game are visually and mechanically upgraded so they're equal to the quality of Chapter 4.
Chapters and Levels[]
Changes listed are those that directly affect gameplay so details such as new signs for example will not be listed.
Overall Changes[]
- Bug fixes, visual improvements, and lighting changes to every level.
- Cutscenes now have more animated movements.
- A secret note in each level written by E.
- New checkpoint system (originally for Dark Deception Mobile) so now if you use last checkpoint you only need to get the shards you missed instead of all the shards remaining in the zone you’re in.
- Cutscenes now have black bars on the top and bottom area of the screen to be more cinematic.
- Cutscenes can be skipped with P by default, but only if they were already seen.
- More settings options.
- Now using Telepathy doesn't outline full enemies' forms, but highlights them with red smoke, which is the same for every enemy. It now functions similarly to the Telepathy item in Monsters & Mortals.
- Bierce and Malak have new animations for cutscenes.
- Removed the black background in jumpscares for Murder Monkey, Agatha, and Phantom Malak.
- Removed the multi Murder Monkey and Agatha teleport jumpscares.
Chapter 1[]
Monkey Business[]
- Murder Monkey AI is different so they won't try and sandwich you unless you put yourself in a good position for them.
- To the left of Secret Room A there is graffiti that says "Evans was here". Interacting with it will play "Into Madness", a 2014 alpha version for the original Monkey Business.
- Upon getting the last soul shard a cutscene will play. The three Murder Monkeys are replaced with three Chef Monkeys and the Chef Frenzy track plays. They're a bit faster than the Murder Monkeys.
- Along with the three Chef Monkeys near the ring altar, there are also two more Chef Monkeys that guard the paths that lead to the ring altar.
- A Murder Monkey pops up at the reception desk when escaping. (Harmless)
Chapter 2[]
Elementary Evil[]
- Agatha's cutscenes have better animation and lock the player's view towards her.
- Now Fake Portals do not spawn Agatha when activated. They work similarly to their counterparts from Monsters & Mortals - they activate and blow up after half of second.
- Now Agatha spawns from the very start, not after activating a fake portal.
- There is now a boss fight with its own track, against Agatha at the end after escaping Malak.
Deadly Decadence[]
- Zone 2 has seven Watchers now instead of four. There will still be three more of them when you get the last shard with Malak.
- The escape sequence is entirely changed. The fog is now gone and the gate is locked, the player must get the Titan Watcher to throw three axes at it to open it. It also has less Gold Watchers. There are now only 10 of them.
- A Titan Watcher will appear behind the manor and another one at the exit portal, throwing a giant axe every couple seconds at the player's current position.
Chapter 3[]
Stranger Sewers[]
- The Dread Duckies have received a major speed boost, so now their speed matches the player's running speed.
- Zone 1 and 2 have one Dread Ducky roaming at all times.
- There are now seven Dread Duckies in Zone 1 instead of six, and eleven Duckies in Zone 2 instead of the previous nine.
Crazy Carnevil[]
- No significant balance changes that increase or decrease the level's difficulty unless you count the general improvements.
- A Clown Gremlin now rides on the roller coaster trap. They don't alert the other Clown Gremlins to your position so don't worry about being swarmed.
- Goliath Clowns have no collar and no hat. They also smash whatever is under them so there is no clipping issue of their arms going through the stands when attacking.
Name | Content |
SmackNPie | |
SuperHorroBro | |
TheGameSalmon | |
DK2.0 (Chinese) |
薄海紙魚 (Chinese) |
김왼팔 (Korean) |
8-BitRyan | |
シーゴ / CgoChannel (Japanese) |
Omar Sebali | |
Glowstick Entertainment |
Febatista (Portuguese) |
FusionZGamer | |
VaporTheGamer | |
Ertyez | |
Dawko |
- When select Youtubers were given early access to this there was a bug in Monkey Business that made it so the Chef Frenzy OST doesn't play after getting the last soul shard.
- They originally had 2 Chef Monkeys spawn during the finale, but eventually, the early access version was updated so that there is 3.
- They also made the fake portals during Agatha's boss fight detonate faster.
- The easter egg with the Detective Evans graffiti was not noticed by any Youtubers until Vince livestreamed Dark Deception Enhanced and showed it off.