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Always Near is the third rap song produced by Glowstick Entertainment, featuring Penny the Chicken.

The music video premiered on Glowstick Entertainment's YouTube channel on September 30, 2020, with records of the song being available on other music streaming services.


To view it, click the [show] tag.

(Hee hee hee)
(Bang Bang)
(Bang Bang)

Puppy dogs and kitty cats
Other chicks won’t get you that
But I’m so tired of chasing you
And everything you put me through
Yeah maybe the cats were dead
And the puppy dogs they had no heads
But you don’t seem to notice me
When “you” plus “me” just equals “we”

I don’t know why you always run away
You drive me crazy, why won’t you just stay?

I’m holding my breath
Hoping you don’t hear me
You’ll be mine, you’ll be mine, you’ll see

(Bang bang!) Is the sound that my heart makes
(Bang bang!) Everytime that I see your face
(Bang bang!) Even when you don’t think I’m here
(Bang bang!) I’m always near
(Bang bang!) Is the sound that my heart makes
(Bang bang!) Everytime that I see your face
(Bang bang!) Even when you don’t think I’m here
(Bang bang!) I’m always near

Rainbows and fluffy clouds
Why do you always scream so loud
When I’m running after you
To let you know my love is true?
Yeah, maybe I tried to bite
But I promise to make that right
Please oh please oh don’t be scared
Cuz killing you is how I care

I don’t know why you always run away
You drive me crazy, why won’t you just stay?

I’m holding my breath
Hoping you don’t hear me
You’ll be mine, you’ll be mine, you’ll see

(Bang bang!) Is the sound that my heart makes
(Bang bang!) Everytime that I see your face
(Bang bang!) Even when you don’t think I’m here
(Bang bang!) I’m always near
(Bang bang!) Is the sound that my heart makes
(Bang bang!) Everytime that I see your face
(Bang bang!) Even when you don’t think I’m here
(Bang bang!) I’m always near

Bring you daisies and sunshine
But all you do is waste my time
I don’t know what else to do
To make you know my squishy is you
You can hide but you’ll be found
When I’m done with you you’ll be in the ground
Pushing up those daisies
Cuz my love for you is crazy

I don’t know why you always run away
You drive me crazy, why won’t you just stay?

I’m holding my breath
Hoping you don’t hear me
You’ll be mine, you’ll be mine, you’ll see

(Bang bang!) Is the sound that my heart makes
(Bang bang!) Everytime that I see your face
(Bang bang!) Even when you don’t think I’m here
(Bang bang!) I’m always near
(Bang bang!) Is the sound that my heart makes
(Bang bang!) Everytime that I see your face
(Bang bang!) Even when you don’t think I’m here
(Bang bang!) I’m always near

And here I am
Just another chick
Trying to get you
But you just run away
But what else can I do?
But keep coming
And coming and coming for you

I’m holding my breath
Hoping you don’t hear me
You’ll be mine, you’ll see

(Bang bang!) Is the sound that my heart makes
(Bang bang!) Everytime that I see your face
(Bang bang!) Even when you don’t think I’m here
(Bang bang!) I’m always near
(Bang bang!) Is the sound that my heart makes
(Bang bang!) Everytime that I see your face
(Bang bang!) Even when you don’t think I’m here
(Bang bang!) I’m always near

External links[]


  • Although Penny is portrayed by Tara Strong in the game, the song was sung by Natasha Lloyd due to her busy schedule.
  • "Always Near" is the only rap that doesn’t have explicit lyrics and just dropped the lyrics video.



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I’m Always Near Song Thumbnail