Dark Deception Wiki
M&M New Logo

Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals is a multiplayer horror party game with multiple modes where players take on the role of monsters or mortals from Dark Deception's universe (and other universes) and fight for soul shards in nightmarish mazes!

– The game's description on Steam.

Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals is a crossover multiplayer game developed by Glowstick Entertainment in partnership with several other game companies, based off of Dark Deception.

The first information about the multiplayer game was announced with Q&A Live, which was streamed on YouTube. The creator Vince Livings said there would be new characters that didn't appear in Dark Deception.

On the May 5th, 2020, the teaser trailer for the multiplayer game was released, as well as the name for the game was revealed to be Monsters & Mortals.

On June 17th, 2020, seven additional guest DLCs were confirmed to be released but were hidden due to non-disclosure agreements.

On November 6th, 2021, 2 more secret DLCs were confirmed along with 2 new ones. The first DLC is a crossover with Poppy Playtime, and the second is another creator pack, this time of just CoryXKenshin.

On December 10th, 2021, one of the secret DLCs was revealed to be House of Ashes.

On August 14th, 2022, Vince Livings spoke of a secret, AAA DLC on a Q&A livestream.

A Piggy DLC is also said to be in the works.

A collaboration with the Roblox game DOORS was also announced on September 18th, 2023.

Game Modes[]

Maze Escape[]

(2 v 4) Four mortals must collect the required number of shards to summon the portals & escape, while two monsters seek to stop or kill them before the time expires.

Shard Mayhem[]

Monsters only mode. 6 players compete against one another in a free for all to collect the most shards in the time limit provided. Shards spawn in waves and can be stolen from other players by attacking or killing them.

Soul Collection[]

6 Mortals compete for shards in order to save their own soul. At the end of each shard wave, Malak will come for the player with the fewest shards and take their soul. They will become a monster and must hunt down the remaining surviving mortals. In the end, the mortal with the most shards will win the right to keep their soul.

Shard Stash[]

An upcoming mode that was revealed during the 18th Q&A livestream. Not much is known about it for now.

King of the Monsters[]

An upcoming mode that was revealed during the 18th Q&A livestream. Not much is known about it for now.


Icon bierce Icon detective Icon doughouser Icon glowstickvince Icon nikson Null Null Icon murdermonkey Icon agatha Icon goldwatcher Icon dreadducky Icon clowngremlin
Icon penpen Icon borisov Icon heather Icon cybil Icon 8bitryan Null Null Icon reapernurse Icon lucky Icon hangry Icon penny Icon malak
Icon shb Icon dawko Icon hanako Icon infochan Icon taro Null Null Icon brute Icon fiend Icon nurse Icon robbie Icon ayano
Icon jason Icon salim Character select mortal creators coryxkenshin Null Null Null Null Character select monster poppyplaytime kissy Icon clarice Icon balathu Null Null
Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null
Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null
Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null

Icon chef monkey Letters icon Icon titan watcher Icon doom ducky Icon clownspider Icon goliathclown Icon boss brute Icon pyramid Icon fungirl Icon huggywuggy Icon infectedalien

Icon malak phantom Icon air screamer Icon police officer Icon catbee



LevelPreview Hotel
LevelPreview School
LevelPreview HedgeMaze
Monkey Business Logo
Elementary Evil Logo
Deadly Decadence Logo
LevelPreview Sewers
T LevelPreview Circus
T LevelPreview DLC Monstrum
Stranger Sewers Logo
Crazy Carnevil Logo
Monstrum Madness Logo
T LevelPreview DLC Silent Hill
T LevelPreview DLC Yandere Simulator
M&M Poppy Playtime Loading Screen
Silent Sacrifice Logo
Akademi Assault Logo
Poppy Panic Logo
M&M House of Ashes Loading Screen
Ancient Ashes Logo


Match Events[]

Trap Time[]

Popup trap time

Whenever a player gets a Portal Box and receives the Trap Time item it will activate and begin spawning the traps on the map for 1 minute. These are harmful to all players regardless of the gamemode and cannot be stored. It will automatically be used when found and cannot be found again until trap time ends. Each trap is unique to each map.

Boss Time[]

Popup boss time

Whenever a player gets a Portal Box and receives the Boss Time item it will summon the boss(es) on the map for 1 minute. These are harmful to all players except to Monsters in the gamemode "Maze Escape" and cannot be stored. It will automatically be used when found and cannot be found again until boss time ends. Each boss is unique to each map.

For more info on how these bosses work, visit their page and go to the section covering Monsters & Mortals content.

Leveling Up[]

Tutorial sealtiers

Leveling up is a game mechanic in Monsters & Mortals. Players level up by winning matches regardless of whether the player is using World Play or Friend Play. When a player reaches a certain level, the "seal" of the player will be upgraded. When a seal is upgraded, a certain amount of shards are given to the player as a reward. Shards can be used in the Store to unlock skins or art gallery files.

Stats seal new icon Stats seal bronze icon Stats seal silver icon Stats seal gold icon Stats seal platinum icon Stats seal diamond icon Stats seal shardmaster icon
Paper Seal
(0-9 Levels)
Bronze Seal
(10-19 Levels)
Silver Seal
(20-49 Levels)
Gold Seal
(50-99 Levels)
Platinum Seal
(100-149 Levels)
Diamond Seal
(150-199 Levels)
Shard Master Seal
(200+ Level)


Gacha Machines

There are two Gashapon (ガシャポン) machines in the store. Once all of the available rewards from a machine are collected, it will say "Sold Out" until more rewards are released.

Original Contents[]

Logo Characters Level Theme Music
Dark Deception Complete Cover
Dark Deception Chapter 1 Wiki Logo
LevelPreview Hotel
Dark Deception Chapter 2 Wiki Logo
LevelPreview School
LevelPreview HedgeMaze
Dark Deception Chapter 3 Wiki Logo
LevelPreview Sewers
T LevelPreview Circus
Dark Deception Chapter 4 Wiki Logo
T LevelPreview Hospital
T LevelPreview Theme Park
T LevelPreview Cave
Glowstick Entertainment Faction

Downloadable Contents[]

Logo Characters Level Theme Music
M&M Monstrum Logo
T LevelPreview DLC Monstrum
M&M Silent Hill Logo
T LevelPreview DLC Silent Hill
M&M UK Creators Logo
M&M Yandere Simulator Logo
T LevelPreview DLC Yandere Simulator
M&M Poppy Playtime Logo
M&M Poppy Playtime Loading Screen
M&M House of Ashes Logo
M&M House of Ashes Loading Screen
M&M US Creators Logo
M&M The Coma 2 Logo
T LevelPreview DLC The Coma Vicious Sisters
M&M Piggy Logo
Military Base
M&M Doors Logo
The Hotel (Doors) TBA


Due to the very nature of horror games, Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals encompasses and/or portrays a large variety of phobias and fears for atmospheric purposes even it is rated Teen.

The following table details several phobias:

Phobia Translation Manifestations
Agoraphobia Fear of Open Spaces or other inescapable situations Various settings
Apiphobia Fear of Bees Cat-Bees
Arachnophobia Fear of Spiders Spider Clowns
Archephobia Fear of Being Controlled The Fiend
Aurophobia Fear of Gold Gold Watchers
Agyrophobia Fear of Crossing Streets Silent Sacrifice
Aichmophobia Fear of Sharp Objects Teeth, claws, and weapons of various characters.
Coulrophobia Fear of Clowns Crazy Carnevil, Clown Gremlins and variants.
Claustrophobia Fear of Tight Spaces Monkey Business
Cleithrophobia Fear of Being Trapped Various traps and the cage attack of Red Pyramid Things.
Daemonophobia Fear of Demons Malak and The Fiend
Demophobia Fear of Unruly Mobs Clown Gremlins and Robbie the Rabbit
Haemophobia Fear of Blood Various characters and weapons.
Iatrophobia Fear of Doctors, Nurses, or anything related to Medical Care Reaper Nurses and Nurse
Leporiphobia Fear of Rabbits Lucky and Robbie
Masklophobia Fear of Masks, Costumes, and Mascots Overall anthropomorphic/masked characters.
Megalophobia Fear of Large Objects Overall large structures and characters (especially some bosses).
Mysophobia Fear of Germs and Contamination Stranger Sewers
Nyctophobia Fear of Darkness Levels set at night, Stranger Sewers, Boss Time of Silent Sacrifice
Ornithophobia Fear of Birds Dread Duckies, Doom Ducky, Penny the Chicken
Paedophobia Fear of Children Agatha and Trigger Teddies
Pyrophobia Fear of Fire The Brute, Boss Brutes, Infected Balathu
Radiophobia Fear of Radioactivity The Brute
Sanguivoriphobia Fear of Vampires Infected Clarice, Infected Balathu, Vampires
Scolionophobia Fear of School Elementary Evil
Scopophobia Fear of Being Watched Doom Ducky and CCTV Cameras
Swinophobia Fear of Pigs Hangry the Pig
Teraphobia Fear of Monsters Overall monsters side.
Thalassophobia Fear of The Sea Monstrum Madness
Thermophobia Fear of High Temperatures The Brute, Boss Brutes, Steam
Toxiphobia Fear of Poisoning Stranger Sewers and Cat-Bees
Trypanophobia Fear of Needles Reaper Nurses
Zoophobia Fear of Animals Overall anthropomorphic characters.

Change Log


  • Monsters in Maze Escape will now always see mortals through walls.
  • Mortals in Maze Escape will now always see other mortals through walls.
  • Ghosts will now see all players through walls.
  • Shortly after spawning, the player is invulnerable to all damage for a few seconds.
  • Kills made by the Clown Gremlin Clones will now count towards the player who spawned them.
  • The Clown Gremlin Clones are now able to be killed in 5 hits.
  • Chef Monkeys can no longer have collisions on the players.
  • Total length of Maze Escape has been shortened 8 > 7 minutes.
  • The Mortal Team in Maze Escape will lose up to 25 shards every time they die. (from 15)
  • Stun duration Detective Evans's ultimate is now 7 seconds (previously 10).


  • Added Elementary Evil to the Stage Generator.


  • Allowed access to the Monstrum DLC.
  • Phantom Malak can no longer have collisions on the players.


  • Reduced amount of hits necessary to kill a Clown Clone 5 > 4.
    • Reduced the total lifetime of Clown Clones 45 seconds > 30 seconds.
  • Character Balancing Changes:
  • Hitting Clown Clones with a heavy attack is now worth 2 hitpoints.
  • Removed stun from Fiend's ultimate and increased the ultimate cooldown.
  • Reduced Nikson's ultimate amount of shards collected 30% > 20%.


  • Allowed access to the Silent Hill DLC.


  • Added a new UI element that shows the currently applied buffs/debuffs (This is shown for the owning player as well as on top of the health bar of other players).
  • Brought back the ability for Support Mortals to heal other mortals with their Heavy Attack in Maze Escape.
  • Reduced Shard Requirements 1000 > 850 in Silent Sacrifice - Maze Escape.
  • Removed two Air Screamers from Silent Sacrifice.
  • Increased Doom Ducky's damage and collision hitbox.
  • Stun duration from Detective Evans's ultimate is now 5 seconds (previously 7).
  • PenPen's ultimate can no longer grant speed boost.


  • Allowed access to the UK Creators DLC.
  • Heather Mason's ultimate ability was fixed, speed boost now applies to her teammates as well
  • PenPen's ultimate ability was fixed, her speed boost (which is now slightly) has been returned.


  • Cybil Bennett is now a new class, Ranged Mortal. Same stats as Balanced Mortal except they do less damage.
  • Added Reaper Nurse to the Monster selection (Speed Monster)
  • Added in 17 new skins in the shard store.
    • 11 common skins, 6 rare skins
  • Phantom Malak (item) is now more rare to fix the issues of there being many of them in 1 match.


  • Dawko's ultimate ability was fixed to work as intended, it will effect all players regardless of gamemode.
  • Bug fixes (notably the UK Creators no longer spawn in as Murder Monkeys when chosen to play as).
  • Cybill Bennett has more stat changes to better fit her new class in 1.5.1, Ranged Mortal.
    • Her speed has been increased. Faster then Balanced Monsters slower than Support Mortals.
    • Her heavy attack cooldown is increased, slight more than average like her speed increase. Light attack cooldown is the same.


  • Added in Lucky (Balanced), Hangry (Power), and Penny (Ranged) to the game on the Monsters side
  • Dread Ducky's ultimate ability, "Ducky Surprise!", does less damage. It now does 18 damage per bite instead of 25
  • Bug fixes[]

  • Visual improvements to all maps to be more like Dark Deception Enhanced (Including the DLC maps.)
  • Character Balancing Changes:
    • Lucky's ultimate ability got fixed, he also now inflicts fear on his target.
    • Fiend's ultimate ability can now inflict fear on the target.
    • Reaper Nurse's ultimate ability can now inflict fear to all enemy players.


  • Added dedicated servers.
  • Now up to 6 players can play can play matches. This also rebalances some of the gamemodes:
    • Maze Escape - There are now 2 monsters and 4 mortals.
    • Shard Mayhem - Increased more shards to compensate having more players.
    • Soul Collection - Increased 2 more waves with different wave durations.
  • Character balancing changes:
    • Nikson: His ultimate now steals shards within a 20 meter radius of himself and collects up to 30 shards (before it collected 20% os shards on the whole map).
    • PenPen: now loses 42 shards when dying (was 50).
    • Heather Mason: the Damage Reduction is now 50% (was 80%).
    • 8-Bit Ryan: his ultimate no longer inflicts weakness.
    • Agatha: now deals 80 damage when using the ultimate (was 100).
    • Brute (indirectly): his ultimate's burn damage is now 20 per hit (was 25).
  • Boss balancing change.
    • Due to the burn damage nerf, Boss Brutes' fire balls now deal 20 damage per hit (was 25.) This mean it now deals 80 total damage instead of 100.
  • Other changes:
    • Monsters can no longer see the mortals through walls in Maze Escape.
      • This also means that the Telepathy from portal boxes have been re-added to the monster side.
    • All burn damages now deal 20 damage per hit (was 25.)
    • There are two escape portals in Maze Escape now.
    • Friend play now has a timer of 1 minute before the match automatically begins.
      • If a player joins the lobby the timer resets.
  • Bug fixes (Notably, Nurse's Ultimate Ability now works).[]

  • Bug fixes (Most notably, lobbies no longer go beyond 6 players).[]

  • Bug fixes (Most notably, the soul shard item is back to its normal odds of being found in a portal box).[]

  • Bug fixes (Most notably, Lucky can now be stunned again by any means of it. I.E. Bananas).[]

  • Bug fixes.[]

  • Added Crazy Carnevil to the Stage Generator.
    • This was later removed due to it being a beta version of the map.[]

  • Crazy Carnevil was added back to the Stage Generator with these following changes:
    • Players can no longer fall off the map.
    • Goliath Clowns has been added along with Clown Spiders during Boss Time.
    • Bug fixes (Most notably, portal now works and Clown Gremlin's Ultimate Ability no longer crash the server). (Hotfix, Jan. 17 2022)[]

  • Crazy Carnevil's invisible walls now allow projectiles and similar phenomenon to pass through it (i.e. Penny's Eggs and Gold Watcher's U.A.).
  • Bug fixes (Notably, Penny's heavy attack hitbox is partially working meaning her heavy attack is 2 attacks, the Hand (21 dmg) and the Egg (25 dmg).
    • The hand will only affect foes if the player is "inside" them due to the small hitbox.


  • Allowed access to the Yandere Simulator DLC.
  • The game was returned to P2P system (removed dedicated servers).


  • Changed FX for Fun Girls in Boss Time. Instead of red, the world is now desaturated with glitch FX.
  • Added flowers to the stands next to the vents on the rooftop.
  • Nerfed Ayano's ultimate ability. Her Snap Mode attack damage was reduced from x0.5 to 0.4 and the duration from 10 secs to 7 secs.
  • Snap Mode now turns the world view red for the player using Ayano for the duration of the attack.
  • Fixed the UI map bug that caused UI map player face icons to be visible from high positions.
  • Changed Info Chan's ultimate ability name from "Meme Review" to "Intel Review". This was a request from Yandere Simulator's developer.
  • Modified back security gate positioning.
  • Changed naming on front gate medallion logo to "Akedemi Academy".
  • Fixed back shower room door size for both buildings.
  • Added socks to Hanako's model texture.
  • Updated Fun Girl's attack animation.
  • Fixed bug that caused Info-Chan's phone to float behind her during attacks.
  • Replaced incorrect high poly Mt Fuji model that had 1M tris with correct lower poly version.


  • Allowed access to the Poppy Playtime Panic DLC.
  • The Monsters & Mortals logo on the title screen was updated to the current version.
  • Dread Ducky's ultimate ability, "Ducky Surprise!", does more damage. It now does 60 damage per bite instead of 18.


  • Cat Bee units nerfed in Trap Time. Reduced to 3 hits required to destroy them (heavy attack = 2 hits, light attack = 1 hit).
  • Cat Bee poison status effect duration reduced to 3 seconds. Poison timer does not reset if the player continues standing in the poison gas
  • Huggy Wuggy's speed buffed in Boss Time. Movement speed increased by 30% (Near target).
  • Huggy Wuggy's have a new mechanic, they gain speed when further away from their target and go back to normal speed when near them.
  • Cat Bee's damage output has been reduced to 3 damage in both the traps and Kissy Missy's ultimate.


  • Gave the game a Portal Box app icon (was previously the default Unreal Engine icon).
  • Fixed a bug on the alternate skins for the UK Creator mortals where the skin names weren't showing up.


  • Allowed access to the House of Ashes DLC.


  • Balathu's ultimate ability, "Falming Spear," is now correctly spelled as "Flaming Spear."
  • Salim's ultimate ability no longer blinds his teammates and only enemies.
  • Jason's grenade now has a smoke trail so you can see where it lands.
  • The Vampires can now be killed with 8 heavy attacks / 16 light attacks.


  • Allowed access to the US Creators DLC
  • Fixed Salim's Ultimate Ability, Emergency Flare, so now he gets the speed boost upon activation
  • Added model viewer under "Extras" in the Main Menu


  • Re-added CoryxKenshin's 3rd skin, Ice King
  • Added new sound effects when CoryxKenshin attacks


Character Reveals[]





  • The official Monsters & Mortals Twitter account has held numerous polls in order to gauge interest in possible DLC crossovers:
    • The first poll featured Dead by Daylight, Among Us, Five Nights at Freddy's, and Bendy and the Dark Revival. The winner of the poll was Five Nights at Freddy's with 50.3% of the votes.
    • The second poll featured Little Nightmares, Dead by Daylight, Danganronpa, and Dead Space. The winner of the poll was Little Nightmares, with 53.5% of the vote.
    • The third poll featured Sally Face, Catherine, Detention, and Fran Bow. The winner of the poll was Sally Face, with 39.9% of the vote.
    • The fourth poll (this one themed around "obscure horror gems") featured Eternal Darkness, Siren, Rule of Rose, and Clock Tower. The winner of the poll was Siren, with 38.4% of the vote.
  • When asked about a crossover with the then-newly released Poppy Playtime, the Monsters & Mortals Twitter account stated that it was possible, but that they wanted to "see how long that one lasts". Later, during the 1-Year Anniversary video, it was announced that a crossover with Poppy Playtime would, in fact, be coming at some point.
  • On January 10, 2022, the developers opened a discussion with fans on Twitter about whether or not Piggy should be in Monsters & Mortals or not. Although no official announcement has been made yet, MiniToon (the creator of Piggy) appears to be willing to let it happen, provided fans wanted it.
    • Vince later revealed that, if a crossover with Piggy did happen, it would feature original models, rather than the models from the game (which was made in Roblox and originally made as a parody of the animated children's show Peppa Pig).
  • On January 9, 2022, a user on Twitter asked "Scythe Games", the creators of Happy's Humble Burger Farm, about if they would be interested in being added to Monsters & Mortals. On Janruary 10th, the developers responded, stating that it would be "cool", and pinned Glowstick Entertainment to the comment. Later, Glowstick Entertainment replied with "DM us and we can discuss it".

Twitter Feed[]

External Links[]


v · e · d
MM Navigation
BierceDetective EvansDoug HouserGlowstick VincePenPenNiksonPrisoner Borisov
Heather MasonCybil Bennett8-Bit RyanSuperHorrorBroDawkoSenpaiHanako
Info ChanJasonSalimCoryxKenshinMina ParkYaesol
Murder MonkeyAgathaGold WatcherDread DuckyClown GremlinReaper NurseLucky the Rabbit
Hangry the PigPenny the ChickenMalakBruteFiendNurseRobbie the RabbitAyano
Kissy MissyInfected BalathuInfected ClariceDark SongVicious Sister
Chef MonkeysThe Alphabet LettersTitan WatcherDoom DuckiesClown SpidersGoliath Clowns
Boss BrutesRed Pyramid ThingsFun GirlsHuggy WuggiesVampiresThe Butcher
Malak PhantomAir ScreamersPolice OfficersCat-Bees
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Monstrum MadnessSilent SacrificeAkademi AssaultPoppy PanicAncient Ashes
Soul ShardsPortal BoxesTrapsSkins
LevelUltimate AbilitiesCharacter ClassesStatus HUDStore
MonstrumSilent HillUK CreatorsYandere SimulatorPoppy PlaytimeHouse of AshesCoryxKenshin
PiggyThe Coma
Art GalleryOSTTeespring MerchSteam Trading CardsScrapped ContentQ&A Livestreams
