Dark Deception Wiki

Dark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack) is a compilation album from the chapter 1, 2 and 3 of Dark Deception. It became available to purchase in digital music stores and major streaming platforms on February 2, 2019.


  1. "Darkness Is Coming"
  2. "Bierce's Ballroom"
  3. "Darkness Calls"
  4. "Monkey Business"
  5. "Feeding Frenzy"
  6. "Going Up"
  7. "Last Day of School"
  8. "Scared of a Little Girl?"
  9. "The Golden Rule"
  10. "Mind Your Manors"
  11. "Don't Look Back"
  12. "They're Just Duckies"
  13. "It's Time to Leave"
  14. "Rising Terror"
  15. "Big Top Trouble"
  16. "Departing Sanity"

External links[]

See also[]


  • Although "Funhouse Folly" and "It's Showtime" tracks belong to Chapter 3, they are included in the Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack) album.
  • Although "Chef Frenzy" and "Share Your Pain" tracks that added with Dark Deception Enhanced version, belong to this chapter 1 & 2, they are not included in this album. When a "Dark Deception: Chapter 5 (Original Soundtrack)" release, these tracks will likely be included.


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OSTDark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
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